"Oh, my, God!"

"What did I see? Su Bai knocked down Wall, a rookie center, who knocked down the No. 1 pick.......This is incredible!"

"Hehehe, Su Bai is so awesome!"

"A groundbreaking center, Su Bai is truly a groundbreaking magical center!"

"No, no, no, Su Bai's breakthrough and shooting abilities are really......He really doesn't look like a center, he's really not a center!"

"Yeah, if I remember correctly, Su Bai's first NBA game was against the Wizards, and he shook Wall off, which was already exaggerated.


Not only did he shake him off, he also knocked him to the floor.

In addition, there were also"looking back" gorgeous steals and blocks. Su Bai locked Wall from offense to defense.

Hey, friends who thought Wall could fight Su Bai before the game, please stand up, I want to ask you, the face that was smashed......Does it hurt?!"

"The guard who excels in speed was fooled by a center on the outside!"

"The top pick? Got knocked down by a center? With this level, he even took the initiative to provoke Su Bai before the game. Who gave him the courage?!"

"It is clear at a glance that Wall cannot compare with Su Bai, Su Bai is the strongest rookie!"

"Not only can they not be compared, the gap is quite large"



"Wall was beaten to pieces. Before long, the grass on his grave will be 2 meters high."


The noisy audience was filled with sighs and laughs for the top pick Wall, and more or less, it fell into Wall's ears, making his brain buzz.

"Am I really that weak?!" Wall began to doubt himself.

"You haven't grown at all, you're still as weak as before!"

Su Bai's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back in Wall's ears, causing Wall's mentality to completely collapse!

Yes. It was the first time they met.

It can be said that everyone ignored and underestimated Su Bai's strength, which led to his reversal and buzzer-beater, and Wall didn't go all out.

And now.

Last night, he singled out the Thunder's"Three Youngsters" and scored a career-high 44 points. Wall, who has been in great form recently and has improved his strength, took revenge on Su Bai with extremely strong self-confidence.

He is confident enough!

He has absolute confidence!

However......Wall, who thought he could do it and was sure to beat Su Bai, not only failed to do so, but he was actually knocked down this time instead of just being careless the first time.

Wall thought he was getting stronger, but he played even weaker.

He worked so hard for a long time, thinking he was getting stronger, but in the end he found out that not only did he not get stronger, but he got weaker. This feeling was really devastating, and it also blessed Wall's status as the top pick.


Wall completely collapsed!

He realized that there was an insurmountable gap between his strength and Su Bai's, and he recognized this fact.


In the second half of the second quarter.

Facing Su Bai's several attacks, they were all off the mark, totally not at the level of the No. 1 pick who scored 44 points last night.


With Su Bai's missed 3-pointer, the first quarter ended.

The two returned to the bench to rest.

Su Bai, as confident as when he came on the court, returned to the bench to rest, while Wall.....But he walked towards the bench with his head down and his eyes dull.

On the commentary stand,

Mike Breen looked at this scene and said calmly,"Wall lost tonight, and lost completely."


Van Gundy nodded and said,"After the first quarter, Su Bai shot 8 out of 10, scoring 18 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal and 2 blocks. On the other hand

, Wall shot 0 out of 6 in the quarter tonight, scoring no points.

In a one-on-one attack and defense, Su Bai shut out Wall in the first quarter, making him win. I think everyone has made a judgment on who will win in this battle between super rookies."......

Because of the 18:0 matchup between Su Bai and Wall, the Suns led by as many as 13 points in the first quarter.

In the second quarter

, Wall continued to be offline, and the Suns further expanded their advantage. After the halftime, the score difference was widened to 23 points, and the game was almost ruined in the first half.

However, after the halftime break, Wall gradually recovered under the guidance of his coach and teammates.

In the third quarter, he avoided the matchup with Su Bai and faced players such as Curry and Nash. Although he could not recover as bravely as last night, he broke the embarrassment of"0" points.

Even so, with 3 minutes and 17 seconds left in the third quarter, the score difference was still widened to 31 points, reaching an irreversible point.

Later, during the dead ball and free throws, Sanders replaced the starters one after another and replaced them with substitutes, turning the game into garbage time early.

However, it is worth mentioning that the advantaged side will generally wait for the disadvantaged side to replace the substitutes before starting, so when Alian came on as a substitute, Su Bai was still on the court.


During an attack, A-Lian faced Su Bai in the left low post.

Although he was not a talkative person, he was happy to see his compatriots, the younger generation who had surpassed him and could communicate in Mandarin. He also shouted in a loud voice:"Su Bai, let's fight a round.""


Su Bai smiled faintly.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

It happened as soon as he said it. A-Lian back-passed Su Bai, with solid basic skills, continuous footwork changes, and then turned around and shot a jump shot. There was nothing wrong with the whole set of movements.......A little slower, a little shorter


Su Bai jumped up, blocked A-Lian's hat, and said with a smile:"Brother A-Lian, this is a competition field, we are opponents, don't blame me for not letting you"

"You kid...It's really cruel!"

Although he was blocked, A-Lin was not angry at all. He felt good to be able to fight against Su Bai like this.


Su Bai faced A-Lin one-on-one, tried to make a feint, and then took a jump shot, but A-Lin blocked it.


Su Bai missed the shot.

His shot was not affected by the block of Alian, but he simply didn't have the luck.......Yi Jianlian was so happy that he defended Su Bai for one round in a one-on-one match.

When he returns to China, it will be a classic attack that he can brag about.

One defense and one offense, Su Bai and Yi Jianlian only faced each other for two rounds, and Gentry replaced Su Bai, turning the field into a substitute duel and garbage time.

In the end.

The Suns slaughtered the Wizards with a 23-point advantage, defeating the Wizards twice in the season and completing a perfect record against the Wizards in a single season.

Game over


Van Gundy looked at the data comparison between Su Bai and Wall and couldn't help but gasp!


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I didn't urge you to update yesterday. This is the best support for me. I would feel anxious if I didn't. If you have any questions, you can ask them~~ Gentlemen should click the triple button every day! Thank you!

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