The two commentators were shocked by Su Bai's gorgeous show.

The fans in the audience were also shocked. They opened their mouths wide and were constantly amazed at the superb ability of Su Bai, the center.

But at the same time, it also made Zaza Pachulia, the background emperor, become a laughing stock.

Even at home, there were constant boos!


Being knocked to his knees was already embarrassing, and now he was also enduring the boos from all directions. Pachulia was even more angry at this moment. He was helped up by his teammates, and he glared at Su Bai with fire in his eyes.

If this fire could burn people, Su Bai would have been reduced to ashes.


Just as Pachulia was thinking about how to save face from Su Bai, Larry Drew called a timeout and pinned him to the bench.

Su Bai came on the court early, and the effect was immediate.

The Hawks had to start early to suppress Su Bai's offense, and the Suns, seeing that the break time was almost up, also let the starters return.

The game continued.

The Hawks, who were temporarily trailing by 6 points, had the ball.

Joe Johnson held the ball at the top of the arc, facing Carter, and with his left hand, he made an in, and, out, and suddenly started to accelerate, catching Carter off guard.


He left Carter half a body behind and rushed to the basket, but was met with the help of Su Bai who moved sideways.


Joe Johnson immediately passed the ball to Horford under the basket on the other side. The latter received the ball, confronted Frye in one step, and then turned around to get rid of him.


Frye jumped up from the wing to block the shot. Horford leaned back slightly to avoid the shot and threw the basketball out.


The whistle blew.

Frye hit the hand



Horford still put the basketball into the basket, and then he screamed again, fell to the floor, and covered his left thigh with his hands.

"What happened?!"

The Eagles team doctor rushed over to check immediately.......The big screen played back the attack in slow motion. The slow motion showed that Horford paused for a moment when his left foot landed.

The team doctor thought he might have a strain.

After a short rest, Horford still felt uncomfortable, so he returned to the locker room for further examination with the help of the team doctor and staff.

On the court.

Since center Horford was out, substitute center Pachulia was allowed to return to the court.

"Humph, God really helps me!"

Pachulia, who came back on the court, smiled crookedly, not caring about his injured teammates at all. He only thought about his own chance to save face from Su Bai.

Although coach Larry Drew warned him not to mess with Su Bai and to do his job well under the basket, Pachulia responded verbally, but he didn't think so in his heart. That's right.

Being shaken off and knocked to his knees by a center, no one can stand it.

The game continues


Bibby took a free throw for Horford.

The free throw was successful.

The Suns had the ball.

Nash pushed the ball over and tried to shoot a three-pointer from the top of the arc, but it bounced out of the basket. Pachulia rushed out to grab the rebound. His enthusiasm was good.



Su Bai from the outside saw the opportunity and grabbed the offensive rebound before Pachulia with his absolute jumping advantage. Pachulia saw that it was Su Bai.


He followed directly.

Little did he know that this was exactly what Su Bai wanted.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In the middle of the arc, Su Bai faced Pachulia again. On the Hawks bench, Larry Drew touched his forehead, and an ominous premonition came to his mind.

On one side,

Josh Smith wanted to double-team him, and Su Bai passed the ball to Curry on the right. Josh Smith had to follow, and Curry passed it back to Su Bai.


Pachulia took the opportunity to move one step closer, standing in front of Su Bai, bending over and stretching out his hands to cover him, posing the most correct defensive posture.

Su Bai also bent over, staring at Pachulia, put the basketball under him, and posed as if he was ready to break through or shoot at any time, which made Pachulia quite nervous.

The right foot of the pivot foot paused.

Su Bai's left foot suddenly stepped forward to the right, releasing the ball between strides to avoid being called for traveling. This stride was not only large, but also fast.


He appeared in the position where Pachulia was in a breath, and the next moment, he was about to pass him. Pachulia subconsciously stepped up to catch up, and wanted to catch up with Su Bai.

But he thought too much.


He forced himself to move sideways, but his upper body couldn't keep up. His feet slipped, and his body suddenly lost balance, and he fell backwards.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and supported himself with his hands, so he didn't fall to the ground.


At the same time,

Su Bai stopped suddenly, pulled the basketball back under his crotch and put it in his left hand.

Pachulia, who had a strong desire to defend, almost fell to the ground, but still supported himself with both hands, pulled back his center of gravity, and followed Su Bai again.



Su Bai changed direction again, and the moment he caught the ball with his right hand, he rushed out again.


Pachulia was startled and hurriedly tried to chase him to stop him, but he seemed to have forgotten that the center of gravity he had just adjusted was moving forward, and he forced himself to move backward.


He lost his balance, his feet started to fight again, and his body was even more unbalanced than before. He fell backwards and sat on the ground with his butt.


Su Bai passed by him and easily hit the backboard with a layup.


The stadium was silent for a moment.



The overwhelming cheers rang out in the away game, echoing throughout the stadium.


Van Gundy opened his mouth in shock and screamed:"One attack, two knockdowns, Su Bai.....Su Bai is a center forward.

He copied the magic skills of"Iverson" back then.

Oh my god, this is so shocking. How did he do this? This is simply unbelievable!"

"are, you, kidding, me?"

Mike Brin was so excited that he stood up directly in the commentary booth:"What did I see? Su Bai knocked down Pachulia twice in one attack.

What kind of magical operation is this?


This is too handsome, I@(……#()*)"

Michael Breen was so excited that he was almost incoherent.


On the Suns bench, players like George and Dragic jumped up excitedly, waving their white towels vigorously and cheering for Su Bai's gorgeous dribbling show.

The atmosphere in the entire arena was completely ignited when Su Bai knocked down Pachulia twice in one attack!

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