Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1096: Dynasty established, legend continues

"Hoo hoo hoo"

During the halftime break, no one could be heard in the Thunder locker room, only heavy panting could be heard in the air.

Only those who try their best can face failure with their heads up.

However, when failure is actually about to happen, no one can stay sane.

An atmosphere of sadness and despair has surrounded every Thunder player, including Fisher and Perkins, who have been battle-tested. They no longer know what words to use to comfort their brothers.

Just 10 points behind in the second half and still chasing?

Ten points is indeed not a completely hopeless score, let alone ten points, there are lessons learned from being overturned. The question is, does the Thunder still have energy?

Durant, Westbrook, and Harden were almost exhausted. The intensity of the first half was incomparable to the previous few games. Not only that, because they wanted to win too much, these three people did not control their physical consumption in the first half the meaning of.

In a word, the Thunder Three Young Masters really worked hard!

However, things are so cruel sometimes. The three thunderbolts who are always in the west failed again in front of the Knicks. The young man showed his face.

Of course, the first half of tonight was completely Zuo Li's solo performance.

But this leads them to despair more than a group of people defeating themselves.

As one ebbs and the other, Thunderclap's mentality also has a big problem.

After all, reality is not a game. When you see someone like Zuo Li on the other side, you will be really desperate.

So at this time, the Thunder has reached the freezing point of this season, no one is talking, and even many young people have lost their minds.

For example, Harden, he no longer knows where he is, and he can't even think of **** and buttocks in his mind...

Brooks is also desperate, but he can't show it, not only that, he has to ignite the fire of hope.

It is absolutely impossible to rely on only one person to make a comeback, unless you reach Kobe's skill at the beginning, the whole person descends to the world, and the double lore kills the sun with one's own strength, or you can connect the whole team by yourself like Zuo Li You can stay back.

But Brooks can't take care of so many anymore, one counts as one!

"Weiss, you are the main attack in the second half. Believe in yourself. We need your activity. We haven't lost yet, haven't we? Tonight, let us surprise all the fans."

Brooks set his sights on Westbrook.

Many people think that Brooks trusted Westbrook too much, especially at the last moment.

However, Brooks didn't want to, but there was no way. In his mind, Westbrook, who had stronger mental attributes and better physical fitness, was indeed more suitable to control the team at the last moment. reason.

You can't say that he was wrong, you can only show that it is true on the surface.

Westbrook nodded. He was also the calmest player on the team at the moment. When he heard the coach's words, he felt as if he had been beaten up instantly.

"Don't worry coach, I won't let them take away the victory, the New Yorkers won't get what they want in Oklahoma!"

Brooks nodded in satisfaction, but there was still a pleasant surprise, because Brooks' words made Durant feel the pressure. As the boss, how could he lag behind the second child!

So Adu followed suit: "I can still play, and I will recover the score."


Brooks is satisfied, as long as the second young master is here, they will have hope!

As for Harden...

Forget it...let's talk...

Harden: "???"

In this way, the second half of the game began.

The Knicks are very relaxed. They can be said to have no pressure now. Not only are they leading by large points, but they are also leading by small points. More importantly, Zuo Li is in a state of extreme tonight.

that's enough.

D'Antoni even dared to switch to a pure second unit four minutes before the third quarter to deal with the Thunder's enhanced main lineup.

But the effect turned out to be pretty good. The free Knicks used three-pointers to suppress the momentum of the second youngster chasing points.

But Er Shao was really good, recovering 6 points in 4 minutes. When Zuo Li returned to the court, the Thunder's momentum had returned to most of it.

"Go all out! Come on! You are the best!"

The on-site commentator shouted passionately, hoping that they can work hard.

However, Zuo Li was unmoved, he came up with one purpose, that is to completely close the game!

Three points!

After a pick-and-roll, he caught the ball from the left and made a three-pointer.

There are no exaggerated moves, very flat, and there is no extra celebration, but it directly chills the fans on the scene.

The point difference was widened to 7 points.

Turning around, Westbrook's breakthrough was blocked by Zuo Li. This kind of straight up and down breakthrough is most afraid of a center like Zuo Li.

Fast break and counterattack!

Zuo Li quickly broke through and caught the ball for a layup.

Another unpretentious one, but Lei Ting just couldn't do anything about it.

9 points.

Later, Zuo Li even blocked Yin Baka's must-go goal at the basket, and made a long pass to Curry to score two points!

11 points.

In just three rounds, Zuo Li made the Thunder's 4 minutes of hard work in vain.

Brooks called a timeout, but it only allowed the Thunder to maintain an 11-point difference at the end of the third quarter.

At this time, the commentators could only tell all the Thunder fans with great solemnity and regret: "There is not much time left for the Thunder."

The last section.

The Thunder launched the final charge, but it was still left Li who controlled the situation with 48 points, 18 rebounds and 9 assists in three quarters.

Back up, singles!

Thunder players rushed over desperately!




Go in!

The Thunder fans hugged their heads with words of disbelief written all over their faces.

This is also possible! ?

Westbrook swooped in front, and Yin Baka defended behind him. He interrupted Zuo Li's shots twice. In the end, Yin Baka stood in front of Zuo Li and stuck to Zuo Li before losing his position.

You must know that even if Zuo Li is taller than Yin Baka, the position in basketball is very important

But Zuo Li insisted on scoring.

This is outrageous!

"It can also enter, there is really no way."

"Hey, it's too strong, it's like being possessed by a god, no matter what you can't stop it."

In the auditorium, many fans shook their heads, feeling helpless, but they had to marvel at Zuo Li's strength.

Coach Brooks' face was ugly, his lips moved, but in the end he didn't make a sound, he just sighed helplessly.

What can I say?

Even if they are so defensive, they can still score, and they can still say a der.

In the next few minutes, Zuo Li was still brave and began to reap the game, shooting three-pointers, breaking through mid-range jumpers...

At this time, the players of the Thunder team were exhausted physically, and the defensive end was becoming more and more unable to restrict Zuo Li. Zuo Li was like a tiger descending the mountain, unstoppable.

Unknowingly, at the last minute, Zuo Li was replaced.

64 points, 21 rebounds, 11 assists, 7 blocks and 3 steals.

Zuo Li put on the dynasty crown with his own hands.

When the whistle sounded for the end of the game, the score was fixed at 122:104. The Thunder scored a goal in the last five seconds, but the game had lost its suspense, and it didn't matter if the opponent scored a goal.

At this point, the whole world is celebrating for the Knicks.

"The dynasty has been established, and the legend continues!"

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