
After Su Bai got the three-point foul, the stadium erupted in cheers like a landslide and tsunami. Just now, when Curry made that three-pointer, the Suns fans were not so excited.


There were still 8.3 seconds after Curry's three-pointer. Not only did he not have the ball, but he was also 2 points behind.

However, now that Su Bai suffered this three-point foul and got three free throws, as long as he hits it, he will truly reverse the game and tie the score.

The Suns will have the possibility of winning the game in overtime.

How can they not be happy? How can they not be happy!

The Suns fans were very happy.

However, the Spurs fans who were already celebrating were dizzy. They could never have imagined that the situation would change so much in just one minute.

The Suns might even tie the overtime.

They couldn't laugh at all. They all hoped that Su Bai would miss the free throw, even if they missed one.

And on the court.

Parker said nothing.

Ginobili was a little dazed. He had clearly turned the situation around and the victory was in his hands, but how could it turn out like this in the blink of an eye?

Duncan opened his eyes wide and stared at Su Bai, blaming himself and shaking his heart.

From that god-level"3+1" to complete the 4 points, and then passing the ball to Curry from behind in an ambush, assisting the latter to hit 3 points, to this three-point foul now.

Duncan understood.

In the last minute, it was Su Bai who led the team to a reversal.

"He is just a rookie. How can he handle the ball so well at critical moments? And in that psychological game just now, is he really a rookie?!"

Duncan was shocked by the powerful Su Bai.

But the next moment, he showed a confident look on his face. After all, he had a 3-point advantage. Even if Su Bai made all the free throws, it would only tie the game.

The game is not over yet.

The commentary booth

"Su Bai is really amazing!"

Mark Jackson clapped his hands and said with a smile:"This last three-point foul, Su Bai and Jefferson had a psychological game, and he won the"Stone Buddha" Tim."


June Barry blinked, as if he wanted to know more.

Mark Jackson continued,"There were just 8.1 seconds left and Su Bai was trailing by 3 points. He wanted to tie the score, so he could only shoot a three-pointer, so Tim only had to defend the three-pointer.

In fact.

Su Bai did not choose to break through, but a three-pointer, which was just a fake three-pointer.

This was not a very good choice, and it could even be said to be a bit bad. Once Tim did not keep up, Su Bai would waste time in vain, and his shooting state would also decline. If he continued to shoot, he might be interfered or blocked by Tim.

Therefore, Tim, who thought that Su Bai would definitely shoot directly, chose to block it at the first time.......This is a psychological game.

If you think it's not possible, then I will do it.

Su Bai, who did the opposite, won the conversation in the psychological game with Duncan, shook Duncan, drew a foul, got a three-point free throw opportunity, and got a chance to save the team."


Jon Barry nodded and praised:"Su Bai, this rookie actually won the psychological game against the super giant Duncan, what an amazing guy.

Right now, the decision of losing or going into overtime depends on these three free throws."

As he was speaking , Su Bai stood on the free throw line and started to take free throws. The first free throw

""Shua!" hit

"" Boom!"

The stadium burst into cheers.

At this moment,

Su Bai had to make all three free throws. Every free throw was crucial. Every time he made a hit, the Suns fans gave him the warmest cheers, giving him confidence.


The home fans booed harshly, trying to disturb Su Bai, but......


Hit again


"Two free throws, one more free throw, if it hits, it will tie the game. In 1.2 seconds, the Spurs can't score, and they will definitely go into overtime.


Everything depends on this free throw, come on Su Bai!"

Both Spurs and Wizards fans are completely nervous at this moment.

Wall and Griffin stared at Su Bai with their bodies tense, hoping that he would miss the last shot.

Yoona and Jessica also looked at Su Bai with their beautiful eyes, their red faces full of nervousness, they clenched their fists, and prayed for Su Bai in their hearts.

Must hit

"It’s up to you, Su Bai!"

"Go for it!"

On the side,

Curry and Nash also clenched their fists, hoping that Su Bai would hit the most crucial last free throw, tie the score, and send the game into overtime.

"Su Bai!"

George, Dragic and others on the bench also placed all their hopes on Su Bai, pinning them on this last free throw.


Duncan shook his head gently. At this time, even though he was always calm, he hoped that Su Bai would not hit him. He lost the psychological game and led to this situation.

He didn't want to be a sinner!


Su Bai took a deep breath. Not only the fans were nervous, he was also nervous at this moment.

After all, he only had 80 points of free throw attribute, and his free throw success rate fluctuated around 75%. He was not absolutely sure that he would make all three free throws.


Su Bai took the ball from the referee. It was the final penalty kick that decided his life or death. Su Bai, who was the only focus of the whole court, adjusted himself, pressed his wrist, and shot.


"Don't go in!"

Amidst all the wide-eyed stares, the basketball in everyone's heart flew out in a spin, and then......Then there was a crisp sound of iron hammering.


This ball missed.

Su Bai missed the free throw this time.

When all the Suns fans heard the crisp sound of the shot, their hearts"clicked", their bodies trembled, and a touch of despair surged in their hearts.




Su Bai missed the last free throw, and everyone knew that the Suns had lost.


The next moment.

A black shadow rushed to the basket, kicked off the ground and flew up, and before Duncan, who was blocking the position, took the rebound and ended the game, he got the basketball one step ahead.

Who was it?!

It was Su Bai!

That's right.

Almost at the moment of shooting, Su Bai knew that there was no chance, and he took a sprinting posture. The moment the basketball touched the basket, he rushed out like a storm.

In the moment when everyone was stunned, he got the basketball in the air before everyone else.


After physical contact with Duncan, Su Bai lost balance and shot backward in mid-air. The moment the basketball left his hand, the red light of the timer lit up.

1.2 seconds passed.

No one expected that Su Bai, who missed the free throw, would take the ball by himself. After Su Bai shot the basketball, everyone's heart was in their throat.

Only 1.2 seconds, and he was losing balance and shooting backward in mid-air. This ball is so difficult.

Is there any?!


The basketball hit the basket and bounced up, and all the fans who were waiting eagerly trembled in their hearts, and then......Then I saw the basketball bounce.

In Duncan's uneasiness as if he had seen a ghost.

In Yoona's frowning expectation. In

Wall's incredible expression.

In Griffin's shock as if he had been screwed.

In the astonishment of all the fans, the basketball bounced and fell straight into the net and penetrated the basket.


In the last 1.2 seconds, trailing by 3 points, Su Bai made 2 of 3 free throws, and then made a free throw and scored 2 points, a total of 4 points, in a nearly impossible way.

Completed a crazy buzzer beater against the Spurs!!!

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