"Huh? Headache? Dizziness?"

"However, at an altitude of only 1,300 meters, there is"altitude sickness". A rookie is a rookie, and his adaptability is really worrying.

Su Bai.

I advise you to get back to Phoenix as soon as possible. My Great Salt Lake City is not a place for you to stay."


"Hehe, come to our"devil's home court" tonight, don't even think about going home with a win, 20 consecutive wins this season, no defeat so far this season?!

Su Bai.

Tonight we Utah are here to put an end to everything you have"

"Headache? Tonight we will not only give you a headache, but also a pain in your balls, heart, and body."

"Go back to Phoenix!"


Inside the stadium, the fanatical Jazz fans, knowing that Su Bai was unwell, gave him fierce trash talk and booing after the game started, trying to disrupt his mentality.

Su Bai was okay, but after all, it was some unpleasant trash talk, which made the atmosphere between the two teams tense before the game started.

Soon, the warm-up was over and the starting lineups of both teams began to play.

The starting lineup of the Utah Jazz: 191 cm point guard Deron Williams, 196 cm shooting guard Raja Bell, 203 cm power forward Paul Millsap, 206 cm power forward Andrei Kirilenko, and 208 cm center Al Jefferson.

Phoenix Suns starting lineup: 191cm point guard Steve Nash, 191cm shooting guard Stephen Curry, 198cm shooting guard Vince Carter, 211cm power forward Channing Frye, and 215cm center Su Bai.

Jump, ball!

Al and Su Bai scramble for the ball.

With his 215cm height and Allen Iverson's jumping ability, if he wants, no one can beat him in scrambling for the ball as a center. In fact, in the 19 games before this, Su Bai did win every scramble for the ball.

Tonight...No exception


Su Bai kicked the basketball away before Al, and Curry caught the ball and pushed forward as usual, executing the first attack of the game for the Suns.


The left wing accelerated and broke through, then passed the ball to Nash who was cutting to the free throw line, continued to push the speed to the hinterland, and after attracting Millsap's help defense, he passed the ball horizontally


Su Bai received the ball in the right corner and shot a three-pointer. Although Kirilenko rushed over to block it, it had almost no effect on Su Bai's shot.


This shot failed to hit the target.

However, in the scramble for the rebound, Frye kicked the ball out and it landed right at Nash's position. The latter received the ball and passed it to Su Bai in the right corner without stopping.

It was still open.


Su Bai shot another three-pointer.


Still nothing.

"Su Bai missed two open 3-pointers?"

In the commentary booth,

Mike Breen looked surprised, while Van Gundy shook his head and said,"It seems......Although Su Bai was on the court, the"altitude sickness" was affecting him.

Consecutive away games + headaches.

Su Bai's condition declined."

Al protected the rebound, passed it to Deron to advance, and found Nash at the top of the arc

"Deron, who was used to"eating, sleeping and playing with Paul", faced with"Na's defense", it was almost a change of direction and acceleration, directly getting rid of him


Carter, who was familiar with his teammates, moved sideways to defend Deron.


Deron looked at Carter on the left wing, passed the ball to the right, and then made a feint to the east and attacked the west. The basketball was passed to Kirilenko in the low position on the right, who received the ball and shot a mid-range shot.


Su Bai was stunned for a moment, then blocked the shot. Despite the interference, Kirilenko still made a half-court shot.


Van Gundy shook his head and said,"Su Bai's condition is really affected by the headache. Not only is his shooting feeling bad, but his concentration is also declining.

If it were in the past, with his motor nerves and talent, Kirilenko's half-beat slow shot would definitely be blocked instead of being blocked by interference."

"I agree."

Mike Brin nodded and said,"Tonight, Su Bai is different from before!"

On the court,

Su Bai obviously felt that his attention was not fully online and frowned."Although it's just a slight headache, it seems to have an impact.


I have to adjust quickly.

I'm on the court to help the team win, not......Su Bai himself also realized that he had a problem, but it seemed that adjustment was not something that could be solved in one or two offensive rounds or one or two minutes.

3 minutes and 11 seconds


Su Bai, who had not yet adjusted himself, went off to rest. He did not want to continue playing in the first quarter, giving himself more time to adjust and rest.


"Huh? That's it? This is the end,"Monster Newcomer""?"Epoch-making center"?"The youngest"Mr. 60"? He was defeated by a 1,300-meter altitude climb."

"Oh my, what a weakling!"

"Just stay on the bench, don't come back, hold on to your last fig leaf, don't embarrass yourself again"


Su Bai went off the court to rest, but the fanatical Jazz fans still ran and blasted him, turning the Jazz's home court into a"devil's home court" that made people's mentality explode.

Close your eyes and rest.

Su Bai ignored them while adjusting.

Su Bai was in a bad state due to"altitude sickness".

On the court, even teammates who did not have"altitude sickness" were in a bad state in the continuous away games +"devil's home court" environment.


Curry's three-pointer didn't


Curry missed the layup


Curry's defense didn't keep up.

Before the game, Curry, who vowed to stand up and score for the team, was also quite sluggish in offense.

Carter and Frye were not very smooth either. Among the five starting players of the Suns tonight, only Nash's offense was slightly online, but even so, a breakthrough caused damage and got a free throw.

"As one of the top five point guards in the league, how can our Deron cross you like crossing the road in the morning? Steve Nash? Son of the Wind? No, you are old.

You are no longer worthy of this title."

"Without defensive players, you don't deserve to be in the NBA"

"He who can defend can win the world, and only defense can win the championship."Son of the Wind" Nash, I think you should know now why you didn't win a championship until you retired, right?"

"Please, retire now!"



Amid the crazy boos of the home fans, Nash, who was in good form, missed both free throws. This is the horror of the Jazz's"devil's home court."

The first quarter ended.

Jazz (35): (14) Suns.

With the two Suns' top players, Su Bai and Curry, both out of action, the Suns, who were in the Jazz's"devil's home court," fell behind by 21 points in a single quarter and fell into the abyss.

During the intermission. The Suns' bench was lifeless and everyone was in a slump. Su Bai had a headache and his concentration dropped. Curry had no touch and was tired from consecutive away games. The score difference was a terrifying 21 points. The start was hellish!

It also made everyone feel that they might really fail tonight, especially Curry. His sluggish touch made him feel powerless and extremely unhappy, but he could do nothing about it.

He looked very bad.


Su Bai snorted. It was the first time he felt the pressure of losing so early, and his face turned slightly worse.

【Ding! 】

At this moment, the system prompt sound suddenly rang in my mind.

【Ding! Trigger a random task! 】

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