
Scumbag Pachulia!


It is this dirty center who likes to"step on the ball" and plays dirty. He is also one of the few players in the league that Su Bai hates.

It is normal for someone like"Mad Dog" Beverley to play dirty because of his hard work. After all,......Others have to eat too.

When one's own talent is not enough, it is human nature to defend hard to gain a foothold and win a good contract.


Pachulia's malicious"stepping" and despicable behavior that ruined others' futures completely violated the spirit and morality of competitive sports and was extremely disgusting.

In the 16-17 season, the Spurs were the biggest obstacle on the Warriors' road to the championship. In the first game of the Western Conference Finals, the Spurs once led by more than 20 points.......Pachulia stepped up at this time.

He deliberately"tripped" the core of the Spurs, Leonard.

As a result, he was out for the season. The Warriors reversed the game by more than 20 points and won. After that, they swept the Spurs 4:0 and won the championship that year!

Not to mention that if he didn't"trip", the Warriors would definitely not be able to beat the Spurs.

But Pachulia's clumsy behavior almost ruined the future of superstar Leonard, and......It directly shattered the Spurs' dream of winning the championship. It even directly changed the Spurs' situation, causing them to be unable to recover for many years to come.

And the culprit of all this was the malicious"stepping".

Su Bai stared at Pachulia, his eyes flashing with disgust:"Dregs, don't let me catch you, otherwise......"You'll have to bear the consequences!!!"

After staring at the scum and glancing at the Hawks players, Su Bai warmed up on his own.

Soon, the warm-up was over.

The starting players of both teams began to play.

Atlanta Hawks starting lineup: Mike Bibby, 185 cm tall, shooting guard Joe Johnson, 201 cm tall, small forward Josh Smith, 206 cm tall, power forward Marvin Williams, 206 cm tall, and center Al Horford, 208 cm tall.

Phoenix Suns starting lineup: point guard Steve Nash, 191 cm tall, shooting guard Stephen Curry, 191 cm tall, shooting guard Vince Carter, 198 cm tall, power forward Channing Frye, 211 cm tall, and center Su Bai, 215 cm tall.

"Jump, ball!"

Su Bai competed for the ball with the All-Star center Horford.

But that didn't matter. With his absolute height and jumping advantage, Su Bai once again kicked the ball over the All-Star center's head, winning the first ball possession for the Suns.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Nash pushed the ball over, and under a screen from Su Bai, he cut into the basket from the left wing, dodged and cut into the basket, and made a layup. When Horford was about to block the shot,


Nash pulled back under the basket


The basketball instantly passed through Joe Johnson and Marvin, and quickly and accurately passed it to Su Bai at the top of the arc on the left.


He raised his hand and shot a three-pointer.

An arrow shot through the heart!

A hollow hit!

"Wow~ Nash's pass after luring the enemy deep into the goal is really a wonderful pass. He is worthy of being called a"passing master". This pass is pleasing to the eye!"

Mike Breen said with a smile


Van Gundy also smiled and said,"But the three-point shot by center Su Bai is also so stable that it makes people tremble. Josh Smith even jumped on it.

Unfortunately, the shooter was not a guard, but a 215 cm tall center.

He was helpless!"

Hawks (0): (3) Suns.

Hawks have the ball.

Bibby dribbles the ball across half court and passes it to Joe Johnson at the top of the arc. The latter rushes to Su Bai one-on-one. He originally thought that he could crush him with speed, but he couldn't get rid of Su Bai at all.

On the contrary.

Su Bai's tall body has been blocking him, crushing all his attacks.


Joe Johnson, the leading scorer on the Hawks, only scored and passed the ball to Josh Smith in the left corner, who opened his hand and shot a three-pointer.



But Horford protected the offensive rebound, confronted Frye in one step, and jumped up to shoot a small rebound.



In the next round, Josh Smith broke through and made a layup but failed. Horford kicked the ball out, Marvin grabbed it, and Joe Johnson


Raise your hand and score 3 points


" Swish!"

Curry made a three-pointer in a fast break, followed by a Buddha pose, shook off Marvin, and rushed to the basket. Facing Joe Johnson's wing chase and block, he shot high off the rebound.


The soft touch allowed him to hit the ball under the block.

But then......Joe Johnson pushed back and passed the ball to Bibby on the outside, who also decisively returned a three-pointer. Is this a good shot?!


There is also a wave of 7:2 back to the Suns

"Tsk tsk..."

Van Gundy smacked his lips and said,"The Hawks are really good. Although they don't have any players with outstanding individual abilities, they are versatile.

They can attack from multiple points.

After passing the ball several times, any player with the ball can end the attack if there is a chance."


Mike Brin nodded, but then said:"But......

The Suns are also like this, and they also have the"monster rookie" Su Bai who has a strong personal offensive ability......."

Michael Breen's words


Su Bai pushed over, took a step outside the three-point line, chased and shot a three-pointer, facing Josh Smith's defense, and hit it unreasonably.

And in the next round.

Su Bai misled again, pretended to attack on the left wing, accelerated on the right wing, passed Josh Smith, cut into the basket, and made a layup with three steps. His height and long arms, coupled with an amazing explosion.

While Horford was stunned


The layup was successful. In the transition from offense to defense, Joe Johnson faced Su Bai, changed direction under his crotch to find the rhythm, and suddenly started to accelerate, and in one step he accelerated to the same level as Su Bai.

The next moment, he passed Su Bai.......All this was still within Su Bai's defense range. He focused his eyes and used [Eagle's Claw] to steal the ball.

As he passed Su Bai, the basketball was also intercepted by Su Bai.


Su Bai steals the ball.

The Suns counterattack!


Su Bai made a long pass across half the court, finding Curry who was rushing out of the front court, landing at the top of the arc on the left side, taking a steady step, and shooting a three-pointer.


The knife fell.

It hit the rim!

The Hawks just started to gain momentum, and the Suns responded with an 8:0 counterattack. The two teams fought back and forth with small climaxes and counterattacks. The exciting confrontation heated up the atmosphere in the stadium.

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