Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1123: Stephen, you have learned

140-100, the New York Knicks ushered in the biggest victory of the season, and the huge difference of 40 points also created the biggest difference in a single game this season.

Zuo Li played for 37 minutes and 25 seconds, 18 of 28 shots, 11 of 18 three-pointers, 6 free throws, 54 points, 10 rebounds, 7 assists and 4 blocks.

This is the first 50+ in a single game this season, and it is also the 25th 50+ in Zuo Li's career. This number has already tied Kobe Bryant and tied for third place in history. Michael Jordan under 39 times and Chamberlain 122 times.

According to Zuo Li's efficiency, he will become the only man who has a chance to surpass Chamberlain.

You must know that Zuo Li has only played four full seasons, and Iverson, Rick Barry, Elgin Baylor and other great masters have only scored 50+ a dozen times in their entire careers. In terms of efficiency, they are all far behind.

Of course, 50+10 is just a by-product of this game, and the shock of Zuo Li's game is far more than that.

In other words, people have long been used to Zuo Li killing the Quartet, but the way of killing the Quartet tonight shocked the whole world too much.

In this game, Zuo Li scored more than 10 three-pointers in a single game three times in his career. It can be said that everyone should be prepared.

However, everyone's excitement in this game even surpassed that when Zuo Li broke Kobe's single-game three-point record last season. Later, the entire Toyota Center turned against Zuo Li.

Even before Morey was replaced in garbage time in the fourth quarter, the fans hadn't shouted "You want Morey" and "You want eight points"!

But I couldn't find anything wrong with it. Morey's game tonight was too shocking. Almost all of the 11 eights were reasonable, and several times of ultra-long distances refreshed my eighth view.

An eight-pointer played well for Morey.

Before Morey was born, achieved minor slams in several seasons, and established a dynasty, people believed that Morey represented the ultimate form of modern basketball insiders.

ESPN just said that Morey defeated the Rockets in the most center way.

But he has no way to question it, because according to statistics, the Knicks are still dominant in scoring inside!

To be honest, the Rockets were indeed outstanding inside that season, but it was also a shortcoming. After all, the lowest performance of Asik's entire career was with the Rockets.

The eight points in various dribbles are also indistinguishable.

The funniest thing is, I was the first player to actually reach seven positions.

102-94, the Knicks lost another game.

It is difficult to predict only the shooting method, and it covers the entire retreat half court, with a real 360-degree dead angle.

Kuwai nodded, with a dignified expression and determination to die bravely.

On November 26, the Knicks returned to New York to face the Pistons.

Of course, the impact is small, and the Pistons are still too strong. Before Prince and Hamilton leave the team next season, all the seven Piston Tigers will leave. We are currently in a long rebuilding period.

It’s because Wu Ying neglected one point in the game. This is the self-confidence outside the library in the previous life, which is also quickly accumulated. Now it seems that it has not been counterproductive... Wu Ying’s face turned green when he heard it, and he called the opponent’s star in his own home. , that is the least shame for the home team.

The Rockets came to get Howard, there must be a problem with the inside line, so what, it still works like Capela who came here.

[Xiaoxiang app search "Spring Gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] Tonight's Morey is too incredible, I can't suddenly shoot eight points when dribbling, and I can't shoot eight points when the attack comes. In the pick-and-roll space to shoot eight points, you can't run the ball and catch the ball to shoot eight points, and you can't even pull up eight points...

Isn't that the backward direction of the little man?

Of course, few people would say that this is because the Rockets are too hot inside. Although Xiaowei Li is considered a top star, he is really not good at abuse.

Where to go to reason?

Morey was also very excited before the game, but it still depends on whether the rules have been completely changed. If two seasons pass, the Rockets will know what they will be beaten tonight!

Morey's face was filled with white lines. He was just playing a ball, and it was a war. If he was going to be so tense.

Asik: Shut up, does he know you've worked hard!

40-28, the lead is still big!

14 shots, only throw back 4 goals, 10 irons in a single game, was selected as the reverse mvp of the game before the game...

Morey does care, the first step is always bad, and the current Kuwai has not lost the taste of his previous life. I suspect that as the number of matches decreases, Kuwai will get used to it.

Such a guy, can he retreat? Where else can we retreat?

The reason why the Rockets were beaten like that has something to do with the inside line, which is the crushing of epoch-making tactics.

Outstanding height, good wingspan, weight is too small but good confrontation, excellent ball quotient and ball feel, can play outside and inside, has good footwork, outstanding vision, almost no advantages of being small in the league for 70 years All in one, unfamiliar with a few offensive and defensive skills.

As a result, Morey used practical actions to tell everyone that he could regress, or he was too old, and that basketball has a limit, it was definitely just talking.

So tight, did the shot change its shape?

Sure enough, Morey guessed right. Kuwai was indeed determined in that game. Although he still dared to shoot all kinds of low-difficulty eight points like in his previous life, he obviously dared to shoot.

It's really not iron. Although the outside of the library scored 22 points, the 31% shooting rate is really bad.

Of course, the failure in that game was secondary. What I care more about is that Kuwai learned to have it!

Very average.

"That's right, how many of you voted back then, including Bird, who also voted all the time. I even said this sentence, "Eight is the choice of the strong", knowing that I will change before tonight Opinion." Barkley was also filled with emotion.

Although Morey hardly bothered to talk to me, I was often pulled out and laughed at.

Even Zuo Li was defeated. One can imagine the mood of these non-Wu Ying fans and neutral fans.

Not that hit rate...

Even though I won, UU Reading Kuwait deserved a lot of praise. It was the media who felt that I shot 8 points so hard that the Knicks played so hard.

Wu Ying asked, because I think that thing needs to be shown off the court!

"Wu Ying's eight-point shot tonight really changed your understanding of basketball. When you were playing, the coach would always tell you, pass the **** basketball back to the little guy, and we will end the game. !" Kenny Smith sighed: "Thinking about it, I guess I will know that the little guy is solving the game like that now."

So before the game, Zuo Li actually came out to say good things about Morey. You must know that Zuo Li was one of Morey's loyal disciples in those few seasons.

It was also the first time I knew that eight-pointers can be shot like that, and basketball can be played like that.

Barkley commented on me: "If it was Stephen Curry, the Knicks might have gone to work long ago."

The long-lost strong team, after the game, Wu Ying patted Kuwai on the shoulder, and everything was in the words.

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