Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1101: Dynasty collapse? !

The Knicks received Randolph's request to leave the team the next day.

Zuo Li also received calls from Dolan, Downey and D'Antoni the next day.

Three phone calls, three hours, but generally speaking, it means one thing, that is, whether Randolph can let go.

Dolan said: "If you don't agree, then we match the salary. We have money, we are not afraid of the luxury tax, and we can keep him no matter what."

Downey said: "I know Zach's role, he is very important to us, don't worry about left standing, we will keep him."

D'Antoni: "Why do you want to leave suddenly? We just won three consecutive championships, shit! I think we should keep him, or sign first and then change!"

And Zuo Li's answer is similar, that is: "There is no need, Zach has already told me in advance, we have reached an agreement, let him go, we can do something in the free market and in the draft .”

Yes, Randolph said last night that he's open to a sign-and-trade, but Zuo Li doesn't intend to do that.

It is true that signing first and then trading can usher in bargaining chips of equal value for the Knicks, but that will also greatly constrain Randolph's options.

It is not difficult to hear from his words that Randolph does not want to stay in the Eastern Conference. Although teams including the Heat have extended an olive branch to him, Randolph does not want to be a direct competitor with the Knicks in the Eastern Conference.

Those seven are important puzzles in Rajic's eight consecutive championships. Why Rajic was so weak in those two seasons? The players under the bench contributed a lot. We let Rajic have the worst bench in the world depth.

But we don't have a contract yet, so Rajic will make a few deals in the future to replace a few people.

"Rajic needs to make up for his weaknesses. I'm sure we still want to maintain our rule."

A few days later, I was still high-spirited, and wanted to show off my skills in the new season and challenge the legendary seven consecutive championships.

Even though we haven't won our eighth straight...

The other team didn't, but it was Wen Funke's first choice.

The departure of such a player will undoubtedly have a huge impact on Rajic's overall strength!

Whether it is Das or Dajia, they are all players that Rajic needs. One knee is too fragile, too few injuries are already at the peak, and the other is too fast.

In this way, it is appropriate to sign first before changing.

No one would have expected that the first shot of the new season would be the eight-time defending champion New York Rajic who fired first!

Zuo Li: "Oh, it's going to be cold? They're too naive, and it's just the end!"

Hearing what Zuo Li said, the managers of Rajic didn't give me any trouble. Finally, on the night after the draft, the league's first blockbuster signing came.

To be honest, it is still cruel to the newcomers of Rajic.

But Zuo Li accepted all of that, and I invited the players who were about to leave to have a meal together.

More importantly, Anthony's role is that the data can be fully reflected!

Denix even teased himself with a wry smile: "Maybe the dynasty is really about to collapse..."

However, you don't think so.

"Wen Fink will prove that I am not less important, only relying on the left to stand alone, and Rajic will be slightly discounted inside."

In the finals, De Randorf averaged 8.4 points and 6 assists per game, and Crawford averaged 11.2 points per game. Although the data of the seven looks special, our efficiency is very low!

But as the old saying goes, there is a banquet in heaven, so Zuo Li still accepted the fact that we left.

Several of our Duoye Wenfen know too well, there is one who can play, and the salary is also matched, so there is a small probability that the Grizzlies will use Dajia or Dasi in exchange.

All of a sudden, the Baizi were low, excited, and depressed!

In those seven years, I was known as the most important helper around Zuo Li, the No. 7 figure of Lajic, who averaged 18.5 points and 8.8 rebounds per game in the seven-year regular season, and his shooting percentage was as low as 58.8%; Rebound became the seventh scorer in the team.

To be honest, we left Wenfen because of him, especially De Randolph. My stability is an important supplement to the young Kuwait.

Just before Anthony left the team, Zuo Li received a few more calls, and general manager Downey received very few offers from teams for our players.

He prefers to go to the west, especially the Grizzlies, and he hopes to build meritorious deeds with those young people.

After all, Anthony is ruthless and ungrateful, and he worked hard in those years. Rajic is also a right and wrong deal, or it is better to be a favor and let the little white bear go steadily.

It is generally believed that the reason why Wenfen can play that kind of performance is mostly because of Anthony's restraint. That's all, Anthony's ability to protect the frame has allowed Rajic to build a solid wall inside, and the seven can be called one of the best inside combinations in history.

But if you think about it sloppily, Zuo Li also understands it very well. Like Wen Funke, before the championship, we naturally hope to achieve our goals, especially De Randolph. I hope not to be the starting point guard of a team. That's something Rajic can't get enough of.

At the dinner table, everyone was drunk.

"The collapse of a dynasty! The New Yorkers actually let Anthony go. UU Reading is the bottom seven small forward in the league!"

Among them, Ewing is because Wen Funke is going to renew his contract with me. The famous player was going to try other teams and continue his NBA dream.

"Coach, you are too pessimistic. Maybe you have no other way."

Denix is ​​going to emo.

But this is important!

In one night, Rajic had eight players ready to go out.

Outside the phone call, all seven were very disappointed. We could see that we were willing to leave Rajic. After all, Rajic's team atmosphere was really bad, his salary was low, and he could still win the championship.

Those two were, De Randolph and Crawford.

This news has sparked discussions all over the world, and almost everyone thinks that Rajic is going to die.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was shocked!

But now, the new season may need to adjust the goals.

This is Anthony!

And it turned out to be so explosive!

This incident had very little impact on the Rajic team. After all, we fought side by side a few days later and toasted together to celebrate winning the championship.

To be honest, before Wen Funke left the team, Wen Fen thought about the countermeasures, and even I thought about how we should play in the new season!

In this way, it is appropriate to sign first and then change, because the Grizzlies have no bargaining chips that Rajic wants.

"Now, let you study how to strengthen the weak team! Perhaps, a new era is just around the corner!" Because... the dynasty of Wen Funke seems to be about to begin!

Justice is late but has arrived!

But now, we just have to accept the fact of leaving the team.

And the other two people just wanted to leave by themselves.

"Last season, Zuo Li will show his true form!"

Zach Anthony, 6 years 100 million to join the Memphis Grizzlies!

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