Van Gundy said:"Su Bai scored 37 points, 13 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals and 3 blocks tonight, while the top pick Wall, who was hyped before the game, only had a pitiful 8 points, 2 rebounds and 4 assists tonight.

In the first quarter, when he faced Su Bai one-on-one, he was shut out. Wall, who scored 44 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists last night, was so miserable tonight!"


Mike Breen took over and said,"Tonight, the competition between Su Bai and Wall, the strongest rookie, ended with Su Bai's victory.......Isn't this data disparity a bit too big?"


Van Gundy smiled and said,"To be honest, I am not surprised that the matchup between Wall and Su Bai has been so hot.

There are several reasons.

The revenge battle, Wall's outbreak, the"number one pick" versus the"monster rookie", the declaration of war before the game, etc., a combination of many reasons, made everyone think that the matchup between the two would be explosive.

In fact.

Su Bai crushes Wall in terms of talent and strength. It can be seen from the first time the two played against each other. If you say that Wall has adapted to the NBA and has become stronger.

Then Su Bai has gone from the initial mid-range shot, to the breakthrough layup, to the accurate three-pointer, and now he has the"look back and grab" style, which makes people catch off guard and steal the ball.

Su Bai's progress is greater than Wall's.

A player who is stronger than you and has made more progress than you, how can you possibly win? This is the situation when Wall faces Su Bai."


Mike Brin said,"Van Gundy, please give a summary of this matchup between Wall and Su Bai."


Van Gundy thought for a moment and said,"If rookies' strength can be divided into levels, there are 10 levels in total, from level 1 to level 9, with T1 being the highest and T9 being the lowest."


Mike Brin was puzzled and asked,"Aren't there 10 levels in total? Why are there only levels 1-9? There is another level?!"


Van Gundy concentrated and said seriously:"There are 10 levels, 1-9 levels are one level, among which T1 level is the highest, and Su Bai does not belong to this category.

He is at the higher level T0 level. In other words, T0 level Su Bai is the ceiling of rookies, and far exceeds all rookies, and can completely compete with many stars, even superstars!"


Mike Breen was stunned at first, and then nodded heavily.


""Super Rookie" Su Bai, his strength is already above that of a rookie, enough to be compared with many stars, or even better than them.......

After the game,

ESPN reporter"Woj" found Su Bai and said with a smile:"Mr. Su Bai, you played another perfect game tonight. You are the absolute MVP tonight.

At the same time, congratulations to the Suns for winning 18 consecutive games and breaking the team's record of 17 consecutive wins.

In addition, in the matchup with Wall, you won completely. You were provoked and used all your strength in the first quarter to shut out the No. 1 pick Wall. This is really amazing.

Seriously, you are really amazing. How do you think you played in the first quarter?!"


Su Bai thought for a moment and said,"Indeed, after hearing some words, I took the competition seriously. However, you got one thing wrong."

"Oh? What is it?"

Woshen blinked.

Su Bai smiled faintly and said:"I took the whole game seriously, but......In the battle with Wall, he only used 50% of his strength."

"Only 50% of your strength?"

Woj was stunned, then smacked his lips and said,"Wall was shut out by you, and you only used 50% of your strength, that’s amazing."

In response,

Su Bai shrugged and didn’t say anything more.

Wall, who hadn’t left yet, looked at him with wide eyes and said,"What? Only used 50% of your strength? How is that possible? What a joke, what a boast!!!"

Regardless of whether Su Bai was bragging or not, it was true that Wall was really pissed off, so much so that after Woj interviewed Su Bai and found the Wizards locker room to interview Wall, the latter directly refused——!......

That night, there was a lot of discussion among fans online about this game.

"Huh? Being shut out? This is the strength of the No. 1 draft pick. This is Wall's capital to provoke Su Bai. My God, I can do it too."

"Su Bai is the bright moon, and Woer is the firefly. How dare the firefly compete with the bright moon?!"

"Hey, I expected too much. I thought it would be a 30-70 match, but I didn't expect......I didn't expect that Su Bai would crush me unilaterally."

"The gap is too big!"

"Wall was beaten. I believe that in a short time, the grass on his grave will be as high as Griffin's, 2 meters high."

"Griffin: I'm being blamed again?!"

"Hehe, did you hear that? In a post-match interview, Su Bai said that he only used 50% of his strength to beat John Wall. This is too brutal."

"Ha ha!"

"So miserable!"

"Tsk~ A duel that was destined from the beginning was just infinitely exaggerated by fans and the media, as if the two teams were evenly matched and well-matched, but there was nothing to watch.


Forget about Wall, he is not worthy of being compared with Su Bai.

If you have this time, you might as well pay attention to the next duel, the Suns vs. Spurs, the second in the West vs. the first in the West, this duel is a big battle!"

A word awakened the dreamer.

The fans' attention instantly shifted from the Wizards to the Spurs.

"Yes, Tim, Tony, Manu, have"GDP"The Spurs, with their"three carriages", have always been a strong team.

As a Spurs fan.

If I remember correctly, after playing 5 games this season, the Spurs topped the Western Conference with 4 wins and 1 loss, and never fell back, always being the first in the Western Conference.

Now they are 21 wins and 7 losses, still the first in the Western Conference."

"Hey, I found something interesting. The Spurs have a record of 21 wins and 7 losses, ranking first in the West. The Suns have 20 wins and 8 losses, ranking second in the West.

Two days later, if the Suns beat the Spurs, the Spurs will have 21 wins and 8 losses, and the Suns will also have 21 wins and 8 losses. And because the two teams played against each other, the winner will be the Suns.

In other words, as long as the Suns beat the Spurs in the next game, they will directly top the Western Conference!"


As soon as this view came out, countless fans were surprised and opened their mouths wide.......I am full of expectations for the matchup between the Spurs and the Suns!

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