Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1105: Underestimated again

"Anthony, Howard joined the Lakers!"

"Ray Allen, Lewis is joining the Heat!"

"Bynum travels east!"

"Yingo Dala leaves the team!"

"Joe Johnson leaves the team!"

"Jason Terry joins Celtic!"

"Harris leaves the team!"

"Harden failed to renew his contract and joined the Rockets! The third Thunder left the team!"

In just half a month, one explosive news after another shocked all basketball fans.

People were surprised to find that less than a month before the end of the finals, the nba ushered in unprecedented changes!

The nba version of the arms race is really here!

On the day when the transactions of the Lakers, Heat and other teams were completed, ESPN urgently inserted a basketball program.

Before the director started, A Smith had already started to criticize the Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat, the protagonists of this transaction.

"It's unbelievable, we will see two Big Five teams at once!"

"Kobe, Gasol, Howard, Anthony, Ron Artest...maybe Odom needs to be added!"

"James, Wade, Bosh, Ray Allen, Lewis..."

"Jesus, I thought I was watching the All-Star Game!"

"Could it be that Laili is also preparing to come out, together with the Zen master Phil Jackson who renewed his contract next door, we will have a real men's battle with real knives and real guns, and the other 28 teams will accompany you to play, okay, you too It's amazing, I never thought of such a combination!"

"Maybe we can just let the two teams play one game and then award the trophy directly, which may save trouble."

A Smith is fully fired, it can be seen that he is very dissatisfied with these big deals.

As a guest, Scottie Pippen also said: "It's not good for football stars to report to groups. The impact on the league is immeasurable. In the future, there may only be a few teams worth seeing .”

Although Jimmy was not so calm, he also said: "The league should do something, otherwise everything will change."

He has already smelled different tastes. If this model of superstar newspaper groups proves to be feasible, then star newspaper groups will be quite common in the future.

The disadvantages of this are very obvious.

First, the rebuilding of small-market teams is becoming more and more difficult; superstars are grouped together, and the departure of the head star often directly leads to the rebuilding of the team. In the process of rebuilding the team, small-market teams lack sufficient funds and exposure to introduce Star players, so they can only pass the draft, and the draft is a very risky thing. Even if you get the No. 1 lottery, you may not be able to select a good player. Even if you select a star player who can lead the team to rebuild, who And can you guarantee that he won't cuddle?

Second, underdog teams will lose attention. This should be the most direct result of superstars joining together. The NBA is a commercial league. Many people watch the NBA because they have their favorite stars. For those teams that do not have their own stars, Who would care too much?

Just look at the Cavaliers without James and the Raptors without Bosh.

Of course, it is not without benefits, for example, the competition between strong teams will become more and more exciting.

The NBA All-Star Game is only once a year. After the superstars get together, whether it is the regular season or the playoffs, watching the game between them is like watching the All-Star Game. This is also a very good viewing experience for fans.

Of course, this advantage is almost negligible for the disadvantages.

ESPN's point of view is also very clear, that is, there should not be unlimited newspaper groups among stars.

They also used the Knicks as an example, saying that they don't need to report to the group, and they can still build their own dynasty by relying on the draft.

Of course, some fans said that the Knicks didn't get anything from the trade, that was also the Western Conference All-Star last season!

However, a group of fans immediately retorted. After all, Nash is 38 years old. Trading at this age is basically equivalent to chasing the dream of a championship. Moreover, based on the Knicks' current lineup, Nash's departure has basically nothing to do with reporting to the group. After all, the Knicks also lost Randolph, an All-Star power forward.

"You don't think that single-core is really playing alone..."

"Since some teams started signing up for groups, all previous teams have become multi-giant teams."

"Stop talking, the 12 giants of the Knicks have swept the league!"

"It's understandable. After all, in 2006, even Parker, the **** of death, was considered an individual by Kobe's side, so why are these people not considered giants now?"

Knicks fans complained about this remark.

They were also very speechless. Originally, it would be bad enough for the team to lose three of their championship exploits at once. They didn't expect other teams to be so ruthless. This superstar is like not wanting money.

Could it be that this new season is going to start to **** again! ?

No, this is just the establishment of the dynasty, we haven't enjoyed enough yet!

It's all James' fault!

So James found that there were more and more attacks on him on the Internet...

James: "..."

However, Lao Zhan is in a good mood recently, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to the attacks of black fans. He has a lot of debts, and he hasn't lost everything in the past two years, at least he has cultivated his mentality.

It's bitter tears to say it, the development of Lao Zhan in this life is not only worse than the previous life.

At the age of 28 and a half, he not only failed to win a championship, but also became a stepping stone on Zuo Li's road to honor, because the three champions of Zuo Li stepped on Kobe, Dirk, the Thunder, Howard, the Celtics, and the Heat. The Big Three and Anthony won it, so it is considered to have a very high gold content, and Lao Zhan is an important reason for it.

Not only that, but also because the newspaper group messed up their reputation, the number of fans decreased, the number of black fans increased geometrically, and the endorsement fee was also much less.

In addition, Rich Paul was intercepted in this life, and Lao Zhan, who is still under CAA, has not had time to buy shares in ESPN and other famous media, so the wind reviews can be said to be much more miserable than in the previous life.

Fortunately, all of this may be changed in the new season. The joining of Ray Allen and Lewis made him feel okay again, which is why he decided to stay on the team.

But with the experience and lessons of the previous two seasons, UU Reading he dare not say anything casually, everything will wait for the new season!

However, his opinion is similar. In the new season's championship rankings, the Heat currently surpass the Knicks and rank second, second only to the Lakers of the Big Five.

Well, the Knicks, who had just established a dynasty, were underestimated again.

No way, this time it makes sense.

The Lakers are the first in the league, plus the second center in the league, plus the third small forward in the league and the top five power forwards in the league. Except for the point guard Black who is a little hip, there is nothing wrong with it.

The Heat are similar, the league's first small forward, the league's second point guard, the league's top five power forwards, the league's top three pitchers, and one of the league's best big pitchers.

These two starters are truly amazing.

In comparison, the Knicks only added a not-so-needed Nash, and Lu Wei just replaced him with six, without any enhancements. As for the rookie Green, he was completely ignored. In this situation, it is still not enough.

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