
What Wang Meng said is absolutely right!

Facing Su Bai who is tall enough, fast enough, and accurate enough, even if Battier uses blindfold defense, the interference effect on Su Bai is minimal.

The key.

This also exposes a fatal flaw.

That is, Su Bai knows that Battier, who is trying to block his eyes, will definitely not block his shot. So Su Bai, who is not worried about being blocked and keeps a calm mind.

As long as he gets a little sight and completes the shot, coupled with his accurate shooting.

Facing the defense of defensive stalwart Battier, which is no less than the training shot, scoring will become easy.

Therefore, after not keeping a calm mind in the first defense, losing some sight and worrying about blocking and missing the shot, Su Bai hit three-pointers in a row, making the"blind defense" of"President" Battier useless.

On the court.

Battier also realized this.

As a defensive expert, he has a set of defensive rules whether facing those who are faster than him, taller than him, or those who shoot accurately.

It allows him to perform defense to the extreme.

However......When these three points are combined on one person, on Su Bai, even Battier would have a headache and feel helpless.


Battier frowned,"This kid Su Bai doesn't need to be blindfolded. No, to be precise, he is too tall and I can't completely block his sight.

And there is no block.

It's like letting him shoot. No, we can't defend like this."

Sean Battier came to his senses and appeared in front of Su Bai again. He was ready to defend closely and put more intense defensive pressure.


So what.

Su Bai is not only capable of three-pointers. Battier will adapt his defense, and Su Bai's offense is not static.


When Battier approached, Su Bai paused, and the whole person turned into a gust of wind, accelerating in one step, and pulled half a body length away from him. He accelerated again and passed Battier directly. He rushed to the basket and faced Scola's clumsy body. He made a tough layup with an amazing explosion, so that Scola could only reach out to interfere and dared not jump.


Su Bai hit the board and hit the target

"Hehe, Su Bai is not only good at three-pointers, he has speed and height, and an exquisite ball-handling ability that is not what a center should have.

Su Bai's breakthrough is also very lethal.

Battier was not very effective in defending Su Bai's three-pointers, and his defense was not very effective when facing Su Bai's breakthroughs.

However, this is normal. After all, a defensive player as strong as Artest could not limit Su Bai, and Battier was a little lacking in skills."

In the CCTV studio, Wang Meng was full of praise for Su Bai.

"Just a few minutes into the game, Su Bai, who had just returned from Salt Lake City and had enough rest, was in great form and had already scored 13 points in the first quarter....

Until Su Bai's state exploded, Curry's side had a three-point opportunity but didn't want it, and passed the ball to Su Bai again, letting him face Battier's defense again.

How to attack?!

He pretended to shoot and then broke through, suddenly started, with amazing speed and long legs, such an explosion, even Battier would find it difficult to defend, and there was no way to parry. Su Bai rushed to the basket.

Flying dunk, another shot!"

"At the top of the left arc, Su Bai faced Battier again. He made two breakthroughs in a row, his face full of confidence, and he made butterfly moves between his legs, doing whatever he wanted.

Break or shoot?

Wow, Su Bai actually passed Battier's legs, moved sideways to receive the ball, and in the blink of an eye, he passed Battier cleanly, cut into the basket, and easily made a layup.


This clever crotch pass made Scola, who was under the basket, look at him in a daze, thinking, a crotch pass from the outside, is this a center attacking?"

"In the middle of the arc, Nash unreasonably looked for Su Bai again. Although Battier couldn't defend him, as the team's strongest defensive point, he had to continue defending Su Bai.


His feet kept moving, and he was obviously a little panicked and nervous, nervous about when Su Bai would penetrate his defense and put the basketball into the basket.


This time, Su Bai pretended to shoot, and the panicked Battier was half a beat slower. The height of his jump was so high that he couldn't even block Su Bai's eyes. This was simply giving away points.


Su Bai's fourth 3-pointer in the first quarter, unreasonably hit again!

Oh my God, Su Bai had already scored 20 points in the first quarter, and there were still 3 minutes and 13 seconds left in the game."

"Another three-pointer, the fifth three-pointer, 23 points in a single quarter, Su Bai is unstoppable"

"One meter outside the three-point line, Su Bai once again chose a three-pointer, a super long three-pointer. Battier's eyes widened, and he felt his scalp tingling. He must have been yelling in his heart not to make it.



An arrow pierced his heart, and Su Bai hit another three-pointer, the sixth three-pointer in a single quarter!"

"With 26 points in a single quarter, Su Bai, who has returned to full form, has been playing like crazy. In the last attack of the first quarter, Nash didn't think twice and gave the ball to Su Bai again.

Curry and Carter pulled apart, as if to say, Su Bai......You keep on performing!

Battier looked nervous, with a frown on his face. It was obvious that he really wanted to defend Su Bai, but Su Bai was not in a hurry at all and pressed the time.

The last 3 seconds.

Two meters outside the three-point line on the right, he was controlling the ball, and suddenly moved sideways and took a step to the right, and directly shot a long three-pointer. Everyone knew that he would shoot a three-pointer again.

Battier blocked it.

However, Su Bai's shot was too fast, and the basketball flew out from Battier's fingertips. It was a long three-pointer at the buzzer, right?! Oh my god.


The basketball once again went through the net unreasonably.

Oh my god!

Su Bai made a buzzer-beating 3-pointer in the first quarter, and.........

Hitting 7 three-pointers in a single quarter and scoring 29 points, is this something a rookie center can do?......Too strong!"

Wang Meng was so excited that his saliva splashed during his passionate commentary. He was completely excited and immersed in the game. He was completely impressed by Su Bai's gorgeous attack.


Coach Zhang couldn't sit still anymore, so he took over the conversation and said excitedly:"Su Bai has returned to full form and scored a terrifying 29 points in a single quarter tonight. However,......

The Rockets only scored 27 points in a single quarter tonight.

In other words, Su Bai's single-quarter score directly surpassed the entire Rockets team!!!"


The author has something to say:

I’m sorry, I feel dizzy and my legs hurt, I really can’t stand it!

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