"Su Bai scores the winning goal against the Spurs!"》

《Rookie Su Bailike"GDP"!》

《The Suns are at the top of the Western Conference!》

《Su Bai scored 54 points, 4 points in 1.2 seconds, made a free throw and grabbed the ball, and then made a tip-in to kill the Spurs!》


The next day.

Early in the morning, newspapers such as Newsday》、《Fox Sports》、《The news about the match between the Suns and the Spurs last night was already all over the place.

Although there were several matches last night, no one cared at all. Almost everyone's attention was on the focus match between the Spurs and the Suns.

Especially Su Bai.

This rookie center who scored 54 points and contributed a magical and incredible buzzer beater, once again made himself the focus of countless people's attention with his strength.

And last night.

The fans who had already had a heated discussion on the Internet were still not satisfied today.

"Hey, with 1 minute left, the Suns were trailing by 7 points and were set to lose, but Su Bai managed to turn the game around, especially in the last few seconds.

Originally, the best outcome for the Suns was overtime, but they were more likely to lose.......Su Bai deliberately missed a free throw and made a tip-in to get a 2+2, a way I couldn't even imagine.

A 4-point buzzer-beater against the Spurs!

This is amazing!"

"Brother upstairs, Su Bai’s godly performance last night was not only magical, it was simply outrageous!"

"Yes, Su Bai actually performed a way to win that I could never have imagined. This tip-in after a missed free throw was cooler than the tip-in dunk by"Boss Joe", right?"

"Much more handsome!"

"That's right, Boss Qiao just tipped in his teammate's free throw, but Su Bai shot and grabbed the ball himself, which was much more difficult. The most critical point was that this was a tip-in and a buzzer-beater!"


"Su Bai is too strong!"

"It was another feast of buzzer beaters. I remember that not long ago, Su Bai had a buzzer beater that overturned our perception of center forwards."

"Yes, yes, it's the matchup between the Suns and the Lakers before the Christmas game."

"Tsk tsk...First, the Lakers, the defending champions with the"Black Mamba", and then"GDP"The No. 1 Spurs in the Western Conference, Su Bai is too fierce"

"Haha, that's no joke."

"To be honest, Su Bai is a rookie who is so strong that it exceeds our traditional understanding of rookies. Just as Van Gundy said, Su Bai: a T0 level rookie!"

"That’s right!"

"Hey, have you found a problem, Su Bai......Su Bai has many buzzer beaters this season"


Following the fan's words, the fans quieted down. They were not frightened or shocked, but silently counting down Su Bai's buzzer-beating moments this season.

Soon, someone replied:"So far this season, Su Bai has played in 19 games in total. He made a buzzer-beating shot in his debut, and then played against the Thunder's"Big Three" and made a buzzer-beating three-pointer from the center!

Then, he faced off against the Bulls, where"Windy City Rose" Rose was, and made a buzzer-beating three-pointer from far away.

After that, in the game against the defending champion Lakers with the"Black Mamba", Su Bai made a buzzer-beating shot with a steal and layup.

And last night, facing the"GDP", the Spurs, who are No. 1 in the Western Conference, scored 4 points in one offensive round by self-penalty and made a tip-in to win the game against the Spurs!

19 games, 5 buzzer beaters!"


"Oh, my, God, I don't know until I hear it. From this point of view, this rookie Su Bai is ridiculously strong!"

"19 games, 5 buzzer beaters, my God, how big a heart does Su Bai have to be able to perform so many buzzer beaters?!"


"Su Bai is really strong, I love him, I love him!"

"19 games, 5 buzzer beaters, to be honest, in my opinion, Su Bai......He is a man born for the buzzer beater!"

Su Bai: A man born for the buzzer beater!

The speaker may not mean it, but the listener will take it seriously!

This sentence spread in a very short time, causing a new round of more crazy heated discussions. From fans to players, and even the entire league, everyone was impressed. How powerful Su Bai, a man born for the buzzer beater, is!

Some people even said bluntly that although Su Bai is only a rookie, he is already the strongest center in the league.

This statement also caused a lot of controversy. After all,......No matter how strong Su Bai is and how many buzzer beaters he has, he is still a rookie who has played only 19 games.

How can he be qualified for the position of the league's"No. 1 center"?......


Magic training center.

As the league's top center with both popularity and strength,",""Howard was the first to express his dissatisfaction after hearing the news.

He leaned back in his lounge chair, pouted, and said,"Why do so many people like Su Bai? A center with that kind of inferior outside shooting style.

I just think it's not a big deal!

It doesn't fit our center's offensive mode, and the ceiling won't be that high!"

Nelson, who came over with the ball, said,"Su Bai's offensive style is indeed different, but......19 games, 5 buzzer beaters, that's incredible!"


Howard said disdainfully,"He always shoots from the outside, and is lucky enough to encounter a few buzzer-beating moments. He hits those shots, which is why he has buzzer-beating shots.

Take last night for example.

He missed the free throw, and then made a tip-in to win the game. I feel that was just luck. And the buzzer-beating three-pointer in the previous game against the Thunder was also a lucky three-pointer."


Howard felt right.

It's just that......In this situation, who would believe him if he said this?

"Ah, so that's it!"

Nelson agreed, but he didn't agree in his heart.


Howard snorted, somewhat unhappy.

Although he was still the league's"No. 1 center", Su Bai was a rookie center, and now his gorgeous performances had seriously affected his status.

"Su Bai, let’s start the battle quickly. I can’t wait to tell the league that dominating the inside is the way for a center to survive!"......


Heat locker room!

【Su Bai: A man born for buzzer beaters!】

This news also reached the ears of the Heat's"Big Three"."Dragon King" Bosh leaned back in a soft chair and read the news about Su Bai in the newspaper.

He couldn't help but sigh and said,"Su Bai is really amazing. How can a rookie play at such a high level and perform all kinds of buzzer beaters? The key is that he is also a center!

Su Bai is an extremely difficult player"


"This year's Suns will be a very troublesome team because of Su Bai."

The Flash" Wade, who also heard the news, nodded. After seeing Su Bai's buzzer beater against the"No. 1 shooting guard" Kobe's Lakers, he began to take Su Bai seriously.

Su Bai, a rookie, put a lot of pressure on Bosh and Wade, two giants at their peak.

But at this time,

LeBron, the"little emperor" who has always supported Su Bai, said out of character:"Yes, the Suns are very strong, and Su Bai, who has performed buzzer beaters one after another, is also very strong.


That's why the sun is not as powerful as we think!"

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