Messiah did not develop any bad habits of being picky about food. On the contrary, he liked to eat any normal food.

Bruce tried to ask for help, but the old butler obviously still wrote down what happened this morning in a notebook. He was determined to let the master understand that even if bats can fly, cars running on the ground cannot fly.

The culprit got the after-meal cookies that Alfu made for him, and happily took away one-third of them, leaving the rest for Alfu and Bruce.

Although the two were still fighting wits and courage with the milk on the table, one was stalking the other trying every means to make the milk grow legs and run away.

After breakfast, the two nocturnal creatures fell asleep. Batman also needed to sleep, and Messiah was also sleepy. Although the physiological needs of the claws were almost non-existent, the player didn't care about zombies or Dionysus factors. He could eat and sleep and stay healthy.

When he woke up, he found that it was already evening. He opened the tightly covered curtains and could see the sunset outside, although it was still that grayish tone.

He looked at the time again, and the hour hand stopped at five o'clock.

When he went downstairs, he found that Bruce had gone to deal with the work of Wayne Group. The old butler was still busy, but he had prepared a brand new uniform for Messiah.

It was the style of Nightwing. Messiah did not need a new claw uniform, so he naturally told Alfred about the style of Nightwing's uniform when he asked.

Batman and the old butler also thought it was normal. They thought that he might have damaged the uniform for some reason after accidentally coming to this universe.

Otherwise, how could it be so familiar.

So Richard de Grayson, the claw, changed into the Nightwing uniform this time.

Messiah did not think it was a big deal. The style of the uniform could be changed at will. The most important thing was that it was easy to use and convenient.

This kind of overly close and thin wearing feeling made the claws feel a little uncomfortable. There was no armor and owl-like dress, and there were no various knives. They were replaced with kari sticks. Although they were electrified, it was obviously not a one-hit-kill attack method.

"Is this good? Is it considered deceiving them?" Claw obviously felt bad about Night Owl's deception of him, and was hesitant about such a disguise.

"I'm not Nightwing." I am Claw, the knife in the hands of the owls.

I am not a superhero, but an executioner lurking in the dark.

"You have killed people, do you think Batman can't see it?"

Messiah didn't take this matter to heart. He knew the meaning of the uniform and the identity it represented.

But so what, throw those shitty rules and regulations into the trash can, change them if you like, throw them away if you don't like them.

The truth is often the simplest, although it will be covered with various things layer by layer.

"Batman can see that Claw has killed people, but he didn't say anything,"

"..." Dick fell silent again.

"My idea is very simple. This uniform looks good and fits. Why not wear it? As for Nightwing."

"How can copying clothes from a homonymous person be called copying? It's called borrowing."

Of course, the player knows that Claw is not referring to the uniform, but the deeper identity issue.

But to be honest, whether it is Nightwing or the Court of Owls, it is not worth caring about. You obviously care most about how Nightowl sees you.

Should a trusting and intimate relationship be built entirely on deception?

Messiah did not make things clear, which was his kindness and consideration.

Let Claw have enough time to think about what kind of future he wants.

The old butler waited outside the locker room for a while and saw Dick, who had changed into a uniform and walked out. He was visibly happy and did a beautiful backflip to show him.

It was more like a little boy showing off his new gift to his parents.

"Great, I like it so much, Afu." Messiah said. In the past two days, his relationship with the old butler has made great progress.

"That's great that you like it, Master Richard." Ah Fu nodded with relief, his eyes were gentle, and perhaps he thought of something, and wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes.

"Where's Bruce?"

The housekeeper looked at the clock, it was half past five, "If nothing goes wrong, the master will be home soon."

"Then can I still go on night patrol today?"

"Of course, but please be safe."

So when Bruce went home, changed into the black and transformed into the fear of the night, Messiah followed behind, he was curious about many devices and instruments he had never seen before.

He was very good at distinguishing the priorities of things, and he also knew bats very well, so he could be said to be a pretty good assistant.

Although they would act separately in pursuit of efficiency more often, Messiah liked to let himself go at this time. He would jump on the head of the gargoyle and freely radiate his charm in the air.

Facing some rescued ladies, of course, there were also passionate personalities who kissed directly.

Often at this time, the emo Claw will come online, acting like a wooden stake that doesn't understand romance, using his hands to block kisses or finding a safe place to put people down and leave.

Messiah who was suddenly kicked offline: ???

"You have no emotional intelligence——" The player poked Dick, why is he different from his counterpart, the young man with a big butt who has charmed thousands of girls and has a lot of ex-girlfriends.

Claw's head was full of black lines, and at this time he was as cold and hard as a shark hand without emotions.

"That's not something a child should understand." The tone was a little deep.

"I'm now an adult physically." The player argued.

"A baby with a six-month-old mental age?" Claw calculated and could only say that it was really six months old, no more.

"And physiologically, that's my physiological age."

"Rounding it off can also be mine!" Messiah's tone was cheerful, innocent and naive, as if filled with holy light, so bright that it almost blinded Claw.

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