Let's go back a few hours.

It was about the time when the NBA officially announced the ranking of the first round of voting for the Player of the Week and the All-Star Game.

On YouTube

, two videos suddenly became popular on the Internet overnight. They were very popular and once occupied the top five of the video hot search list.

These two videos are two interviews, and all of them are about Su Bai.

One is a video of ESPN reporter"Wo Shen" interviewing Su Bai before the second match between the Suns and the Wizards after Christmas.

Rather than saying that this video is popular, it is better to say that Su Bai's words are popular on YouTube. The content is: Su Bai faced the provocation of the"No. 1 pick" Wizards and said lightly:"The last No. 1 pick who said this, the grass on his grave is already two meters high!" As a result, he shut out Wall in a single quarter and successfully slapped him in the face.

The second video is still the matchup between the Suns and the Wizards that night, but it is a video of Su Bai being interviewed after the game. In the video, when Wo Shen asked Su Bai how he played tonight.

Su Bai said lightly:"I only used 50% of my strength to compete with Wall!"


Su Bai, who only used 50% of his strength, not only scored 37 points, 13 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals and 3 blocks, but also reduced the"No. 1" Wall who challenged him to only 8 points, 2 rebounds and 4 assists.

Su Bai's bland words once again humiliated Wall, who failed to show off and was slapped in the face.

When these two novel words were used on Wall, the first sentence perfectly interpreted the mood of failing to show off and being slapped in the face.

The second sentence fully expressed the ridicule after the victory.

It was silent for only a few days, and after being integrated by netizens, it was matched with some appropriate text and sound effects, and it became a hot topic on YouTube overnight.

It was directly derived into two memes, which made many people follow suit.

That's why Curry just made such a nonsensical scene against Su Bai.

Su Bai is still confused.

George rushed over, crossed his arms, and imitated Su Bai's speech, shouting at Curry:"Haha, Stephen, let me tell you, the last person who challenged me like this had grass two meters high on his grave."

? ? ?

Su Bai just felt puzzled, thinking, you two guys are obviously older than me, why do you talk so immature?

He shook his head slightly.

Su Bai didn't look at the two of them and walked straight to the court. Nash also walked over with a smile, and then told Curry everything about his interview video that was popular on YouTube.


"I became the new"king of pressure" in basketball"?!"

Nash said something, and Su Bai, who finally heard the news, couldn't believe it at first.

The new"King of Forcing"?!


Before Su Bai became the new"King of Forcing" because of these two very appropriate words, there were many stars in the league who said some very out-of-the-box quotes.

For example.

Gary Payton, a defensive stalwart nicknamed"The Glove", was mocked by his opponent for only being able to defend and not attack, and he retorted:"Passing you is like crossing the street in the early morning."


Successfully beat the opponent.

Let this familiar, full of irony, successfully go viral and become a thing that many fans and players will imitate in the future.

""Black Mamba" Kobe Bryant once said:"Have you ever seen Los Angeles at four in the morning? But I have!"

Kobe has many classic quotes, but this one is undoubtedly one of the most classic.

The cunning"Stone Buddha" Duncan, in the 2007 Finals, swept the Cavaliers 4-0, and said to LeBron in the locker room with a silly smile:"The future of the league is yours."

This lie lasted for a full eight years, and now he wants to deceive Su Bai again~

The king of trash talk,"Wolf King" Garnett, talks a lot of trash. Due to his strength and popularity, most people endure it silently. In a game, he mocked Anthony:"Your wife tastes like donuts."

This angered the social"melon". After the game, they blocked the bus from the locker room, scaring Garnett so much that he blocked the door and dared not get off. This farce was widely circulated at the time.

It also made Garnett's dirty words go viral.

"Jordan, the"God of Basketball", this man standing at the top of the basketball world, usually doesn't talk much, but when he does, it's absolutely choking.

The words"Come on, you almost defended me" made those players and coaches who tried their best but couldn't defend him become autistic.

After winning three consecutive championships and retiring, Michael Jordan came back again with a"I'm, back!", how many people are frightened!

And when it comes to"forcing words",""Big Bird" Larry Bird is undoubtedly the recognized king of forcing. In the three-point contest, he said"Are you all here to compete for second place?!" and immediately won the three-point contest championship without warming up, which made people have to submit to him.

Facing the defender, he said:"In the next second, I will be in this position and use a jump shot to kill you!"

As a result, he was in this position, facing the defense, and completed the jump shot to complete the buzzer-beating. What are some of the"forcing words" that have gone viral?",""Big Bird" is really not afraid of anyone.

There are too many such things.

And now.

Su Bai said those two words without thinking much because of John Wall's provocation, but it backfired and made him the new"king of pressure" in the NBA."

【The last person said this, the grass on the grave is already two meters high】

【I only used 50% of my strength to play against a player like you].

These two sentences have become the new"king of bullying" Su Bai's quotes.

Under Curry's strong recommendation, Su Bai watched the most popular video on YouTube about his interview, which broke 5 million views overnight.

Now it seems that there is indeed some pretense.


Su Bai smiled awkwardly and said,"You can imitate as you like, just be happy.~~"......

Su Bai's two sentences have become the object of imitation for many fans.......Not limited to football fans, people from all walks of life are imitating, making these two sentences.

Not only are they the new"King of Force" Su Bai's popular quotes.

They have become two sentences and become popular memes. The key is that the popularity of these two memes has invisibly made Su Bai gain another wave of popularity and heat.

This is a good thing.

However, Su Bai, who doesn't care much about these, is paying attention to the matchup with the Rockets tomorrow night. He is taking this battle for a record of 22 consecutive wins seriously. He must win!

The fans, especially the Chinese fans, are also looking forward to this matchup, looking forward to seeing Su Bai tie the winning streak record set by"Yao and McGrady".

Amid the expectations of countless people.

This night......advent!

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