
Almost the moment [Peeing 10 meters in the wind] said Su Bai's name, countless fans gasped in shock, and some people even swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

Very surprised.

Su Bai, a rookie, won an astonishing 253,000 votes and ranked third in the Western Conference vote list in the first round of the All-Star Game, surpassing superstars such as Anthony, Paul, Yao Ming, Duncan, and Nowitzki. He is second only to Kobe, who ranked first, and Durant, and is only a thousand votes away from Durant.


"Su Bai third? 253,000 votes? Was it a mistake?"

"My, god, how is this possible? Su Bai is a rookie. Although he has some ability, he is still a rookie after all. His popularity must not be enough. How could he have so many votes?!"

"Are all Chinese people voting? No, the number of votes Chinese fans can cast has been limited.......What is going on? Difficulty......"

"Hello, I said......Is it difficult to admit that Su Bai has both strength and popularity?"

"That is, Su Bai is a rookie, but he is not an ordinary rookie. He is the youngest 60-point player, a man born for buzzer beaters, and a unique epoch-making center with 13 3-pointers in a single game.

Moreover, he also led the team to 21 consecutive wins, and has never lost a rookie in his career.

He is indeed a rookie, but he is the best among rookies, and he is an extremely excellent player. However, isn't it normal that he ranks third in the votes in the West? Is it difficult to admit that Su Bai is a super rookie who combines strength and popularity?!"

"no...this...ah~~~Su Bai, so strong!"

"That’s right, my brother Su Bai is so outstanding, and......You should know that centers are not popular in the All-Star votes.

Except for Yao Ming and Howard.

Even Shaquille O'Neal, the"Big Shark" who won three consecutive championships in his peak period, was just an average player in the All-Star game and did not win the most votes once.

And Su Bai.

As a rookie, he ranked third in the West in the first round of voting. He was also the only rookie player on the list among the 20 players in the East.

Su Bai.....He is truly a super rookie who has both popularity and strength!"

"No. 1 draft pick John Wall is nowhere to be seen. Su Bai is truly a super rookie, a true T0 level rookie!"

"Su Bai is too strong!"

"I'm sure that this year's ticket king must be Su Bai!"

"Hehe, it's hard to say who will be the top vote-getter, but I think with Su Bai's popularity and strength, it should be no problem for him to squeeze into the starting lineup of the Western Conference All-Star Game."

"wow~ The rookie is the All-Star starter, so scary!"


Su Bai, a rookie, won 253,000 votes in the first round of All-Star voting, surpassing a Western star and making it into the top three.

Shocking the league!

Su Bai, a rookie who seemed to have suddenly appeared in the league, not only has extraordinary strength, but also has unimaginable popularity, which makes everyone sigh!

Su Bai: Debut is the peak!......

It's about the same time.

In the Wizards locker room.

John Wall, who knew Su Bai's first-round vote count, frowned, quite depressed, because......He scrolled through the vote rankings for a long time before he saw himself. He only had 53,000 votes. It was just a fraction of Su Bai's votes. Wall couldn't help but doubt his life and himself again, muttering to himself:"Am I really that bad as this year's No. 1 pick?!"

In fact, it's not that he is too bad, but......Su Bai is too strong!......

Let's talk about Su Bai.

Although he won the game in Salt Lake City, he was really hurt by the"altitude sickness". It was not until he woke up at 3 pm that Su Bai felt a little better.

After waking up, he checked the news for a while and found out that he had won the votes to squeeze into the third place in the West.

"I have 253,000, and Kobe, who has the highest salary, has nearly 400,000."、"No. 1 shooting guard", Kobe is still very popular.

However, my votes are not low, no, it can be said to be quite high."


You know, Su Bai is not Yao Ming back then. He did not enter the NBA under the attention of the whole country and even the whole world. He did not have the support and support of the entire Chinese fans from the beginning.

His popularity is built up by playing one game after another.

Even with the support of the Chinese country, the penetration of popularity will not reach the peak overnight.

In fact, it is also true that although Su Bai played 21 vigorous games in the NBA, there were only 21 games in the era when the Internet was not fully popularized.

Cross-border things are even more difficult to communicate.

So in China, although there are many fans who really know Su Bai, they are insignificant in the large base of the total population.

The key.

Even if many people like Su Bai, not everyone will vote, or know how to vote.


Xinlang Weibo, which appeared in 2009, has more than 100 million registered users after two years of development, and is rapidly becoming the main app for paying attention to real-time hot spots.

The key is that this year's All-Star voting can also be cast on Xinlang. This is undoubtedly a good thing for Su Bai and the fans.......The Xinlang Weibo account, which opened the All-Star voting channel for the first time, needs some time to let more fans know.

"Very good!"

Su Bai, who is not too ambitious, is quite satisfied with the results of the first round of voting.

Moreover, compared with the All-Star voting, Su Bai needs to think about another question.

"Despite the comeback win over the Jazz in the last game,......I didn't get the"30+ Quadruple-Double" and didn't complete the random tasks issued by the system, so I didn't get the [Jordan Post-Up Singles] ability....

The task is difficult, but the reward is good.

Damn, isn't this system messing with people's mentality?"

Su Bai secretly complained about the system, but he still kept this task in mind. He never knew which game he would win if he had the right time, place and people.

��Jordan's ability to play one-on-one with his back to the basket].

Still good!

After writing down the task, Su Bai shifted his focus again, temporarily settling on the next matchup with the Rockets. 22 consecutive wins, a record-breaking battle, must be won! At

4 pm.

Su Bai came to the training gym for daily training.

As soon as he stepped into the training gym, he saw Curry walking over with a smile, grabbing the basketball and pointing at Su Bai, shouting:"Su Bai, come on, one-on-one.

I want to..."......I only need 30% of my strength to beat you!"

Su Bai:???

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