Amidst the boos, the race is coming soon!

"Jump, ball!"

Su Bai and Bogut's previous fight for the ball was like enemies meeting each other, and it was extremely jealous.



The two jumped at the same time. Su Bai used his jumping talent to the extreme, directly surpassing Bogut by one hand and unreasonably kicking the basketball away.


"This damn jumping talent!"

"Bogut, you didn't eat, so you can only jump that high?!"

"A fake top pick with zero bounce, what a shame!"

The unhappy home fans booed and cursed Bogut from the beginning, constantly impacting his mentality.


Bogut snorted and ignored it.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Nash pushed the ball over, passed it to Su Bai in the middle of the arc, and in front of him was Bogut, but......After the bloody lesson last time, he decisively moved down to the basket, and Ilyasor stepped forward to defend Su Bai


Su Bai passed the ball to Curry who was cutting to the left high position. At the same time, he went down the right wing, followed by Nash's screen, and went straight to the basket, pointing his finger to the sky.



Curry understood what he meant, and threw the basketball to the basket during the cut. Bogut, who was attracted by Curry's cut, just turned sideways to look at the basketball.


Su Bai caught the ball in the air and dunked it on his head!


The game started with a Suku pass and an alley-oop dunk over Bogut's head. The atmosphere in the home stadium suddenly became intense!


Bogut, who was dunked on, was unhappy and cursed. He stared at Su Bai who was returning to the court with a bad look in his eyes.

"I won't provoke you, but if you provoke me, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Attack and defense switch


Jennings made a mid-range shot after a quick stop.

Nash regained control of the ball and broke through with it, looking for Curry who was running without the ball. The two of them cooperated in the attack, while on the other side, Carter covered for Su Bai.

He was also running without the ball!



Curry fell into the low position on the left, Su Bai fell into the low position on the right, Nash cut in from the middle, moved sideways and passed the ball to Curry, facing Curry in the frontcourt


He received the ball and passed it to Su Bai in the low position on the right.......

Bogut's attention was on Curry again.



Su Bai rushed into the basket along the baseline and flew up.


Another dunk through Bogut!

""Bang, bang, bang!"

The heavy impact fell on Bogut, and he was thrown several meters away without reacting. He was almost falling down while swaying.

Bogut was in a mess.

But the home fans were so happy to see it, they wished Su Bai would dunk on him.


In the next round, Su Bai changed direction in, in, and out, accelerated suddenly, passed Ilyasor in one step, and rushed into the basket again.

He was heading for Bogut.


One step inside the free throw line, Su Bai stepped on the ground and jumped up

"Looking for a block!"

Bogut, who was blocked twice by Su Bai, was furious and had already set his sights on Su Bai. The moment Su Bai jumped up, he also jumped up to block the shot....

The difference in their jumping and burst was so great that they almost jumped at the same time.......Su Bai's hand holding the ball was already on his head.


Li Pi Hua Shan, dunking over Bogut again!


Su Bai hung the basket to withstand the impact.


Bogut fell backwards to the floor under the impact, twisting his body in pain.


Su Bai landed steadily, looking down at Bogut with a gaze like an ant. After staring at him for a few seconds, he turned back to the court.

He didn't scold him.

But......Sometimes, silent ridicule is more irritating than spoken ridicule.


Being humiliated and looked down upon by a rookie, and mocked by countless sobs, Bogut's mentality has exploded. He has forgotten how he was beaten by Su Bai in the last match.

At this moment.

He just wants to give Su Bai a big block, and even more wants to brutally dunk over Su Bai. In short, he is so ashamed that he is determined to save face on Su Bai.

However, Su Bai, the epoch-making center, is not someone he can defend just because he wants to.


6 minutes and 13 seconds.

Su Bai broke through Ilyasova from the high right position, accelerated to get rid of him, rushed to the basket along the baseline, and flew to the layup. Bogut blocked it like a hungry tiger.

But Su Bai glided in the air under the basket, then pulled the lever and dunked with both hands in the opposite direction.


The powerful dunk made the basketball hoop groan.

Su Bai once again performed a dunk under Bogut's defense.

4 minutes and 13 seconds.

Curry broke through and made a layup. There was interference and the layup missed. There was a scramble for the rebound. There was chaos under the basket. In the chaos, Bogut picked up the basketball and it flew away.


Su Bai caught the ball at the free throw line


He took a step on the ground after receiving the ball inside the free throw line and flew up directly. While Bogut was stunned, he dunked over him again!


"This is the first quarter, and Su Bai completed his fifth dunk under Bogut's defense. Oh my god, what is Su Bai doing?!"

In the commentary booth,

Van Gundy was shocked and exclaimed:"Su Bai rarely attacks so hard, and the viewing experience is no less than the elegant and unreasonable three-point shot from the outside."


Mike Breen nodded and said,"I think the reason why Su Bai frequently targeted Bogut should be related to Bogut's false accusation against him before.

Being targeted by such a super rookie, Bogut is afraid that he will be in trouble tonight."

"Wow, look!"

Mike Breen was talking when Van Gundy pointed at the court and shouted,"Curry steals the ball and passes it to Su Bai in the front court to launch a fast break counterattack. Bogut at the free throw line!

Su Bai ignored him and rushed in. The two jumped up at the same time!


Su Bai flew into the sky and once again smashed the basketball into the basket through Bogut's block.......This was the sixth time in the first quarter that Su Bai performed a violent dunk under Bogut's defense. This was too brutal."

"The last attack of the Suns in the first quarter was undoubtedly handed over to Su Bai in the middle of the arc. Curry and Nash moved to one side, and Su Bai faced Ilyasova.

He pressed the time.

Wow~ A front crosserover, instantly passing Ilyasova, Su Bai rushed in, Bogut and small forward Mbah a Moute guarded under the basket.

Su Bai......Facing the two defensive players, he chose to layup and jumped high.

Boom! With two fists over four hands, Su Bai once again performed a violent dunk that almost hit the buzzer.

Oh, my, God, Su Bai, who completed this dunk, performed 7 dunks in a single quarter, and......All under Bogut's defense.

In other words,

Su Bai dunked Bogut 7 times in a single quarter!!!"


Van Gundy, who was commentating passionately, said this. When Su Bai completed the dunk between Bogut and Mbah a Moute, the stadium suddenly burst into cheers like a landslide.


Amidst these cheers and shouts, there was also the roar of Bogut, who was dunked 7 times in a single quarter, had an explosive mentality, and was speaking foul language!

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