"A 'look back and grab' steal, a 'look back and grab' block, Su Bai's unexpected steal + block is really amazing!"

Mike Breen praised with a smile


Van Gundy nodded and said with a smile:"As a center with a very different style, Su Bai's steals and blocks are also so unique!

The key is that he is really amazing!"

On the court.

The unexpected backhand block not only prevented Wall from scoring, but also the flying basketball bounced from top to bottom, hitting Wall and rolling out of bounds, and the ball returned to the Suns.

"What the hell is this?"

Wall was completely speechless. He couldn't understand how Su Bai defended, and couldn't accept the fact that he was blocked even though he had shaken him off.

The ball was transferred. Wall ran to the front court.

He found Su Bai again and entangled him from the beginning, giving him defensive pressure and not giving him the opportunity to shoot directly with the height difference.

In response,

Su Bai put the basketball under him and......With his head leaning forward, he managed to slightly push aside Wall's entangled defense, giving him a little room to break through and shoot.


Su Bai caught it and shot directly, facing Wall's defense and hitting a three-pointer again.


Wall shouted as he jumped up with all his strength to block it, but......Su Bai is too tall, with a height difference of 22 cm. He has the ability to shoot three-pointers with the top forward Curry and is fast.

He really can't block it.


Wall was caught off guard by the shot and failed to block it. He looked back and was shocked. The ball went through the net and hit the target again.

"Su Bai's three-pointer was shot right at Wall's face, it was really unreasonable!"

"The key is that it is accurate!"


Curry's three-pointer is so unreasonable, coupled with Su Bai's own height, it is even more unreasonable.

In the next round.

After Wall's attack was blocked by Su Bai again.

During the transition between offense and defense, Su Bai made a mid-range shot over Wall's head from the left high position, but Wall predicted this ball and blocked it in advance. As long as Su Bai shot, it was almost certain to be blocked.

As a result......Su Bai still relied on his absolute height advantage to throw the basketball out from his hand at an extreme height.

"There are still shots like this?!"

Wall screamed.

But the louder he screamed, the clearer the sound of the basketball piercing the net became.


Another hit.

This shot was another unreasonable hit. Wall was anxious and yelled at Su Bai:"Su Bai, do you dare to fight me with your real ability?!"


Su Bai was confused. How could he not have the real ability?

Wall stared and continued to yell at the top of his voice:"Do you dare to shoot without using the height difference? Do you dare to break through my defense head-on and score?!"

"" Ah!"

Su Bai understood. It turned out that he was anxious because of being shot in the face. Anyone who dares to openly provoke Su Bai should be prepared to be beaten. Su Bai returned to the court and looked at the somewhat exasperated Wall, and said lightly:"Okay!"


After Nick Young pushed the ball over, Coach Sanders called a timeout.

Wizards (3): (13) Suns.

After Curry made a 3-pointer at the start, Su Bai scored 10 points in a row on Wall. The 10-point difference forced the Wizards to call a timeout.

In the commentary booth.

Van Gundy took a look at the data and said:"Su Bai made 4 of 4 shots and scored 10 points in a row, while Wall made 0 of 4 shots and scored no points. The gap between the two is too obvious."


Mike Brin said,"Even though Wall had an explosion last night, he is still just a rookie after all, while Su Bai is a groundbreaking super rookie!

However, let's wait and see. After all, the game has just started and everything is uncertain."

While speaking, the timeout ended and the game continued


After the timeout,"Young Master Yang" who was at his peak, hesitated and broke through the top of the arc on the left side, and shot a three-pointer towards Carter.


An arrow shot through the heart.

The Wizards responded directly.

Nash passed the ball from the bottom corner to Curry, hoping that he would find a chance to return one, but......Curry didn't seem to care about this and passed it to Su Bai.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In the middle of the arc, he faced Wall again. He dribbled the ball in a series of crossover steps to find the rhythm. Wall stared at him eagerly. The moment Su Bai held the ball in his right hand, he rushed to the right. He broke through quickly with one step.

Wall followed with a side step.


Su Bai stopped suddenly and pulled the basketball back from his crotch, but......Wall's reaction was also quick. He overcame the inertia of gravity, turned around and sped up to catch up.


Su Bai changed direction and rushed down again, his center of gravity moving up and down, and he passed Wall cleanly in an instant.


Wall snorted coldly. His amazing physical fitness made his sneakers scrape against the floor, making a harsh sound. He overcame gravity and inertia again and chased after him.


Su Bai made a quick stop and shot. Wall, whose center of gravity had completely shifted downward, could no longer stop and rushed to the basket. Su Bai shook him off.


Su Bai made a mid-range shot and hit it steadily.


The audience exclaimed loudly, and the fans opened their mouths wide, all of them were shocked.

"Where's your defense?!"

Su Bai looked at Wall who was staggering and steadying himself.

"" Tsk!"

Wall snorted, unconvinced,"Come again!"

Su Bai smiled without saying anything, and then in one round, he faced Wall again, crossing the ball to find the rhythm while reading the defense, and then...


Su Bai rushed out, broke through in one step, stopped suddenly and pulled back, then accelerated and rushed out again, breaking through in the same way as before.

However, this continuous rhythm change, coupled with Su Bai's amazing speed, once again shook off Wall.


Su Bai made another quick stop jump shot

"Damn it!!!"

Knowing that he was hit by the same breakthrough, Wall rushed forward with a roar, intending to block Su Bai.......His center of gravity had been lost, and the forced twisting of his body to block the shot immediately caused his feet to fight, and his body to lose balance in mid-air.


The whole person fell directly to the ground


At the same time, the basketball thrown by Su Bai went into the net. Then

, boom!

���Cheers and shouts were like a tide!

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