"Sure enough, I was underestimated again."

Zuo Li put down the newspaper helplessly, no, it's only a month away from winning the championship, and the Knicks have dropped to third again in the new season's championship rankings.

It can only be said that it has been three years since the Knicks were indecisive. The media, as always, maintained the original intention of the year. No matter how many championships the Knicks won, they had to pay back during the offseason...

"No way, after all, they are really ruthless. They have already tried their best to beat us." Stephen Curry shrugged while holding a newspaper not far away.

He understands these media reports very well. After all, he is a little flustered when he sees the lineups formed by other teams.

After all, among the top ten stars in the league, the Lakers accounted for three, the Heat accounted for two, and the two teams formed an unprecedented lineup of five giants.

Not to mention that Ray Allen, Lewis and Artest are not giants. After the Knicks won the championship last season, Heat fans regarded the Knicks' substitutes as giants.

With such a high luxury tax and such an exaggerated lineup, which team will not scratch their heads when they see it.

The Knicks reacted well, and didn't watch Popovich and Angie firing in front of the media every day.

Fortunately, Zuo Li didn't panic, so Curry felt that there was nothing to panic about. After all, although he didn't know where Zuo Li's confidence lies, Curry absolutely trusted Zuo Li unconditionally.

"Hey, that's fine. After we won three consecutive championships, I was worried that our motivation to win the championship would be insufficient. Now, the catfish has appeared. Next, we will have a lot of work to do."

Zuo Li smiled. From this point of view, the two teams have done a good job.

Moreover, he is not worried about the Lakers. If it is just Anthony and Kobe, he may be more worried. These two people will definitely have enough firepower next season. Fan Artest, this starter can indeed play, not to mention Odom, the intensity is directly full!

But the Lakers uniform made a mistake in overestimating Howard!

Although Bynum is not as good as Howard in terms of strength, he is obedient, easy to use, unambitious, and can be cured. His hobbies are just washing and cutting. This is no better than Howard who likes to find girls and likes to have children. Much stronger?

More importantly, Howard was immature during this period. In one sentence, he felt that he was very strong. Not only did he not want to train, but he also wanted to be the boss. He had an extremely unpleasant fight with Kobe in history, and finally created the worst f4 in history. It wasn't for Kobe fighting his Achilles tendon and betting his entire career to forcefully lead the Lakers into the playoffs. This would be considered the most hip-pulling giant team in history.

Howard is indispensable here.

Now that there is no Nash, there is more Anthony who also needs the ball, is equally strong, and also wants to win. If this contradiction continues to escalate, no one knows what will happen then.

What's more, even if they get in by accident, don't they still have the polished Spurs in the West, and even though Harden is lost, they can still play the Thunder.

To be honest, Zuo Li has already begun to look forward to the new season's Lakers battle.

The only thing the Knicks need to solve is the Heat, which is still tricky, but Zuo Li believes that as long as the Knicks run in smoothly, it is not impossible to kill the Heat three times.

"In the new season, I will definitely be stronger!" Curry, who was promoted to the second head of the team, nodded solemnly. He can't wait to start training!

"Well, Stephen, let us work together! Crush them and build an unprecedented dynasty. What Jordan and Kobe Bryant never did, we can do!" Zuo Li also said solemnly.

"Left stand!"


"I said you two are not finished yet!"

Just when Zuo Li and Curry were about to stand up and express their enthusiasm, a discordant voice sounded.

The two turned their heads and saw two faces as cold as ice...

"Cough cough cough..."

"Well, you're here too, Olsen, Ayesha..."

The two sat back in embarrassment, and only then did they remember that this was not Madison, but a chartered flight to the capital of the Kitty Hawk Empire.

Fortunately, it was a chartered flight, otherwise the two of them would probably have died just now...

"Thank you for still knowing me. It's really rare." Ayesha rolled her eyes when she heard Curry's words, and she agreed to go on a trip and spend her honeymoon, but as soon as she got on the plane, she stuck with Zuo Li.

"Hehehehe... This, isn't it too exciting." Curry smiled awkwardly, and then cheerfully ran to sit next to his newlywed wife.

Yes, Curry got married. Just a few days after winning the championship, on June 30, Curry and Ayesha ended their long-distance love run for many years and finally completed their wedding in California.

The wedding was very beautiful. The Knicks, whether they were in the team or the players who had left the team, came, as well as Davidson and Stuyvesant's old teammates and old coaches.

Historically, it was in November 2011, and this time it was a few months later, but it is understandable. After all, Curry is preparing to sprint for the third championship in this life, and now he has completed his merits.

At that time, Curry was also called a double harvest in love and career by the media, and some people even compared him to the original Kobe Bryant.

Become famous at a young age, counterattack to win the championship, a beautiful wife is like... ahem, a beautiful wife is like a flower, is there a more perfect life than this?


For example, Zuo Li.

It’s just that Zuo Li is not an ordinary person, and now the media rarely compares others with Zuo Li. After all, Zuo Li’s achievements are too hard. Comparing others with Zuo Li casually is disrespectful to Zuo Li, and it will also make people who are compared heartbroken.

Closer to home.

Now that Curry is married, as his best brother, Zuo Li naturally cannot but express that, in addition to sending a sports car worth 200,000 dollars, Zuo Li also reimbursed Curry for all honeymoon expenses.

Curry was not too polite. It just so happened that the Olympic Games were held in London this year, so he chose London as his honeymoon destination.

It happened that Zuo Li was also planning to go to London with Aomei to experience the atmosphere of the Olympic Games, so this instant trip took shape. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Now it was July 25th, which happened to be the time when all the major deals in the alliance were settled. Naturally, the two had to pay attention, so they accidentally left out their girlfriends.

But it was a trivial matter, and the four of them immediately forgot about it. After more than ten hours of flying, the chartered plane finally landed in London.

"Wow~London, hiss (breathing sound)~~~"

"Ouch~ cough cough cough cough!

! "

Curry, who got off the plane, opened his arms, took a deep breath, and was about to say hello to London, but the exhaust almost didn't send him away.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha..."

Zuo Li and the three laughed, how dare you inhale so much in London, have you read too much news in the United States, right? This is the city of smog!

The four separated at the gate of the airport. They will travel separately and meet again in more than ten days.

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