"are, you, kidding, me?"

"This is also possible? This is also possible? This can also kill the opponent?!"

"Crazy, too crazy, Su Bai, the rookie center from China, once again performed a miracle, and once again used his own miracle to win the game!"

Su Bai's buzzer-beater was crazy.

And at the moment of his buzzer-beater, the commentator Jon Barry, who shouted these words, was even crazier. His flushed face and roaring voice were enough to show how excited he was.

In the commentary booth next to him.

Mark Jackson, who was holding his head and wide-eyed, didn't say much at this moment. He tapped the table with his fingers and shouted excitedly:"Buzzer, another buzzer-beater!

Su Bai just defeated the Lakers not long ago.

Tonight he defeated the Spurs again. Although Su Bai is only a rookie, he has the"big heart" of a superstar, even a superstar!

With him, victory will not leave.

He will use his unparalleled key ball ability to lead the team to victory.

A sports car in good times and a Buddha in bad times. A demon sword in desperate times can slay demons. However,......Tonight, Su Bai is not a human, he is a god, like a god descending from the sky.

Guard the sun, no one can get close to it!"

While the commentary was going wild,

Yoona and Jessica also jumped up excitedly in the audience, waving their arms wildly.


"The Suns won, thanks to Su Bai’s buzzer-beater!"

""How amazing~"

The two of them may not know how difficult and magical it is for Su Bai to make such a comeback, but they came for Su Bai and saw Su Bai win the game. That

's why they cheered!


"It goes in, a decisive goal!"


Curry, George, Dragic and other young players excitedly raised their arms and ran wildly. Even veterans like Nash and Carter were shaken. They happily raised their arms high, cheering for Su Bai and shouting for winning the game!

"My, God!"

After Su Bai missed the third free throw, Coach Gentry, who had already given up the game, lost his composure when he saw Su Bai make a tip-in and win the game. He jumped up from the bench and stomped his feet like a child.


The whole arena was filled with deafening cheers. Such crazy shouts were no less noisy than the noise made by a Boeing 747 taking off, and even louder.

All the Suns fans cheered wantonly and enjoyed the victory.

Surrounded by the players, Su Bai came to the center of the arena. Su Bai looked at the audience, opened his hands and waved them upwards, interacting with the fans, signaling that the cheers should be louder.


Suddenly, cheers that were even louder than before were heard throughout the entire stadium, born for Su Bai.

""Su Bai MVP!"

Someone shouted, and soon, one after another, the cheers of"MVP" became louder and louder, one wave after another, and in an instant, the whole stadium was filled with cheers of"MVP"! The atmosphere in the stadium reached its climax.

In the audience, Yoona and Jessica, who were already very happy, looked at Su Bai on the court, listened to his"MVP" shouts, and thought Su Bai was so handsome.


"Xika, do you want Su Bai's autograph? Let's go get one later."

"Okay, actually, I would like to take a photo with him."

"Hehe, me too."......

The Spurs Stadium has now become the home court of the Suns.

The Suns fans are enjoying their victory.

But some are happy while others are sad. The saddest are the Spurs fans. The victory that was originally in their hands has disappeared, just like a cooked duck has flown away. They don't know how upset they are.

"Su Bai, this guy is such a bastard!"

"A total badass~"

""GDP"The Spurs were so disappointing tonight because they couldn't beat a rookie."

The Spurs fans cursed and left the court.

On the court,

Parker's eyes were blank, witnessing everything that seemed unreal.

Ginobili was also stunned, unable to believe the fact that the team lost, and when he accepted everything, he smiled faintly,"Su Bai, this rookie is really scary!"

As for Duncan, he was trembling all over, staring at Su Bai without saying a word, with a dazed look in his eyes.

In the last minute, Su Bai first made a god-level 3+1, and then found Curry in an ambush, hit a three-pointer, and then made him a fatal three-point foul.

Finally, he made 2 of 3 free throws, and the last free throw seemed to be missed on purpose, and then he grabbed the rebound over his head and tipped in the buzzer beater.

Duncan saw all of this, but he also made him stupid, completely stupid, stupid, and stunned.

"How did he do it? How could he do it?...He...he...Su Bai, this epoch-making center from China,..."So strong!"

This is what Duncan thought.

That's right.

Su Bai used his extreme performance to defeat Duncan!......

In the commentary booth.

With the continued noise in the stadium, the two commentators who were still working were the first to calm down. Jon Barry pursed his lips and said first:"Hehe.

First of all.

Congratulations to the Suns for defeating the Spurs and winning again, changing the team's winning streak from 18 games to 19 games. The 19-game winning streak is also the fourth consecutive win in the NBA!


The Suns were able to win, and the starters such as Curry, Nash, Carter, and the substitute George all contributed to their strength, but the absolute MVP must be Su Bai.

Playing the whole game.

Tonight, Su Bai faced the powerful Spurs."GDP", hit 8 3-pointers, scored 54 points, 14 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 steals and 4 blocks.

In the last 1.2 seconds.

With free throws + tip-ins, he scored 4 points, reversed the 3 points, and in an almost incredible way, he defeated the Spurs and won the victory.


The Suns not only won 19 consecutive games, but also squeezed out the Spurs in terms of record and officially topped the Western Conference.

The Suns, who started with 2 wins and 8 losses and were at the bottom of the Western Conference, got a crazy 19-game winning streak in less than a month and a half after the arrival of rookie center Su Bai.

From the bottom of the Western Conference, it has become the top powerhouse in the Western Conference.

Su Bai...This rookie center from China is so strong, his future is limitless, he might be the next Jordan!"

The next Jordan?!


As soon as these words came out, the stadium suddenly burst into even louder cheers!

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