
Su Bai was stunned

"Su Bai, Happy Chinese New Year!"

"Happy Spring Festival!"

"Wish our Su Bai a happy Chinese New Year in advance~"


Su Bai was still in a daze. All the players, led by Nash and Carter, came forward to send their blessings, and the four words"Happy Chinese New Year" were all said in Chinese.

It was obvious that they came prepared.

This sudden blessing made Su Bai even more confused. Curry smiled and said,"Su Bai, I know that February 2nd is the New Year's Eve.

However, everyone is still on vacation that day, and everyone will be very tired after tonight. I don't know if we can get together, so......I discussed with my teammates in advance and chose to wish you today. You shouldn't think it's too early, right?"

Su Bai was stunned. When he came to his senses, he was full of emotion. All his teammates sent him blessings. He never thought that


Su Bai showed a big smile and said,"How could it be? I am so happy. Thank you Curry, and thank you all for sending me blessings."

Thank you so much!


Curry also smiled innocently. He was the one who planned this. Seeing Su Bai so happy, he felt it was worth it.


Curry took a gift, handed it over, and said with a smile:"Su Bai, I have specially learned about it and know that it is a traditional Chinese New Year to give gifts when visiting relatives and friends.


I also prepared a gift. It is not expensive, but it is my heart!

I hope you are happy every day, play better and better in the future, and lead our Suns to become better and better!"

"Thank you!"

Su Bai smiled and took

"And me too."

George also jumped out at this time, presented his gift, and then smiled and blessed:"I wish Su Bai good health, all the best, and happiness for the whole family!"


Curry waved his hands and said,"George, you are too unsophisticated. You can tell at a glance that you found these words on the Internet. You have no sincerity."


George scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"It's not tacky at all, I like it very much, thank you George!"

Su Bai accepted the gift with a smile.

"And I!"

"Here's my gift too!"

Under Curry's planning, all the players prepared gifts, and even some staff members who were familiar with Su Bai prepared a small gift.

Su Bai filled the entire trunk with gifts of all sizes.

The gifts were small, but for Su Bai, it was more of a touching moment, knowing that it was Curry who was busy selecting gifts and teaching"Chinese characters". I'm very lucky to have met Curry, a good friend.

George, Nash, Carter, etc., everyone was very nice to Su Bai.


Today, Su Bai was as happy as a 500-pound fat man, so happy!

Su Bai was happy, and the atmosphere in the Suns' locker room was also good. They were also on a 7-game winning streak, and everyone was in a relaxed state to face the game against the Bucks in the evening.


At 8 p.m. at the U.S. West Arena.

An hour before the game, the Suns warmed up on the court.

At this time, the Internet......The NBA officially issued another notice that the NBA All-Star voting has ended, and the specific votes and rankings will be announced in a week after accurate statistics. As soon as this news was announced, it immediately caused a heated discussion.

"Wow...It’s over, I’m really looking forward to the result!"

"Kobe missed out on the top vote-getting award last year, but this year he has won two consecutive FMVPs and is the most popular player in the league. Can he get the top vote-getting award?!"

"Last year's"Little Emperor" LeBron James went to Miami this year to form a"Big Three". With his popularity affected, can he retain his title of No. 1 vote-getter?!"

""Rose, the"Rose of the Windy City", played at an"MVP" level this year. Known as"Jordan's successor", can he win the most votes like Jordan?!"

"Can Howard, the"Magic Beast" who set the record for the highest number of votes, win the highest number of votes again this year?"

"What are you talking about? The third round of Su Bai has already topped the votes, and surpassed the second place Kobe by 320,000 votes. The vote king must be Su Bai."

"that is!"

"That’s right!"

"What are you talking about? The result hasn’t been announced yet, why must it be Su Bai!"

"That's right, those are just three rounds of votes. It's hard to say who will win the final round before it's announced. Don't be too confident."

"Wow...Just wait and see!"

"Humph, who’s afraid of who!"


The fans just follow the crowd. Before the results are announced, the fans of the superstars are unwilling to accept each other and no one can win. Everything can only wait for the final result.

However, the more controversial it is, the more everyone is looking forward to who will be the vote king this year!......

Back to the stadium.

While fans were arguing about who was the top vote-getter, inside the stadium, the Bucks players also walked out of the stadium tunnel and came to the court to warm up.......

The moment Bogut appeared

"Hey, hey, hey~"

The Suns' home stadium suddenly rang with boos, and all the fans looked at Bogut in unison, telling him......The boos are for you.


Because last time, when the Suns' winning streak ended, Bogut tried to mislead public opinion and turned a very ordinary loss into Su Bai's responsibility alone.

He tried to mislead the public.

This made Su Bai's fans very unhappy, which led to the boos.

Those eyes staring at Bogut seemed to want to cut him into pieces. Bogut, who suffered a critical hit as soon as he entered the court, trembled all over and felt uneasy.

It was as if he walked into a slaughterhouse and was waiting for someone to slaughter him. Su Bai, who has never had a good impression of Bogut, and even disliked him, also knew about what Bogut had done before. In this case. He didn't mind doing it again tonight after he blasted Bogut last time.

"Hey, Andrew, you better be careful tonight, the sun might be against you!"

"Yes, Su Bai is a rookie who is not easy to mess with. Tonight is their home game, so you should try to hide as much as possible, otherwise.........very dangerous!"

"Think about the last game, Andrew!"

Listening to the boos, teammates such as Jennings and Salmons reminded Bogut. He thought about his own remarks and the beating he had received from Su Bai before, and seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter!


So what? At most, he would not provoke Su Bai, but he was not afraid of Su Bai!

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