One attack, two knockdowns!

The arena was filled with cheers. For Su Bai, this was a kind of applause and praise, but for Pachulia, it was endless humiliation.

""Eh~" accompanied by a strong sigh.

Pachulia slowly got up, his face flushed with shame, and finally realized......The center Su Bai is someone he cannot afford to mess with.

Give up!

Even though he was humiliated and knocked down many times, he could only swallow his anger and stop defending Su Bai on the outside. He returned to the basket and did his old job.


If he continued to defend an impossible-to-defend player so mindlessly.

Not only would he continue to be humiliated, it would even affect his career. This was not worth it for Pachulia, as he was not a player with a very bad temper.

In the end, he suppressed his impulse with reason.

But......In one attack, Su Bai knocked him down twice in a row. This scene has been decided and is destined to be included in the highlights of yesterday's top five goals.

On the court.

The game continues

"Bang, bang, bang!"

When Su Bai once again landed at the top of the arc, Pachulia no longer stepped forward and honestly shrank under the tower to grab rebounds. He couldn't defend Su Bai, and he didn't want to be knocked down by Su Bai again. After the second quarter, the Suns once narrowed the gap to only 2 points and expanded it to 11 points again.

After all,......The Hawks lost Horford, their strong point under the basket. Although Pachulia made up for it, it was not enough to have an equal effect. The score difference widened, which was inevitable.

Halftime break.

In the commentary booth, Van Gundy once again sighed:"Su Bai, this epoch-making center, is really amazing. In my impression, he knocked down twice in one attack.

Only"The Answer" Iverson has done this.

"Allen Iverson, the"Son of Philadelphia", is one of the best guards in NBA history and a master of rhythm.

It's understandable that he can do it.

And Su Bai, he is a 215 cm tall, solid center, and he actually knocked Pachulia down twice in one attack.


Now thinking back to that ball just now, my scalp tingles.

Awesome......It's amazing!"

Van Gundy was completely excited and turned into a Su Bai fan, constantly praising him.

Mike Brin did the same and said in shock:"Center, center, Van Gundy, in my opinion, Su Bai is really not a center.

He is just a tall guard, a tall rhythm master."

The two commentators praised Su Bai tirelessly during the intermission, and the fans in the audience did the same, completely immersed in Su Bai's gorgeous show in the first half.


To be more precise, it was the show that scumbag Pachulia was being dazzled.


In the Suns locker room, the atmosphere during the halftime break was strong, and everyone was immersed in the attacks in the first half in which Su Bai humiliated Pachulia.

Curry was not ashamed to ask, wanting Su Bai to share his dodgeball skills.

George was also very moved and recognized. As a rookie, Su Bai was much better than himself, and Dragic was even better. He turned into a fanboy of Su Bai, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at him.

Nash and Carter also set their eyes on Su Bai, expecting this"super rookie" to shine more brightly in the NBA.

At this moment, in the entire Suns locker room, all the players' eyes and attention were on Su Bai. Maybe everyone did not have a strong subjective consciousness, but subconsciously they had already recognized Su Bai as the core and the most critical person in the entire team!

It was not said explicitly.

But everyone had already tacitly agreed that Su Bai was the core of the team, the leader, and even the key player.......Boss!!!......


The second half is coming!

Change of sides.

The Hawks have the ball.

The score is 11 points, and the game is not over yet. Joe Johnson pushes the ball over, receives a screen, bypasses the defense, and makes a quick stop and mid-range shot from the right high position.



Nash pushed the ball over, pretending to pass it to Su Bai, but actually passed it to Curry who was ready to shoot on the other side. He caught the ball and shot a three-pointer.



In the first four minutes, the offensive efficiency of both teams was not high. Of course, this was also related to the increased defensive strength of both teams in the second half.


Su Bai cuts to the free throw line and breaks into the basket. Facing a double block from Pachulia and Josh Smith, he tries to hit the rebound in mid-air, but there is no rebound?!

There is a scramble under the basket, and Frye finally grabs it and passes it to Nash on the outside. Seeing the chaos under the basket and no one is paying attention to him, he directly chooses to break through and layup.



Bibby, who had been waiting on the wing, was quick-witted and saw the opportunity. When Nash was about to layup, he cut the basketball from his abdomen and successfully stole the ball.


He passed the ball to the outside line, ran to the front court, and looked back at Joe Johnson at the basketball position. He could directly launch a counterattack and fast break after receiving the basketball.


He rushed forward and jumped up, just about to catch the basketball, but......The moment his palm touched the basketball, Su Bai rushed out from mid-air, jumping backwards and intercepting the ball in mid-air with absolute height.


Joe Johnson was shocked, and the other Hawks players were waiting to see Joe Johnson's counterattack dunk. For a moment, they didn't know what was going on.

But just in this moment


Su Bai, who was trying to steal the ball, rushed into the middle of the field while everyone was stunned. He stepped on the ground in the left paint area, grabbed the ball with one hand and flew up.


When Pachulia reacted under the basket, Su Bai had already jumped into the air. Pachulia's pupils suddenly shrank.

The next moment




The first sound was the dull sound of Su Bai, who was rising into the air like a rocket, riding directly on Pachulia's neck and colliding with him.

The second sound was the sound of a one-handed dunk that bombarded the basket with a groan!

The third sound was the sound of Pachulia, who was caught off guard by the collision and fell to the ground while taking a step back.

Su Bai......He dunked on Pachulia and threw him to the floor!

The arena was silent for a moment.


Then there were shouts and cheers, like a tide!

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