
Bosh was a little confused, and Wade also looked at LeBron.

LeBron put down the newspaper in his hand and said,"In 19 games, he has made 5 buzzer beaters.

Whenever the team is in dire straits, at the most critical moment, when the opponent is only 1-2 points away from winning, he can always step up in time, complete an attack, and reverse the game.

There is no doubt that Su Bai, the rookie, has a"big heart" and is able to make key shots.

However, there is a prerequisite for hitting these key shots and making these buzzer beaters. The score must be tense at the last moment, and more often than not, the opponent is behind.

Only in this way can a buzzer beater be achieved.

This also means that strong teams such as the Lakers and the Spurs can fight the Suns until the last moment, which shows that the overall strength of the Suns is not that strong.

Because a truly strong team can punch in three quarters, or even take a big lead at the beginning of the last quarter, giving the opponent no chance to make a buzzer beater.

Therefore, the Suns are not as strong as imagined. Once we meet them, we can make a big effort in three quarters, or even start the fourth quarter to ruin the game. No matter how strong Su Bai is, there is nothing we can do."


Bosh and Wade nodded after hearing this.

LeBron stood up, smiled faintly, and said:"It is undeniable that Su Bai is an epoch-making and powerful super rookie, but I'm sorry......This season, we must be hot."


"That is, we got together just for the championship."

The three of them smiled at each other, their eyes were full of passion!......

Today is the last day of 2010.

After the Suns defeated the Spurs, they will have a three-day break to connect to New Year's Day, but the news media and even the Internet have not stopped discussing the Suns and Su Bai.

Of course, in addition to the Suns and Su Bai, the NBA schedule, All-Star voting and other matters are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

As for Su Bai, he flew back to Phoenix with the team overnight, and as usual, he ignored the world and slept to replenish his energy. When he woke up today, it was a little earlier, at 10 am.


Just woke up.

There was a text message alert.

Su Bai was delighted when he checked it, because the text message reminded him that Adidas would pay wages, a total of 1.2 million US dollars, equivalent to 8 million Chinese yuan.

100 million in 5 years, 20 million a year, almost 1.67 million a month, deducting some complicated tax rates, and finally 1.2 million US dollars in hand, which is reasonable.

Earn 8 million in one sleep.

It's so damn cool!

Every time the salary is paid, Su Bai is in a very good mood.

However, Su Bai also knows that he has to work to get the money. A few minutes later, the phone rang, and Adidas asked him to go to shoot.

Adidas also knows that NBA players have a tight schedule.

So......Su Bai will not go to work every day. Only when he has more than 2 days off will he go to the company to shoot and record.

""Let's go!"

Su Bai was an office worker in his previous life. He didn't hate working. After all, compared to his previous job with less money, fewer holidays, and more overtime, he now has more money, more holidays, more free time, and no overtime. He was so happy. After getting up and packing, Su Bai went to work.

At five o'clock in the evening ,

Su Bai got off work on time. He took a taxi home and felt more and more uncomfortable without a car.

"No, the whole car thing must be put on the agenda as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome and waste the money I spent on getting a driver's license."


Su Bai already has a driver's license.

The US driver's license test is also divided into two parts: a written test and a road test. Although the price is not expensive, the interval between them still needs to be based on the number of test takers at the time.

Su Bai has no problem with driving skills, but the problem of time. In order to get the driver's license quickly, he asked Austin to find someone and pay to become a"VIP" player.

The process was completed in half a day, and the driver's license was obtained within three days.

This made Su Bai sigh that no matter where you are,"money ability" is one of the fastest ways to solve problems.

Driver's license in hand.

What Su Bai lacks is a car......

8 o'clock in the evening.

Su Bai leaned on the sofa. He was rarely free. He turned on the TV and prepared to watch NBA live?!


The curtains were drawn and the lights switched to dim night lights. After Su Bai created the atmosphere, he searched for the movie:"The Ring 2: The Haunting of Sadako" and played it.


Su Bai likes to watch horror movies.

As the plot unfolds, the heroine Takano Mai comes to an attic to investigate the cause of her lover's death. The weird house and the weird attic are filled with a cold and creepy atmosphere.

When she walked through a corridor and wanted to continue searching, she suddenly saw a woman combing her hair in front of a round mirror on the wall. She could see through the mirror.

The woman smiled while combing her hair. Her pale cheeks and weird smile made people panic.

Takano Mai was also a little scared. Suddenly, her pupils dilated and slowly turned back. The camera slowly turned behind her, accompanied by the horror background music.

It was completely scary.

Su Bai's nerves were highly tense. He clenched his fists, wondering if Sadako would suddenly appear with her hair disheveled.

And at this moment

"Ding ding ding~"

His cell phone suddenly rang



Su Bai shrank back in fear and yelled out, even swearing!


He gasped for a long time before he recovered a little. Then he picked up the phone and wanted to curse who the bastard was for calling him at this critical moment to scare him.

But he saw that it was Mu Shuiqin.

He had to give up and took the phone and said,"Sister Qin"


On the other end of the phone, Mu Shuiqin heard the voice and asked,"Xiaobai, what's wrong with you? Why are you out of breath? Are you feeling uncomfortable?!"

"No, I'm watching a movie."


After hearing this, Mu Shuiqin immediately understood and said with a smile:"Xiaobai, were you watching a horror movie, and I just happened to call you and scared you?!"


You know all this?

However, due to his manliness, Su Bai curled his lips and said:"No, how could it be possible"


Mu Shuiqin smiled and didn't delve into the topic. She said,"Xiaobai, congratulations on winning the game yesterday. As your fan, I watched the whole game yesterday.


It was very exciting and thrilling!

At the end, I thought you were going to lose, but I didn't expect you to turn the game around. Why didn't I realize you had such a strong basketball ability before?

Tell me.

What have you experienced in the past few years that I've been in school?!"


Su Bai said with a smile:"Look at my height, as long as I train hard, I will be a good basketball player."

"Well...It seems so~"

"By the way, Sister Qin, how was your joining the crew?"

"It’s not bad. I have joined a crew. Although it’s a very small role, it’s not bad. It’s a good start....

Wait a minute, no, Xiaobai, how did you know I joined the crew?"

Mu Shuiqin was confused. She had told anyone else about this news. Su Bai was the first


Su Bai smiled and said,"Because you are my cousin, we are related by blood, so we can sense each other. I can tell from the tone of your voice."

"Poor~ I think it's probably just a guess"


Mu Shuiqin looked unconvinced and laughed,"Xiaobai, have you forgotten that you and I are not related by blood, so...Go ahead and continue to write."

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