The next day.


Suns training hall.

Su Bai, Curry, George and other players were doing routine training in the hall. At this time, coach Gentry came over and said,"Tomorrow night our opponent is the Hawks.

This is a strong enemy in the Eastern Conference.

And recently we have lost three games in a row and rested, and played two weak teams. Although we won, our condition is not completely online. Suddenly facing a strong team, and it is their home court, we may be a little uncomfortable.


We will fly to Atlanta this afternoon and go to the hall early tomorrow to warm up and get into the state as soon as possible."


Everyone nodded.

Gentry continued,"After the Hawks, our next opponents are: Timberwolves, Jazz, Hornets, Pistons, Bucks, Nuggets and Lakers.

These seven teams.

The first five are quite strong. If nothing unexpected happens, we have a high chance of winning in a normal matchup.

However, everyone should pay attention to the Nuggets and Lakers.

There is no need to say much about the defending champion Lakers, and Anthony of the Nuggets, as one of the representatives of the"03 Platinum Generation", his strength should not be underestimated.

Mr. 60 points, the highest single-quarter score in history, he has done it.

Facing the Nuggets with Anthony, we must not take it lightly."


The players responded again

"Get on the bus to the airport at 5 o'clock."

After saying this, Gentry turned around and left without disturbing the players' training.

Not long after the coach left, Su Bai received a call from Austin's agent.

"Su Bai, your next opponent is the Eagles, right?!"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"It's like this, there are several brand snack companies that want you to be their spokesperson, and they all happen to have branches in Atlanta. The process is very simple, just sign the contract. You don't have to worry about the follow-up.

But you have to go there in person to sign. I think you can be their spokesperson, this is almost free money, don't refuse it, so......If it's convenient, we can go there earlier to take over?!"

Hearing this,

Su Bai thought about it and agreed, saying,"How about taking a flight to Atlanta at 5 o'clock?!""


Austin was delighted and said with a smile,"That's perfect. I also planned to ask you to set this time. That's perfect. Let's go and deal with it together tomorrow."


Beep, beep.

The phone was hung up.

The snack endorsement, and the kind where you get paid once and don't have to worry about the follow-up, the snack company did this to take advantage of Su Bai's popularity and attract Su Bai's fans to buy.

For Su Bai, it is definitely not a loss, but if the snacks don't taste good and the fans are cheated, that would be a bit bad, so......Before Su Bai endorses it, he will still try it.

Although everyone has different tastes, at least he should think it's okay!......

At 9 pm, near the Philips Arena in Atlanta

, Su Bai and Austin met with the head of a chain food store called Krispy Kreme in a pre-arranged coffee shop.

After trying many kinds of donuts from his family, Su Bai thought the taste was okay. Austin also told him that the store had good reviews, and after some negotiations, he signed a 2-year endorsement contract with Krispy Kreme for 10 million US dollars.

In 2011, the endorsement fee of a food store can be tens of millions, which is quite considerable for a rookie.

Then he met with the head of an ice cream shop called Cold Stone Creamery. After tasting the special ice cream, Su Bai thought the taste was not bad.

Austin also said that the store has a good reputation.

So after the conversation, he signed a contract with 6 million US dollars for 1 year.

Then he signed with JBL.】、【The two chains, JBL and Hershey, met. JBL is a store that sells super cool mint and chewy gum.

Hershey is a chain store that sells chocolate and chocolate candies.

After tasting and negotiating, he signed a contract with JBL for 8 million US dollars for 2 years and with Hershey for 7 million US dollars a year, becoming their respective endorsements. One after another.

The meeting and conversation lasted until the early morning.

In just 3 hours, Su Bai successfully signed contracts with 4 snack shops. Su Bai was quite satisfied with Austin's efficiency in handling things. He was a qualified agent.

In fact.

Austin arranged five tonight, and one was a spicy snack chain store, but......After tasting it, Su Bai felt that the taste was not good.

At least.

In his opinion, it was not as good as the spicy strips from Weilong in China, so he finally gave up.

In the end, he endorsed four companies, including Krispy Kreme for donuts, Cold Stone Creamery for ice cream, Jinlang for chewing gum, and Hershey for chocolate.

Four food stores signed a one-time contract, and Su Bai got a total of 31 million US dollars worth of contracts. The endorsement fee will be deposited into Su Bai's account within a week.

And Su Bai only needs to allow his photo to be printed on the outside of the food packaging and in the store. It's so easy to earn 31 million US dollars. Even if part of the tax is deducted, there will be at least a net income of about 2,000 US dollars.


I have to say it's cool!

"Austin, you made a lot of money for me tonight. Let's go, I'll treat you to a big meal!" After signing the contract, Su Bai was in a good mood and decided to treat this efficient, fully responsible and profitable agent to a midnight snack.


Austin smiled and said,"Thank you, but......This is not my credit, it is all earned by your strength. As long as you play better and better in the league and your popularity continues to rise, more resources will come to you, and I will continue to help you integrate and select the best resources that are most suitable for you to maximize your interests and achieve a win-win situation!"

"Well, I chose you because I believe in your ability. Okay, let’s not talk about work now. Let’s go and have dinner!"


Austin was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, he was pulled away by Su Bai.......

The next day.


Hawks home court, Phillips Arena. There is still an hour before the game. The Suns, who had warmed up in advance during the day, walked through the arena corridor.

Everyone was in good shape.

When I came to the court, there were already many fans in the arena. At the same time, the home team Hawks were also warming up on the court.

Warming up at least an hour in advance at their home court, it can be seen that the Hawks also attach importance to this game and want to defend the honor of their home court.

After Su Bai came to the court, he looked at the Hawks who were warming up to see which players were on the opponent. When his eyes fell on a man wearing the No. 27 jersey, his face suddenly turned cold, and a gleam of disgust shot out of his eyes!

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