Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1103: Unprecedented Great Changes (Part 2)

"Yes, you can sign, that guy is a potential stock!"

"What? I know he's only 1.98 meters, he's average in college, he doesn't have much offensive ability, he's still a prick, and he's also a villain, but this guy still has some potential, as long as he uses it properly, it's still useful to us .”

"Huh, what?! Outrageous words? Hehe, I'll deal with it when I go back. Don't worry, there won't be any disturbances. Moreover, you have to admit that sometimes the team needs a villain like this."

After hanging up the call from Rich Paul, Zuo Li smiled and shook his head.

As expected of Chasing Dream Green, he dared to speak loudly to the boss of the team on the first day he entered the league, and he was really not afraid of being beaten...

But Zuo Li didn't take it to heart. In his opinion, it was too easy to deal with Green. You just need to be stronger and more ruthless than him.

Zuo Li was ready to polish Green. Although Zuo Li didn't plan to let him play next season, David Lee was more suitable for this team and him in his heart. After all, what Green can do is Zuo Li dry.

But plan ahead, if one day David Lee goes out to chase his dreams, the Knicks will not be too passive!


"A small change that has never happened before in history really happened—!

! "And Wei Li came there for the same purpose as the Warriors in history.

That deal was still approved by Xiaojia. One best eighth man was exchanged for another best eighth man, and Steve still lost that deal.

"Bad! This... Happy cooperation."

For a time, there was an uproar!

The Suns are also very supportive of Nash's departure, saying that they need Nash to do anything, and I just want to go to any team I want.

Putting on the phone, Dong Ling was ready to waste time under Dong Ling, after all, I came to the Philippines and Dong Lingfu had nothing important to do.

Wei Li was thinking about how to speak, Nash seemed to know Wei Li's purpose and asked directly.

The only difficulty is how to make Nash accept his status as a substitute.

"Hey, you've been waiting for him for a long time, but he's here, buddy. Congratulations to him for establishing his own dynasty. His guy is incredible." Nash sent a hug, as if he was not satisfied with Wei Li's arrival .

During the preseason, Nash was not yet the target of the teams. Although I am so young, I will still not be able to score 12.5 points, 10.7 assists and 3 rebounds next season. Only what championship teams need.

"Hi, Nix, see you soon."

And judging from Nash's future performance with the Lakers, my physical fitness is more suitable to play as a substitute.

At the same time, Steve made another shot. On the 12th, Crawford and Lou Williams of the 76ers exchanged clubs, and then the former Keba was traded to the slow ship.

In fact, it was Zhiyi Steve who invited me, and the Lakers also threw an olive branch. Nash is actually more interested in the Lakers. After all, the Lakers have a lower lineup in the face, and Steve just lost Lanshoff.

What are you going to do?

On the one hand, it was because Nash actually left the team, and on the other hand, it was because Nash's previous family was Steve, who was not outside the library!


Nash struggled.

Wei Li's words are obviously more to my taste, and also more suitable for my style of play. The only problem is not that I need to accept the substitute position.

"That's right, what he said is very attractive to you." Before listening, Nash said simply.

Substitute? !

The seven of us are also key players who were not planned by Dong Ling last season.

Except that Wei Li and Nash's personal relationship has always been wrong, there is no reason for D'Antoni's delay in saying hello.

But in the end I was still moved by Wei Li's words.

So on July 10th, Steve made the first deal. We traded Dragic plus cash and last season's draft picks to get the Suns core Knicks Nash!

That is also acceptable, after all, I also accept my situation.

It's also nonsense, Nash immediately made a decision, I want to join Dong Lingfu!

Yes, recruiting Nash was of course a whim. Steve didn't think about it as early as next season, but Nash, who is very loyal to the Suns, agreed.

Curry, Thompson, Green, plus David Lee...

"Tell me about his plan."

And even more unexpected, Anthony is still the only small fish of the Lakers!

Yes, although Nash is not yet 38 years old, I still deserve a starting position. It’s just that for Steve last season, since Dragic, Keba could leave. It's time for Thompson and Beverly to stand up and show their brilliance.

Whether to pass Nash or to listen to Dong Ling's thoughts.

What to do outside the warehouse!

But my time is not short!

What's more, Steve hasn't won eight consecutive championships. From any angle, Steve was in **** mode last season. I think it's bad for Steve to continue to win the championship. dark.

According to Nash's career trajectory, in the same year he entered the game, not September 16, 2015, Nash was invited to become a player development consultant for the Golden State Warriors.

However, for a while, Steve's limelight was completely overshadowed.

In the future, the core characters of the Warriors' championship 1.0 period were unknowingly assembled by him. It can only be said that history is worthy of history, and the correction ability is strong. Although the Warriors have been dismantled by Zuo Li, there is a high probability that they will not appear, but These guys are still together, so it's another kind of reincarnation, but, the current helmsman is me, Wei Li.

It's just that, it's all big fish and big shrimp, and everyone feels that Steve hasn't made a move yet.

However, Nash was shaken by another successful season. For Nash, who is not yet 38 years old, I may really have a chance if he competes for the championship.

As a result, teams from all walks of life made offers to Kuwai, but Steve agreed to it all. That’s all. Kuwai, who was in the eighth grade, renewed his contract with Steve on the 11th. 80 million in 6 years, an absolute maximum salary. contract.

I hope to invite Nash to join Steve, on the one hand to help Steve transition smoothly, on the one hand continue to provide my energy, on the other hand, UU Reading also takes a step back and grows outside the library!

An hour ago, Wei Li came to a mansion on the outskirts of Fei Steve, and also met the target of my trip—Nicks Nash!

"How about it, Nix, let's build an incredible dynasty with you! You need his power!"

On July 15th, the seven giants of Cold Fire officially left the team. Anthony, who signed a one-year contract, left the team freely.

However, no one would have expected that my last family turned out to be the Los Angeles Lakers!

Wei Li is also nonsense. I know that if you want to impress Nash, you must come up with something dry, so I elaborated on the plan for last season.

But it is one thing to say, and the decision is another.

That purpose goes without saying that Nash is a very bad teacher for any team that wants to run and shoot. At the same time, my experience is also very important for forwards.

Is there no chance to buy the bottom! ?

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