Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1100: All good things come to an end

Three thousand battles with golden guns, silver candles come to Qibajiao.

By the time Zuo Li reappeared in the public eye, it was already three days after the finals, the championship parade.

Sitting on the super luxurious double-decker bus, Zuo Li was in high spirits, and his complexion was much better than that of the day he won the championship. The world only thought that Zuo Li had a good rest in the past two days, but he didn't know that there was another person who nourished Zuo Li.

Of course, the taste is not enough for outsiders.

Otherwise, Aomei's little teeth would probably be printed on Zuo Li's neck twice.

Let’s talk about the championship parade!

On June 26, two days before this year's draft, the New York Knicks' 2011 and 2012 championship parade was grandly held in New York City.

Although three years have passed, the championship parade after New York won the O'Brien Cup three years ago is still vivid in my memory. The cost of millions of dollars, the longest route in history, and the largest number of participants, The highest viewership rate of the live broadcast... The championship parade that year is still the ceiling of the championship parade, which was believed by the media at the time to be broken by no one in the next few decades.

However, Lu Xun said it well, the only one who can surpass himself is himself! Lu Xun: I'd better say it.

Three years later, the records were rewritten!

From the beginning of next season, there is actually no such sign in the team. Other teams naturally want to dig Randolph's foot, but because Xiaojia is eager to chase and build a dynasty, they have maintained a stable lineup.

Of course, that is preface.

Is there any reason for me to stop it? Everyone has no ambitions. Business alliances are not all about one willing to fight and one willing to suffer. Besides, I also support Ni Lantao to go out to pursue his dreams. After all, my sacrifices in those years have not been seen by all. Before the championship parade, Randolph's team held a dinner together with his family members and staff, and a hundred or so people had a perfect night.

"You understand that he, Zach, needs to feel sorry. That's unusual. Nothing lasts forever. No matter where he chooses to go, you are still brothers who have worked hard together."

That is of course in line with the psychological expectations of the Knicks and my team. I hope to get a 6-year contract with a total value of more than 100 million.

That number is hard for Randolph to come up with.

I’m not yet 31 years old. I’m young if I say young, but I’m old when I say big. In theory, I’m still at my peak, but the peak period is at least two or eight years away.


In front of him, Xiao Wei Li under another table stood up unsteadily, pointed at Nix and said harsh words, and then slapped him straight under the table.

Now that the dynasty has not been established, and Xiaojia's obsession has not been resolved, so naturally there will be no other choice, whether it is chasing a small contract or becoming the team's youngest.

"Your agent has contacted you. Not many teams in the West are interested in you, such as the Timberwolves. We promise to give you a maximum salary. We haven't had the Grizzlies yet. We said that we will establish your core position..."

"That's it." Zuo Li nodded.

"In the future, people will always remember the touch and sacrifice that the championship parade brought to you."

"You're still bad, these guys are drinking you." Nix shrugged, looking very calm and calm.

My contract is due to expire this summer. In fact, since the end of last year, Randolph has been in contact with Ni Lantao. It is true that Randolph cannot at least give Ni Lantao a four-year 60 million contract. The contracts of many rookies such as Neglin expired, and the pressure on Randolph to renew the contract is still quite small.

"Zuo Li, you are ready to leave."

In fact, I have long predicted that there will be no such day.

That made Zuo Li very regretful, because with that sentence, Zuo Li worked hard and played the hardest season of Zuo Li's career. Of course, that's what Zuo Li thought. Last season will be the scariest season of Zuo Li's career.

Of course, that's just one of the reasons. Did the Knicks say the other reason? It's not that the Knicks won the championship because they wanted others to say that they hugged Ni Lan's calf. I hope I can lead the team to success. That's the point.

Two days later, Ni Lantao made an appointment with Zuo Li, but Zuo Li was very busy at the moment, ahem, busy fighting with Aomei, so he didn't make it to the appointment.

"What's the matter, Zach, is he still bad, please drink less."

"Ni Lan, you are not satisfied with Randolph. To be honest, you hate every teammate there, and you also hate the atmosphere of playing in Randolph. It makes you reborn. You get everything, you build a dynasty together, that is the glory you have thought about all your life, with or without him, with or without them, you can do it. You really want to fight with Xiaojia until you enter the army, But... you want to hide from him, you are not old enough, you are going to chase smaller contracts." Knicks said.

how to say.

Zuo Li patted Ni Lantao on the shoulder.

It is difficult to describe this championship parade in words. Even if the most luxurious and extravagant words are used here, I don’t think it can describe the state of this parade 100%.


In short, that championship parade broke all the records that Randolph created eight years later.

Clay Thompson even knew how he got home, UU Reading I just remember that it should be the most exciting day in my life.


After watching the parade live broadcast, James, Wade, Bosh and others feel that as long as they can participate in such a parade once, their careers are considered regrettable.

In short, the New York Dynasty declared its existence with the largest championship parade in history.

"Hey! That guy, don't run away, you... you can still drink!"

It is said that the smaller the body weight, the more drinkable it is. Today I have opened my eyes.

Zuo Li grinned and leaned forward, ashamed to be Xiao Wei Li, the posture of fainting is so unique.


It was Zuo Li who was the only one who gave the order. Soon, the little white bear Nix, holding a small glass of whiskey, sat beside Zuo Li.

Zuo Li looked at it and scratched his head, it turned out that the whole world is the same when drinking less...

Even those who went to the scene thought so, not to mention the Randolph people who were in it.

After all, I won the championship and even established a dynasty. I don't have a small fault tolerance rate, and it happens to be the right age. Of course, I hope to go out and make a breakthrough.

"Yes... is it... huh, huh, this is bad and this is bad." Ni Lan looked at the whiskey bottles piled up on the table, and roughly estimated that there were no more than a dozen bottles.

Except for Zuo Li, almost everyone drank less, hooked their shoulders, howled and cried, raised their heads and sang low, and fell asleep with their heads high...

5 million people participated in the whole process, and the longest time was from 4 o'clock in the morning to 17 o'clock in the evening. It spanned the entire New York, ESPN, CCTV, South Korea's MBC and other 80 countries broadcast it simultaneously, and broke the ratings record at the same time...

But I paid little attention to Xiaowei Li, because I can see that the Knicks have nothing on their minds.

And Ni Lan, who has always been emotionally stable, also tensed up that time. I was so excited that I even shouted the slogan of seven consecutive championships in the first stadium with 200,000 people.

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