There was no chance to fight and lie down, how could it be an offensive foul?!

Su Bai directly jumped over the"Little Steel Cannon" Lowry, and completed a dunk with an extreme height difference in the counterattack, like a demon descending to earth, with a shocking visual effect!


There was a deafening cheer in the stadium!

"Oh my god!"

In the CCTV-5 studio, Wang Meng slammed his finger on the table and yelled,"Unbelievable, unbelievable, Su Bai is a center, his jumping and bursting are so terrifying that he can jump over Lowry....This is awesome!"


Coach Zhang also laughed excitedly and said,"Yes, this is impossible for an ordinary center, but now it's Su Bai.

Then it exists!


"Oh? Make sense?"

Wang Meng blinked and then laughed,"Coach Zhang, why are you using the same method you used to praise Kobe on Su Bai?!"

"Ah? Really? Hehe, just being realistic.

"Tsk tsk..."

A-Lin in the audience couldn't help but smack his lips and exclaimed:"A center leaping over a guard, even if he has a height advantage, is a super talent visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, this flight is so cool!

Su Bai, you are awesome!"

Behind A-Lin, Lin Shuhao swallowed subconsciously. Su Bai's dunk made him, who entered the NBA in the same year as Su Bai, feel inferior.

"Our country has produced a super genius that is rare in a century, Su Bai, you must keep shining."

In front of A-Lian, that is, on the Rockets bench, Yao Ming leaned on the chair and covered his face with his hands, but he still couldn't hide his excitement and joy.


No matter who sees Su Bai flying over"Little Steel Cannon" Lowry and performing a dunk, they will be shocked, not to mention Yao Ming, who is a compatriot.

"Su Bai, well done!"

The powerful visual effect of the leaping dunk wiped out the momentum that Lowry had accumulated from two defensive backs, and the cheers from the whole stadium maximized the home advantage.


However, even in the restless atmosphere of the home court, Kevin Martin made a steady three-pointer after a screen, returning the favor.

Given enough ball rights to Martin, this shooting guard averaging 24.5 points per game, he can help the team score.

This three-pointer is quite crucial.


Nash pushed the ball over to the top of the arc and passed it to Su Bai. As soon as Su Bai received the ball, Sean Battier moved sideways and appeared in front of Su Bai.


Su Bai narrowed his eyes, showing a trace of seriousness on his face.

Battier, who created the"eye-blind defense", is a well-known defensive player. His superb defensive skills have given Kobe, LeBron and other superstars a headache.

Especially the"eye-blind defense".

Even if you don't block the opponent, even if your physical fitness is weaker than your opponent, you can greatly reduce the opponent's scoring efficiency.

Facing Battier, Su Bai, who is facing him for the first time, will also take it seriously.

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Su Bai rhythmically controlled the ball, slowly lowered his center of gravity, and the moment his left shoulder leaned to the left, he rushed to the left, and then did an Iverson-style crosserover.


He turned back sharply in front of his body, shook off Battier's center of gravity, took a step to the right to catch the ball, and then took a jump shot.


However, at the same time as he jumped up, Battier, who had a very fast defensive reaction, rushed over from the side and......A big hand covered Su Bai's eyes.


Su Bai made his move.

But......There is interference!


Su Bai missed the shot.

Fortunately, Carter grabbed the ball and saw that the second attack opportunity under the basket was not good, so he passed the ball back to the outside line and gave the ball to Su Bai again.

"Wow~ As a defensive stalwart, Battier’s ruthless"blind defense" seems to be unbearable even for the"super rookie" Su Bai!"


"Battier seemed to be very relaxed, while Su Bai was obviously a little flustered in the mid-range shot just now due to the blindfolded defense, which caused it to miss."

"Good defense, eh?...Is Battier the nemesis of Subai?"

"It's possible. Many superstars have a headache facing his defense. Su Bai is indeed very talented, but due to his lack of experience, he may be blocked."

"Ah this!"

"No way, come on, Su Bai!"

"How is that possible? You can only attack once. You underestimated Su Bai too much.

Battier played a good defense, which made the home fans worried.

On the court,

Su Bai, who received the ball again, felt a sinking feeling in his heart.

"As expected, he is an experienced defender. His defense was not intended to lock me up from the beginning, but to limit me to the greatest extent.

Therefore, he was able to be shaken off and caught up, and to block his eyes and interfere with the defense.

As for whether he could score or not, he didn't care at all."

Su Bai nodded, acknowledging Battier's defense. After all,......Players like LeBron, Kobe, and McGrady are really impossible to defend one-on-one.

So, maximizing interference is the best defense.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Su Bai held the ball at the top of the arc and looked at Battier, revealing a hint of fighting spirit:"Very smart defense, but since you didn't intend to block me from the beginning, then......"


With a feint, Su Bai pulled up the ball and suddenly shot a cold arrow.


Battier tried his best to block it, just like before, it was just an interference to the eyes, the basketball in Su Bai's hand flew out, and then......


Hollow hit

"He was able to score even though his eyes were blocked? Is Su Bai lucky?!"

A Rockets fan complained.


I don't know if Su Bai heard that in the next round, Su Bai pushed over and faced the defense of the defensive stalwart Battier. He was one step away from the three-point line.


Another unreasonable three-pointer.

Facing the blocked defense, he shot another three-pointer, and it was the most perfect empty shot.

"This ball also covered his eyes, and there is another one?!"

The fan was surprised, but just when he was about to say that Su Bai was lucky again, Su Bai on the court, at the top of the arc on the right, faced Battier's defense.


Another 3-pointer

"How could it be?!"

The fan was stunned, and a Rockets fan next to him twitched his mouth and cursed:"A center on the outside, facing Battier's"blind defense", can still shoot three-pointers so accurately!

Su Bai is such a bastard!"

"Hello, it seems......It seems that the blindfold defense has no effect on him."

"what's the situation?!"


Battier on the court was also shocked,"What's going on? How come the blindfold defense has no deterrent effect on Su Bai?! No, how can he be so accurate?!"

At the same time.

In the CCTV-5 studio.

Coach Zhang opened his mouth and exclaimed:"Facing the defensive stalwart Battier's"blindfold defense", Su Bai made 3 of 3 three-pointers and scored 9 points against the defense. Those who don't know would think Battier's defense is not good."


Wang Meng smiled and said,"Although President Battier's"blind defense" is very strong,......This kind of defense is nothing compared to his absolute talent."

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