Altitude sickness?!


Salt Lake City is 1,300 meters above sea level, and the air pressure on the plateau is low, which makes the Jazz home stadium in an oxygen-deficient harsh environment all year round.

If it weren't for professional training, even NBA players with good physical fitness would feel uncomfortable. After all, the air is relatively thin, and high-intensity exercise will make them tired after a while.

And due to different physical conditions

, some players will experience"altitude sickness" on the plateau. The most common reactions are a series of symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue and blurred vision.

Now. Su Bai, who had nothing wrong with him before, suddenly had a headache at this moment. The best explanation is that he came to Salt Lake City and was in the low air pressure on the plateau....""Altitude sickness".

Although it was just a slight headache, not serious.

But it still had an impact on the players, especially Su Bai, who had just experienced three away games and immediately played the fourth away game back to back. The situation was not optimistic.

"It should be."

Curry also reacted, immediately threw down his phone, poured a cup of hot water, handed it to Su Bai, and said:"Here, drink some hot water to relieve the altitude sickness.

Be sure to keep warm.

In addition, more rest will also be better"

"Well, thank you!"

Su Bai took the water.

Curry put the kettle aside and said,"There is still some time before the game. You can rest for a while and see the situation before the game.

If not.

I suggest taking a rest tonight. I don't think it's a good thing to play with a headache."


Su Bai pursed his lips and said,"I'll take a rest first. Maybe I'll get used to it in a while."


Curry nodded.

He immediately told the team doctor about Su Bai's condition, and also told Coach Gentry. Soon, the three of them came to Su Bai's bedroom together, and saw that he was already resting.

So they didn't disturb him.

Closing the door, Gentry pulled Curry to the corridor, his expression solemn, and said:"You know, Su Bai has"altitude sickness", which no one expected. It is an unexpected situation.

But his headache, even if it is only mild, will definitely affect his performance in the game, and he may even not play. Then Su Bai, the absolute core point.

Will be the X factor affecting the game.

As for you, I still say that, we have fought to this point, I hope you will continue to win, Su Bai has unexpected conditions, there is no way.


I hope that if Su Bai is not in good shape and does not perform well, you will stand up in time to help the team score and let us continue our winning streak."

"Well, I will, coach!"

Curry nodded seriously.

As the second in command of the team, he had no choice but to......


Energy Solutions Arena.

There is still an hour before the game, but the arena is almost full, and the densely packed home fans have begun to cheer for the Jazz.

The home atmosphere is strong~

On the court.

Gentry found Su Bai and asked,"How is it? Are you feeling okay?!"

"I still have a bit of a headache, but I don't think it's a big problem."

Su Bai replied


Gentry still stared, and said seriously:"Su Bai, if you are not in good condition, don't force yourself. Although I want you to win more, I hope you are healthy more, understand?!

Our big goal is not a winning streak, but the playoffs, and even the finals, but the premise of all this is that you need to be healthy, absolutely healthy!"


Su Bai felt warm inside, nodded and smiled, and said,"Coach, I know, please don't worry." It was indeed a bit of a headache, but it was not to the point of not being able to play. Su Bai also knew how much of an impact it would have on the team if he didn't play.

Perhaps...Does it mean losing?

No matter whether or not.

He has already won 20 games in a row and doesn't want to lose for the time being, at least...You can't let your team lose because you didn't play.......

In the commentary booth,

Van Gundy tightened his blue tie and said,"Mike, you know what? I think it's going to be very difficult for the Suns to beat the Jazz tonight."

"Oh? Why? The Suns are the top team in the West, while the Jazz are only the tenth in the West."

Mike Breen agreed with a puzzled look.

Van Gundy clenched his fist, then showed his little finger and said,"First, this is the Suns' fourth consecutive away game, and it's back-to-back. The continuous long-distance travel has caused their physical strength and condition to continue to decline.

Even if the Suns have won 20 consecutive games and are the top team in the West, it is not easy to beat the Jazz tonight.

Second, the Jazz have Deron Williams, who is a top-five point guard in the league. He was named the Western Conference Player of the Month last month, which is the best proof of his strength.

If he can attack and organize, it will be a headache for the opponent.

Third, the Jazz are known as the"devil's home court". Do you know why they say that?!"


Old partner Mike Breen continued to sing the same tune.

Van Gundy slowed down and said,"First, the 1,300-meter high altitude will make the opponent play in a low-pressure and hypoxic environment, which will be very uncomfortable.

Maybe after a while, the state will decline.


The Jazz home fans are extremely enthusiastic. The visiting team can always hear continuous swearing and booing here. When you walk into this stadium.

Starting from the warm-up, you will face pairs of hostile eyes. During the game, the fans who boo you crazily will scold you for being too bad, scold you for being a rookie, and even......Call you a dog.

Their madness makes Salt Lake City the noisiest home court, which will even affect the referees. This crazy home atmosphere is a big test for the visiting team.

In addition.

The structure of the Energy Solutions Arena is different from that of ordinary basketball courts. The fan stands are relatively steep. Players playing here are like being in a deep well.

It is depressing.

This is also one of the reasons why the visiting team cannot adapt.

All of the above have created the Jazz's"devil's home court."

And there are also data showing that the Jazz's away win rate this year is only 41%, which is one of the reasons why they are tenth in the Western Conference, but their home win rate is as high as 91%.

This is the Jazz's terrifying"devil's home court". If you want to win here...It's very difficult.

The fourth point, and the most important one, was that the Suns announced before the game that the absolute core of the team, Su Bai, had a headache due to"altitude sickness". He might miss the game.

Now he is warming up on the court, and it seems that he is in good condition, but it is only an appearance. We don't know how Su Bai is physically.


Su Bai, who has"altitude sickness", his performance must be one of the X factors that determine the trend of the game."

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