When Ginobili, like a god descending from heaven, made a layup with a Eurostep and pulled the score difference back to 5 points, the originally noisy Suns fans were dumbfounded.

"Go in again?"

"What kind of weird breakthrough is this that can still be advanced?!"

"The demon sword is too demonic!"

"I'm speechless. Is Manu cheating?"

Suns fans are devastated


Gentry called a timeout.

Frye caught the ball that fell from the basket and bounced on the floor. He looked a little dazed. He didn't know how Ginobili scored just now.

That step, that twist, was too weird, too incredible!

But it hit.

At this moment.

There were only 15.3 seconds left, and the score difference was still 5 points. The Suns really had no chance at all.

The commentator on the stage


Jon Barry smacked his tongue and said:"Manu Ginobili's diagonal breakthrough and the"Euro step" layup without slowing down are too demonic and too difficult.

It's also too crucial!

5 points difference, but only 15.3 seconds, the Suns are gone.

Although Su Bai completed a difficult 3+1 not long ago, bringing the score to 50 points tonight, facing the No. 1 powerhouse in the West, facing"GDP"Su Bai, who was still just a rookie, seemed unable to withstand it.

However, as a rookie, a rookie who had just made his debut, it was great to be able to fight with the three Spurs sports cars to this extent."


Mark Jackson interrupted Jon Barry and said,"Jon, it’s not over yet. Don’t forget the match between the Suns and the Lakers. There were only 3.8 seconds left and they were 1 point behind.

With the ball in the hands of the Lakers, the Suns finally made a buzzer-beater.

Tonight, with 15.3 seconds left, the Suns had the ball and the score difference was 5 points. It’s not impossible."


After hearing this, Jon Barry shook his head and laughed,"Mark, that kind of steal and layup is not something that can be achieved just by wishing for it. It is something that can only happen when the right time, right place and right people are all in place. Do you think it is possible to stage such a miracle with 15.3 seconds and a score difference of 5 points tonight?!"


Mark Jackson was speechless.

Obviously, he also knew that the buzzer beater against the Lakers was a rare opportunity, and he knew in his heart that the Suns would have a hard time tonight and it was not realistic to want a reversal.

On the Suns bench,

Gentry held the tactical board in his hand and said in a deep voice:"Guys, we have encountered this situation, and more than once, so......Don't give up.

I don't think any player would give up.

5 points difference, timeout, let Su Bai hold the ball, whether it is a breakthrough, a three-pointer, or a breakthrough pass, take the first attack in the fastest way.


Foul tactics!"


Su Bai was the first to respond, and then all the players, led by Curry, nodded.

When the outside world was exaggerating and saying that the Suns had already fallen into the abyss and there was no possibility of winning, the Suns players had not given up.

There was no reason to give up.

At the same time.

On the Spurs bench.

When the outside world thought that the Spurs would win, the experienced Popovich was serious, holding the tactical board, and said calmly:"Don't underestimate the ability of a running and gunning team to chase points.

Now, we haven't won yet!

Seriously defend the next round, no, before the time is up, you must all take it seriously, otherwise the"3+1" like Su Bai will be the straw that breaks the camel's back!"


The Spurs players nodded seriously.

Soon, the timeout came back.

Although everyone thought the Suns were gone, many of them were still Suns fans, but when the game started again, these Suns fans clenched their fists again.

Hopefully, a miracle will happen!

The game continued.

With 15.3 seconds left, the Suns were trailing by 5 points. Carter served the ball from the center circle. The tall Su Bai came out very quickly and took Carter's serve.



The moment he caught the ball, Su Bai didn't delay at all. He completely ignored Jefferson's defense and rushed at full speed without any fancy moves.

He just crushed Jefferson with extreme speed.

He got rid of Jefferson and headed straight for the basket, but......Ginobili and Blair on the wing, and Duncan under the basket, three sides of the defense shrink the basket.

Just waiting for Su Bai to fall into the trap!

Jefferson is chasing behind him


Faced with an ambush on all sides, Su Bai's speed did not slow down but increased instead, going deep into the enemy area, and then......Seeing the opportunity, a back pass that Iverson likes very much.

Find Curry in the left corner



Curry received the ball, with nothing in front of him. He raised his hand and shot a three-pointer. The basketball went through the net.

But there was no cheering in the stadium, because......There was still a 2-point difference, and only 8.3 seconds left. The key ball was still in the hands of the Spurs.

The situation for the Suns was still not optimistic, and it was still quite bad.

The ball was changed.

Blair served the ball from the baseline, and the Suns pressed the whole court. Blair made a high lob to Duncan, who was the highest. Su Bai rushed up and pulled it immediately.


Tactical foul.

Only 0.2 seconds have passed, 8.1 seconds are left, and the score difference is 2 points. Duncan stands on the free throw line



The first free throw was missed, the second free throw was successful, and the Spurs continued to maintain a 3-point lead.

There were only 8.1 seconds left, the Suns had the ball, and the Suns had not yet called a timeout.

Nash served the ball from the bottom corner, and without hesitation, he found Su Bai, who received the ball and accelerated again, racing against time again.

Now, the Suns needed a 3-pointer to tie the score.



Bai rushed to the top of the arc at full speed. Facing Duncan's defense, he hesitated and pretended to break through, but Duncan didn't buy it at all and let Su Bai break through.

Because they were 3 points behind, even if Su Bai made a layup, there was still a 1-point difference, and there was not much time left, so they would definitely lose.

So, in this attack, Duncan knew that Su Bai would definitely take a three-point shot. As long as he stared at Su Bai's three-point shot, interfered with it or even blocked it.

If he didn't score, he would win the game.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Seeing that Duncan was not threatened by the breakthrough, Su Bai looked at the little time left, made a feint, then suddenly pulled up and shot a three-pointer.


"I knew you could shoot a three-pointer!"

Duncan knew that Su Bai had no choice, so he was ready. The moment Su Bai chose to shoot, he blocked it. He had absolute confidence.

As long as Su Bai shot, even if it was not a block, it would be a serious interference.

However......At the moment when Duncan jumped, Su Bai showed a smile, because his shot was still not a shot, but a fake shot.


Duncan flew up and saw that the basketball in Su Bai's hand did not go out. He immediately understood, but it was useless. He rushed over in the air, gritted his teeth and tried his best to control his body. He wanted to avoid Su Bai.

But how could Su Bai give him a chance? He slightly turned his body and jumped up to meet him.


The whistle blew.

Su Bai collided with Duncan and lost his balance in mid-air, and threw the basketball in his hand.

This was exactly the same as Su Bai's previous 3+1, but the difference was that this time Su Bai failed to hit the three-pointer.



Su Bai stood on the free throw line and got 3 free throw opportunities.

There was only 1.2 seconds left and the score difference was 3 points. If he made all 3 free throws, the game would go into overtime. If he missed any goal, the game would be ruined directly!!!

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