
Van Gundy stared at the roaring cheers in the arena and said loudly,"He dunked on Pachulia and knocked him over. Su Bai......Su Bai’s shot was too brutal!"

"Tsk tsk..."

Mike Breen couldn't help swallowing his saliva and smacked his lips,"So fierce, so fierce, Su Bai is as fierce as a knife~"

"what is this!"

"Su Bai is too crazy!"

"This"monster newcomer" with both explosiveness and bounce, Su Bai...It’s ridiculously strong!"

The substitute players all widened their eyes, showing extremely shocked and even terrified expressions, and their mouths opened so wide that it seemed that a light bulb could be stuffed in.

And Su Bai's crazy dunk this time completely defeated the Hawks' confidence. Pachulia was directly offline and was pressed on the bench by coach Larry Drew, who never let him play again.

It's not that he can't do it.

But he is afraid that Su Bai will beat him to the point of mental explosion, physical and mental collapse, and he will never be in the right state to play in the future.


Su Bai's series of humiliations of Pachulia, until the last brutal dunk, after dunking Pachulia, the away Suns completely crushed the Hawks in momentum. They were in a dominant position and did not give in.

Su Bai and Curry, coupled with the connection of"Son of the Wind" Nash, the Suns had a 17-7 offensive storm in the third quarter, directly widening the score difference to more than 20 points.

In the last quarter, the Hawks, who played at home, struggled for a few minutes without Horford returning. Larry Drew called a timeout.

Five in and five out.

Announced to give up the game!

In the end......Su Bai made 7 three-pointers in the game, scoring 40 points, 10 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals and 4 blocks, shooting down the Eagles and winning 3 consecutive victories!......

That night, the news that the Suns beat the Hawks and easily won three consecutive games did not cause any waves, but......During the game, Su Bai's gorgeous individual attack caused quite a stir.

Especially those few shots where Su Bai dunked over Pachulia.

The fans who watched it all secretly exclaimed how cool it was!

The next day.

The fans' heated discussions last night were not enough, and during the day they continued to discuss Su Bai's gorgeous individual show, and repeatedly mocked Pachulia as the background board.

Various newspapers did not miss the hot topic.

One piece of news after another, accompanied by pictures, magnified Su Bai's elegant and agile individual infinitely, while Zaza Pachulia was the background board in one picture after another.

It can be said that......It's so miserable.

However, this is not the end.

NBA officials, the ability to take advantage of the hot spots, may be late, but will never be absent!

Just when the fans were chatting enthusiastically, NBA officials released the top five shots of yesterday.

Once released, some fans described it in text form.

"Fifth place:"The essence of human dribbling" Crawford, with a smooth dribble, shook off Su Bai and made a layup. However......Su Bai chased after him and blocked the shot, winning the fifth place in yesterday's top five goals."

"Fourth place: Su Bai faced Pachulia, a center in the same position, and used the same large-scale change of direction in front of his body three times in a row, shaking Pachulia away three times.

After repeatedly whipping him, he made a mid-range shot"

"Third place: Su Bai from the Suns, once again facing Pachulia, dribbling like a butterfly through flowers, shaking him to his knees in front of him, and making a mid-range shot"

"Second place: Su Bai grabbed the moon in mid-air, stole the ball and went deep into the territory, split Huashan Mountain with all his strength, and dunked over Pachulia, knocking him to the floor!"

"First place: Su Bai still faced Pachulia. As a center, he knocked Pachulia down twice in one attack.

He scored a layup.

Su Bai, who seemed to be possessed by"The Answer" Iverson, paid tribute to"The Answer" with this shot and won the first place in yesterday's top five shots! As soon as the video of yesterday's top five shots came out, it immediately attracted the attention of fans.

"oh, my, God!"

"My eyes, what I saw, Su Bai......Su Bai won all the five best shots yesterday? The five best shots became his own highlights?!"


"More real than real gold!"

"One person took all the top five goals of yesterday. Wow, this is history, right? It seems no other player has ever done this?!"

"My God, it's fine if it's on the list, it's fine if it wins all the top five goals, the key is...Su Bai is a center forward, how come he has the ability to dribble and fall to his knees?

And how come he dribble and fall to his knees twice in one attack ?"


"I'm sorry, I, Su Shen, have never been a traditional center. You can think of him as a rhythm master in the appearance of a center!"

"With such a tall height, yet he can sway like that, accelerate like that, and have such terrifying bursts and bounces, this talent is truly abnormal!"

"Hehe, Su Baiqiang has been around for a long time."

"Yes, Su Bai has always been very strong, but what I want to say is that instead of saying that Su Bai, who won all five of yesterday's best goals, is really good, it is better to say......The strongest background emperor Zaza Pachulia is really miserable"

"Ha ha!"


"A repeated whipping of the corpse, a kneeling on the ground, and......In one attack, he was knocked down twice by the center.


Miserable! It was simply inhumane!"

"In a video of yesterday's top five plays, Pachulia appeared 4 times as a background player. This is not only miserable, but also extremely miserable."

"Tsk tsk...Among the background emperors I know, I would call Zaza Pachulia the best!"

"If Su Bai could have been substituted with Zaza Pachulia when he blocked Crawford's shot, it would have been perfect.......Cannot be replaced"

"Crawford: If I could, I would give this ball on the list to the scumbag"



The fans were talking about it.

While constantly praising Su Bai's gorgeous and exquisite performance, they mercilessly mocked the strongest background emperor Zaza Pachulia, and felt sorry for him for a while.

And the real person.

Pachulia wanted to curse after seeing this top five shots.


He should probably buy a piece of Chinese cigarettes for Su Bai to show his"gratitude"!

Because, among the top five shots yesterday, the craziest attack, two knockdowns.

Not only will it be discussed by fans at this stage, but it will also be like"The Answer" Iverson's one attack, knocking down Antonio Daniels twice.

It will appear in the major highlights of the next 5, 10, 20 years or even longer, which will give him the opportunity to be on camera and always be"immortal"!

Shouldn't he thank Su Bai?!

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