"Boss!! We won!" Rong Rong

At the moment of the whistle, Curry threw the ball desperately into the sky, and then rushed to the left like crazy.

But Curry was a step slower, Klay Thompson had already bumped Zuo Li's chest to celebrate, and then gliding directly in the middle circle of the Thunder.

And Zuo Li, who knocked Clay, hugged Curry, and then carried Curry on his back to cruise around the field.

The generals on the Knicks bench were also dispatched one after another, and the Ford Center was completely occupied by Knicks players at the moment.

"Nice job!"

"You are the best, Clay, remember tonight, this is your victory!"

"Beverly, you really are a mad dog!" Rong Rong

"David, you're Mr. Big Scene!"

"Zach, good dance."

Zuo Li, who carried Curry on his back for a long time, joined his teammates, and then gave them high fives to celebrate.

Afterwards, while everyone was still celebrating excitedly, Zuo Li left silently. Tonight was a victory for the whole team, and he didn't want to steal their limelight by himself.

Trotting all the way, Zuo Li met D'Antoni at the entrance of the passage.

"You boy!"

The German coach gave Zuo Li a big hug when he came up. He knew that although the statistics were not outstanding, the Knicks made a great contribution to Zuo Li's comeback. Rong

Attracting a lot of defense on the court, using himself as a bait to organize the team in an orderly manner, and off the court is still the magic needle, constantly motivating the young people to move forward.

It can be said that Zuo Li dominated the 16-point reversal tonight and is a well-deserved hero for the Knicks.

But now, Zuo Li chose to leave in advance and he understands what it means. It can only be said that the Knicks are definitely lucky to have such a player, and it is also D'Antoni's luck.

Zuo Li doesn't care, he has enough honors, he doesn't care about this match, and although he has done a lot of work, most of the credit for this match is his teammates, he has to thank them for not letting this night go to waste.

But Zuo Li is still the winner in life, because he got his girl in the passageway.


"Zuo Li~" Rong

Aomei slammed into Zuo Li's arms, not caring that Zuo Li's sweat wet her expensive couture.

In the evening, Aomei was originally in Los Angeles to participate in the event. According to the plan, she will come over tomorrow to catch up with the G4 game.

But during the event, an actor who was on the scene told Aomei the news that Zuo Li's fight was not going well, so Aomei booked the earliest flight. As soon as the event ended, Aomei didn't even have time to take off her makeup My sister set off directly to Oklahoma City.

"Thank you for coming my dear." Zuo Li didn't ask you why you are here, there is no need to ask, everything is self-evident.

Traveling across thousands of mountains to see you already explains everything in itself.

"I should be the happiest person." Holding the goddess in the hearts of countless people in her arms, the goddess comforted herself and chatted about interesting things in the event to make him happy. There were trustworthy teammates behind her, and Countless supporters.

At this moment, Zuo Li felt that he was on top of the world. Rong

Instead of going to the press conference, Zuo Li even simply took a shower and changed clothes before leaving the Ford Center Arena ahead of schedule.

When the reporters found out that Zuo Li was gone, Zuo Li was already in the bathtub with Aomei.

The faces of the reporters were not very good-looking. The most powerful player in the world ran away. No matter how you think about it, it is a big loss.

The league officials are also very helpless. It is too willful to meet a star who does not take publicity seriously for the first time.

Stern, who was sitting in the box, also heard the news, but Stern could only shake his head with a wry smile.

If you don't participate, don't participate. It's just a press conference. After all, he has the qualifications.

But although Zuo Li is not around, the world is still full of his legends. Rong

Nearly every Knicks player mentioned him in interviews.

Curry: "Thanks to Zuo Li for his trust, he told me, do it, you can do it."

Klay Thompson: "Without his encouragement, I guess my legs will be weak. This is the first time I have played 25 minutes in the finals, which is longer than the sum of my previous two games. But Zuo Li told me, relax, you belong here .You know, it's so **** uplifting."

Danny Green: "No need to say anything, he is our hero, I don't think he is in bad shape at all, he just changed the way of leading us. Facts have proved that it is also effective, isn't it?"

David Lee: "He asked me to go inside, I went, he asked me to shoot, I shot, I don't need to think, he will take care of everything."

Beverly: "It's the match point, I'm not surprised, Durant, Westbrook, Harden, they are very good, but Zuo Li is from another latitude, he is not from Earth."

D'Antoni: "Zuo Liwei can give everything to the team. Tonight's victory also belongs to him. What? He left? He can go anywhere, I have no objection." Rong

"Don't you think standing on the left is normal tonight?"

A local reporter really couldn't stand it anymore. Although he lost tonight, in terms of personal performance, Durant and Westbrook were better.

Tonight, in 45 minutes, Adu made 11 of 19 shots, 3 of 6 three-pointers, 9 of 10 free throws, scored 34 points, 3 rebounds and 1 assist; Westbrook made 10 of 20 shots, 1 of 3 three-pointers, and 9 free throws In 7, scored 28 points, 8 assists, 5 rebounds and 3 steals!

Shuang Shao scored 62 points and the shooting percentage exceeded 50%.

In comparison, Zuo Li scored 23 points, 10 rebounds and 12 assists. Although he scored a triple-double, his offensive efficiency was not high, with a shooting percentage of only about 45%. In the second half, he only scored 6 points. The high assists can only show that His teammates played better.

However, the reporter's remarks were ignored~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Knicks players didn't bother to explain the game to him.

This is a triple-double in the finals. How many times are there in history? Rong

To say that Zuo Li did not perform well is to compare himself with himself, not with others.

And as if feeling something, the fans found Zuo Li posted on the INS: "Congratulations, @尼克斯人, tonight belongs to you, and I'm proud of you."

This was the first time Zuo Li used Instagram since the start of the playoffs, and it instantly attracted millions of likes, reposts and comments.

Many of them are famous people.

Among them, Kobe's reply attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother, there is only one last game left before Legendary. How about winning the championship with a complete victory?" Rong Rong

Yes, the Knicks' legendary road has finally reached the threshold before the finale.

With 15 consecutive victories in the playoffs, the Knicks have left behind the 01 Lakers and 96 Bulls, becoming the team with the most consecutive playoff victories in history.

And only one game away, they will complete an unprecedented playoff victory and win the championship.

Not only that, but this is also the last battle for the Knicks to establish their own dynasty.

With four finals in four years and three consecutive championships, the Knicks' first dynasty in 66 years is just around the corner.

And Zuo Li's reply ignited everyone's enthusiasm.

"Okay." Rong

One word makes the fans riot.

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