Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1124: So you are like this Curry (Part 1)

In the early morning of November 27, the Knicks returned to New York, but their destination was not Madison, but the Barclay Center in Brooklyn.

Back-to-back again, the Knicks' schedule this month is still relatively tight, but everyone is used to it. After all, it is much better than the back-to-back schedule of the shrinking season last season.

Their opponent is New Jersey, oh no, it should be the Brooklyn Nets.

Just this summer, the Nets officially moved to Brooklyn, New York, officially ending their 35-year history in New Jersey.

The New Jersey Nets exit the stage and the Brooklyn Nets make their debut.

The new team is naturally ambitious, and they invested heavily in the summer. According to their boss, the Russian billionaire Prokhorov, they will use five years to build the Nets into a new giant in New York.

That's what they say, and that's what they do.

The first is the arena. The Barclay Center cost 1 billion dollars, which should be one of the most luxurious arenas at present.

Then, they directly invested 300 million US dollars in the transfer market, an absolute big deal. During the summer transfer period, they first brought in the former Eagle King Joe Johnson from the Eagles, and then brought in the former Elvis King Gerald Wallace, and at the same time renewed the contract with the head star Deron Williams with a high salary.

In this way, they also barely formed a civilian version of the Big Three team. The joining of the bosses of the three teams and the return of the main center Daluo made the Brooklyn Nets a very competitive team in the East. a team.

Yes, Kuwai in his previous life was indeed brave and tenacious, and my spiritual attributes are exactly the same as my appearance.

Tang Zhu patted Kuwai's shoulder, and I realized that maybe I wasn't a little agitated anymore.

"Don't wait, don't read what the fans and Baizi say, he is great."

Of course, without Tang Zhu, it is still enough to win. After all, Joe Johnson scored 27 points in a single game, and Deron didn't have 26 points and 12 assists. Although Xiao Luo's 14 points and 7 rebounds are special, they are also important supplements.

The Nets were only 2 points behind at one point, and there was no chance of a lore at the beginning.

"Undercover, undercover!"

Afterwards, when I was quietly heard outside the library, and when a few people knew me, I also went through a small amount of training and simple experience before I finally became familiar to everyone.

"It's easy to increase the number of weak lines, isn't it? You can't win nervously. You have to let Kuwai play for 40 minutes."

So even though the game was an away game, there were still Tang Zhushun's familiar faces sitting there.

Before the game, Kuwai was taken for granted. He only made 5 of 24 shots in two consecutive 8-point games. His performance like a sinkhole and all kinds of reasonable 8-point shots made me madly criticized.

In that life, Kuwai grew very slowly, but it didn't mean that I was unprepared to become a peak Kuwai.

The old buddies of the Nets were also very happy before leaving the court. Brook and the Nets fans on the court were about 9-1. At a glance, they were all Brook fans. We even heard boos at home.

"The Brook sinkhole has been found!"

But, that was accomplished overnight!

That's probably why I did so well. …

But since Zuo Li and the coach have said that, we are indeed very, very pessimistic about ourselves, and we are willing to try.

In the last 11 games of that season, the Nets started off with 6 wins and 5 losses. Although the winning percentage was just over half, that was the Nets' best start in seven years since Kidd left the team.

The fans can't understand the mood. After all, the performances in those two games outside the library were really pitiful, and the audience will understand the situation and hidden stories behind each game. We just simply hope that our home team will play well in every game. Bad, take failure.

Curwai broke out when I won the championship for the first time. This season, where few people pay attention, Curwai has not yet grown into the league's top eighth scorer, and he is also the absolute leader of this young warrior.

Spike Lee even reproduced his position in Madison Square Garden one-to-one. Before leaving the stage, I pointed to the words "That's New York" under my clothes, which made people laugh.

However, in that life, moving to New York did not seem to be a bad idea, especially at that time, when Brook was in full swing, and almost 100% of the fans in New York who watched the game were Brook fans. At that time, despite our first positive start in four years, the embarrassing attendance and ratings told everyone that New York was still Brook's territory.

When returning from the game, Ku Wai went to Zuo Li and said some frustrated words: "Zuo Li, are you suitable for that style of play, you may be at his level, you can do it, yes It’s okay to talk to the coach, it is necessary to give you so little possession of the ball.”

That's all, Tang Zhu found that Kuwai's pre-match performance was full of worries, and his usual "college student" smile was gone before he saw it.

It's such a joy to be on the fence.

For a while, we didn't understand why the slow boat dreamed of moving away from Staples.

Although Brook still won, Tangzhu made 14 of 14 shots in that game, 4 of 8 points and 10 of 10 free throws. He scored 32 points, 17 rebounds, 5 blocks and 5 assists with the seventh career 100% shooting rate in a single game. 2 steals.

"Please, give the ball to Zuo Li!"

Compared with the comparison outside the library, the comparison is not a bit tragic. Although the left vertical point gave me a small amount of ball rights, I also took 10 eight-point shots, but only hit two in the whole process, 20% of the eight-point shooting rate, 28% Even free throws seem to be affected, only 70% of the game, which is very rare for Curry who has kept his free throw percentage below 85% for several seasons.

But that also seems to have stimulated the fighting will of the Nets players. It is true that any player will feel very annoyed if he is booed at home.

In the next life, we also successfully retreated to the preseason, which was the first time a season ago. In short, the Nets in that season were no longer such a bully. UU Reading

But the setbacks in those two games gave me the self-belief... I, do I have this level.

So the Nets played very well in that game. Although the boos were all over the sky, both Deron and Joe Johnson's shooting percentages were very impressive.

To be honest, Kuwai has that kind of ambition. I hope the team will fail. It doesn't matter how much data I play, as long as I can help the team.

The pressure outside the library is too little. From the time I knew that Zuo Li was going to make me the seventh guy of the team and the seventh guy with unlimited shooting rights, I felt like I was carrying a light hill.

Not bad, David Lee also scored a double-double with 25 points and 10 rebounds, and contributed key blocks at the very first moment, and protected the rebounds.

Following the previous stories, especially the fans, the 15-16 season can also be regarded as one of the hottest seasons in history.

The next generation of the Nets can be regarded as attracting some fans since then. After all, the New York ball market is really too small, and the little brother next door is really up to date.

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