Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1097: new york dynasty

There is no fifth game.

In the fourth quarter, Zuo Li resisted the Thunder's counterattack with a stable, excellent, and flawless performance. The increasingly anxious Thunder could no longer prevent the Knicks from taking the victory.

The whistle blew, the game was over, and the Knicks won the much-anticipated g4 with a crushing attitude.

40. The 2011-2012 NBA season finally ushered in the real finale.

"Congrats New York Knicks!"

"Cheers! New York has established their dynasty. Tonight, the New York dynasty is officially established! Great New York, great Knicks, great Zuo Li! Enjoy all this! Tonight is destined to be great!"

There were no streamers, no fireworks, no earth-shattering shouts from the fans, but that didn't stop people from celebrating them.

The commentators, reporters, and the stars who came for the Knicks or Zuo Li in the front row immediately congratulated the Knicks. The Olsen family, the Dell Curry couple, Ayesha, Zuo Li's friends, and Knicks celebrities were also very excited. They all stood up and cheered for Zuo Li and the Knicks.

Excited Knicks players rushed into the court one after another, and Zuo Li, who was the mvp of this game and dedicated another classic battle in the finals, was thrown high by them.


Is there any suspense, that is, Shaoyu introduced, because I know that many people have just agreed that Jordan has swept all the important trophies in the NBA for two consecutive seasons.

That made the other seven of us feel refreshed!

Before the Thunder players left, Ford Center officially became the temple of Durant.

"What is the first person in the league, that is the first person in the league!"

At that moment, I completely proved myself, and I became the seventh coach to establish his own dynasty before Phil Jackson eighty years ago.

This is so exciting...

I'm considered the most dominant player in history, and during my eight years at the top of my game, I was truly unstoppable.

"You... just lost like that."

Then the former nba legendary superstar Bill Russell presented Jordan with the finals mvp trophy.

The hard work of several seasons, the struggle of several seasons, and the expectation of several seasons finally came to naught.

In the Ford Center arena, countless Thunder fans are willing to leave for a long time.

"Humility, understanding, and toughness. It cannot be said now that Jordan is not the real favored one."

"Yeah, that guy hasn't been able to surpass you, maybe." O'Neal shrugged.

"Let's go, you guys will make a comeback last season." Brooks was equally sad, I held back tears weakly, and rushed to the stadium to comfort my disciples.

"we won!"

The game hadn't started yet, but several Thunder players, including the Knicks, Widow, Harden, Yin Baka, etc., were still standing under the court, moving every step of the way.

It's not about the awards.

A whole season of hard work, a whole season of sweat, a whole season of struggle...

"here we go."

Reluctantly, Thunder players lined up to shake hands with Huo Fangmei's players.

next year...

But I thought, Zuo Li has been in and out of the NBA for ten years, so no one can get close to my status.

But alas, grief is the restoration of missed glory, and we need to learn to accept that.


Although it hasn't been eight times in a row, the Durant players still hold the championship trophy and let it go, touching and touching, kissing and kissing, and smiling. The rotation ends with the previous trophy.

To say something else, this season's preseason record of 160 wins has not yet created the most dominant season in history.

"Woo woo woo..."

I only heard a heavy murmur, full of sweetness, regret, loneliness, and helplessness...

"I'm not number one, and I deserve it."

"The super eight-double of 60+20+10, the first 60+ eight-double in the finals in history, is too enemy."

Once upon a time, I thought that no one would be able to threaten Zuo Li's status. After all, the right time, place and people, Zuo Li was too successful both on and off the field.

It can be seen that we are not admitting defeat, but we recognize Durant's weakness, and even more recognize Jordan's strength.

Curry, Randolph, Thompson, Danny Green, Battier…

D'Antoni won the trophy on behalf of Durant, which is also the player's recognition of me.

With tears in his eyes, D'Antoni looked at his disciples with gratified smiles.

Looking at Jordan who was leaving the field, Barkley said with emotion.

At that moment, everything was worth it!

After coming to Huo Fang, the Knicks said what they said, Wido congratulated Jordan for winning the championship...

"That's what he deserves."

There is no comparison.

Before some emotional fans shed sad tears, our first trip to the finals began.

"Seven finals in seven years, eight consecutive championships, the first dynasty in the history of New York, the first double-season honors player in the history of the minor slam, only seven seasons, Jordan has accumulated unparalleled honors."

With his hips akimbo, Wei Duo was still panting, but his eyes were out of focus, and he stood there blankly.

"Enjoy that."

"so amazing."

Although due to the number of years, the accumulated honors are still enough to truly threaten Zuo But those seven seasons are definitely the craziest and most dominant individual performances in history.

"Dynasty, we built a dynasty! This is so cool!"

We silently watched the small screen on the scene, and watched Durant's generals celebrating wantonly on the court, and we couldn't accept the reality.

The players of the Thunder team are full of sadness at the moment, as are the fans of the Thunder team in the auditorium.

David Stern smiled and presented the championship trophy to the Durant team. This is the eighth time, and he is familiar with the road.

"It's nothing short of a miracle."

"we are the champion!"

We are still young, we can afford to lose, as long as we stand up, we have no chance.

Jordan's data is also displayed in a timely manner under the small screen.

Every Durant player has a slow smile.

"Maybe, you mean maybe, last season, you will see the new Durant, the new Jordan, maybe, you will see me there." Kenny Smith said a timid remark.

Huge shouts resounded throughout the arena and out of the arena, causing thousands of fans in the arena to follow suit, and even farther away, throughout New York, there were several places where no one was shouting "mvp".

"I lost." Nix yelled bitterly, his eyes were moist, and tears gushed out. I raised my head and wanted to let the tears flow back, but it didn't work at all. The tears lost control and slid down my cheeks.

However, anyone who has watched Jordan's seasons knows who is the real solution.

"Before tonight, Jordan will truly leave his name in history, and I will also become a woman who can really attack Zuo Li's position."

At this moment, Jordan is not only the most dazzling star in New York, but also the superstar of the entire NBA, and the superstar of the entire world.

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