At present,

Su Bai also has some titles, such as"Monster Newcomer"、"Rookie T0 level"、"Irrational three points"、"Enlarged version of Iverson"、"Upgraded Durant" and so on. However

, rather than saying that these are titles, they are not"labels". They are a small recognition of Su Bai's ability at this stage, but they lack soul and characteristics.

"T-Mac" McGrady, title"T-"Mac" is both a submachine gun and the abbreviation of McGrady, and it can also represent McGrady's offensive characteristics to a certain extent.

Or"Little Emperor" LeBron,"Answer" Iverson,"Little Peter Pan" or"Black Mamba" Kobe,"God of Basketball" Jordan,"Demigod" Carter, etc.

These distinctive titles have certain meanings and completely symbolize and represent the player.

And now.

Su Bai, who only has these labels, does not really have a title that belongs to him, so during the game, McGrady just used a puzzled tone.

Speaking of Su Bai's title of"Monster Rookie".

However, if you want to have your own title, in addition to taking time for fans to discover it, as McGrady said, you also have to rely on yourself, only if you play a strong enough performance.


The title that belongs to Su Bai will come by himself.

In view of the fact that the Bucks will be played back-to-back at home tomorrow night, the Suns team returned to Phoenix overnight after defeating the Pistons, and on the plane, Su Bai was thinking about this issue

"The title that belongs to me? Don't think too much now, play hard, play seriously, when I fully release my ability, when my ability is fully recognized.

It should come.

Just like McGrady said, the title that belongs to me does not come from the imagination of the fans, but from myself."

The more he thought about it, the clearer Su Bai's thoughts became.......

The next morning, at 10 o'clock, the NBA officially announced the Player of the Week for the previous week.

In the East, the"Little Emperor" LeBron James from the Heat won again, while in the West, the Suns' Su Bai won all four games. He averaged 36 points, 9 rebounds, 3.3 assists, 3.3 steals and 3 blocks per game.

After six consecutive Player of the Week awards, he won the Player of the Week award again just one week apart, shocking countless fans and even players. The second match was shut out. After seeing Su Bai lead the Suns to 23 consecutive wins, the"No. 1 pick" John Wall, who was completely defeated, recognized Su Bai's strength again after hearing the news.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, in his heart, he had already admitted that Su Bai was better than him, and admitted that Su Bai was the strongest rookie, at the T0 level of rookies.

Kobe, whose data this week was much worse than last week, had to sigh that this rookie was fierce after seeing Su Bai, who was as stable as ever! The Player of the Week was announced.

Fans on the Internet are discussing Su Bai again, and some feel sorry for Anthony.

Last week, he averaged 35.4 points, 8.6 rebounds, 4.3 assists, 1.1 steals, and 1.1 blocks per game, leading the team to 4 consecutive wins. These statistics are also gorgeous, but Su Bai is even more powerful.

He missed the Player of the Week.

Su Bai himself got up at 10 o'clock today, not to pay attention to the Player of the Week.���He planned to go to the Suns management and tell Lance that he wanted to go back.

Although it was during the break, he still needed to say something. After all, when the team was training, they basically practiced tactics with him as the core. His sudden disappearance was quite irresponsible to the players.

""Ding ding ding!"

Just as he got up, his cell phone rang.

Su Bai thought it was his agent Austin, but it turned out to be his mother Tang Xueli, so he picked up the phone.

"Hello, mom!"

"Well, Xiaobai, mom has received your snacks. This is too much. How can mom eat so much? Isn't this a waste?!"


Su Bai smiled and said,"It's okay. I still have a lot here. If you can't finish it, you can give it to Aunt Xie, or to your neighbors or friends, or even reward your students.

That's not bad either. It will definitely not be wasted."

"That's true."

Tang Xueli, who had just received the package, didn't think too much about it, and immediately asked,"Xiao Bai, are you really not coming back for the New Year?!"

"Back......"I won't come back~"

Su Bai almost blurted out, then he reacted,"You know, the United States doesn't celebrate the Spring Festival. There are games, and the team training can't do without me.

Now is a critical period, I really can't leave.

Mom, I'm sorry, I will come back to see you as soon as I have time here."

""Yeah, okay!"

Tang Xueli nodded. Although she really wanted Su Bai to come back, she also understood Su Bai. She just confirmed it one last time and chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

"Mom, I have to say sorry in advance for giving you a surprise."

Su Bai said to the hung up phone, and headed for the gym with a smile.

When he arrived at the gym

, Su Bai did not go to the training hall, but went straight to the manager's office, found Manager Lance, and told him about his idea of going home.

Manager Lance nodded with a smile and said,"Of course, after playing against the Bucks tonight, before playing against the Nuggets, we have about 4 days of rest.

I know the Spring Festival is a big holiday in China.

If time doesn't work, you don't have to play against the Nuggets. That way you will have about 7 days, which I think is enough for you to go back and have a good Spring Festival."

Lance readily agreed.

Su Bai touched his head and smiled,"Manager, you are too polite. There is no need to say so much. I know what I am doing, so......Four days is enough.

Let's go back.

I won't delay the schedule and won't affect the team and the players."

Hearing this,

Lance nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:"That's fine, then follow your plan, I agree, uh...I also wish you a happy New Year's Eve in advance?

It should be called New Year's Eve!"


Su Bai smiled and said,"Yes, thank you, manager. If there is nothing else, I will go to training first."

"Well, go ahead."

After leaving the office, Su Bai felt warm inside.

Although he knew that Lance was kind to him largely because of his strength, he was still happy inside.

Because......Praise is always more pleasing than abuse.

Then he came to the training gym. As soon as he walked in, Su Bai noticed something strange, because......Today, the gym is full of players.

On the side, there are also players doing push-ups, pull-ups and other training items.

In short, it seems that the entire Suns team, all the players came to train today. Generally speaking, there are always some players who are absent for some reason.

"I came so early today, but I'm still the worst one?!"

Su Bai smiled awkwardly.

"Su Bai!"

Curry waved and walked over when he saw Su Bai coming. The first thing he said when they met was to Su Bai, speaking in a somewhat broken Chinese language,"Su Bai, I wish you a happy Chinese New Year in advance."

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