The topic of physiology is obviously not suitable for them, at least Dick sincerely feels that it is not suitable for players.

He opened his mouth again to divert the other person's attention, and he usually succeeded every time.

"Where are you going next."

At this time, new information also came from the headset: Poison Ivy had escaped from prison.

Dick's eyes twitched, and he didn't know why he had an ominous premonition that a disaster was about to happen.

Between the two points, Messiah is closer to his goal than Batman, so he reaches the green scene the fastest.

"Do you want to consider waiting for Batman?" Dick said worriedly and earnestly.

He felt cold and furry on his back.

"It doesn't matter. He is already a mature vigilante. I am very experienced." The player does not think that a Poison Ivy is much trouble. He even has herbicide.

Because it is a new uniform, Ah Fu must properly replenish all the necessary targeted props.

The amount of herbicide is just not enough.

But if you don't shine it into waste and aim at the roots of the plants, that's enough.

"You have to believe me. Once I arrest Poison Ivy, I can solve these green little troubles."

As soon as he finished speaking, Messiah rushed down from the tall building, used the system's perspective to find the gap between the vines, and then turned inside.

The red-haired woman was surrounded by countless plants on the streets of Gotham, and she could even be heard roaring.

"Damn it!"

"Damn humans, that is the most precious flower seedling, what did you do to her!"

It is indeed a little trouble in the lush green Gotham, Messiah muttered in his heart, but did not dare to let down his guard. Of course, his entry also obviously alerted the owner of this place, Poison Ivy.

The other party turned around and looked at the uninvited guest, and also saw the blue bat logo on the other party's chest.

"You are what they said, Batman's new little follower." The woman looked casual and enlightened, and she was obviously curious about the Messiah.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Arkham Knight." Messiah said without thinking.

Players will indeed subconsciously imitate the people closest to them, and the code name, Claw is not appropriate, and Nightwing is weird, so just call it Arkham Knight. You see, the color matching is very similar.

And Dick is asking a question:? ? ?

Batman and the old butler heard in the headset were also asking questions:? ? ?

The woman opposite smiled, her tone even sweeter.

"Arkham Knight? Interesting code name."

Before he could finish his words, more vines were entangled, and it was not easy to hide in this world made of green.

Messiah subconsciously wanted to light a fire and ignite these plants, but gave up because they were too dense and he was in the center. He could not judge that the other party might not be solved yet, and he might be burned to death or suffocated first. die.

So this overwhelming vine beaver! (accent)

The answer is of course reasonable and a specialty of Gotham.

Before Messiah's herbicide could be applied, he was pulled back by his calves by the growing green.

"No, beauty, how powerful are you in fighting?!"

Messiah was hung upside down in front of Poison Ivy and blinked pitifully. He was really embarrassed, but the damage to his uniform was very low, and his defense was even better.

After all, if the wound was opened, wouldn't the secret that he was not a decent human being be exposed?

So it was just a little dirty and dusty, with a green leaf in his hair, and his expression was innocent and like a puppy in distress.

This look obviously amused Poison Ivy, and she got closer and closer to the young man.

"You do know how to speak. If you look closely, you have a pretty face and a good figure..."

Claw Dick:? ? ?

Claw Dick:! ! !

It turns out that the Messiah really looks like Arkham Knight! They all have a blue main color and a cyber electronic streamer texture, which makes players salivate after seeing it.

I laughed so hard, the happy puppy was so arrogant that he stumbled over.

Hi, hi, hello, beauty, you are so nice, could you please stop feeding me flowers?

Claws alert, claws pupils, earthquakes, claws want to grab Messiah's neck and yell, run away!

The following content is really not suitable for a six-month-old baby, Yun Bei

Chapter 86 I’m back from fooling around, Bruce

"Thank you for the compliment. I also think I look good and have a great figure!"

And the butt is still very up.

Messiah responded to the woman's teasing in a cheerful tone, and nodded his head in a serious manner. His attitude was so sincere that Talon, who had not heard what the child was saying, felt that he was too dirty.

Of course, none of the eighteen-forbidden scenes happened later.

Thanks to the reliable old bat man who arrived in time, and the bat plane carrying buckets of herbicides.

Batman packed the criminals into the Batmobile and headed to Arkham for the self-driving express delivery. As soon as he turned around, he noticed that Messiah had green lipstick marks on his cheeks and lips at various angles.

Those blue eyes blinked, more like an innocent puppy that was unlucky enough to be caught and forcefully kissed while passing by.

After all, there is a system, and the Messiah is immune to brainwashing and virus effects.

In other words, the Scarecrow cried bitterly when he saw him, the clown felt a headache when he saw him (physical meaning), and Poison Ivy kissed him a few more times in disbelief, and then nothing happened.

The atmosphere between the two was awkward for a while, and it might have been Poison Ivy's unilateral embarrassment. Anyway, Messiah was not embarrassed, so Ivy had to thank Batman and Batmen.

Now that the matter is done, Batman did not ask anything, did not say anything, but silently handed Messiah a handkerchief, which was obviously used to wipe the lip prints.

Claw was in a complicated mood, he thought that this was the end, after all, Poison Ivy had already understood that ordinary control methods had no effect on Messiah.

As a result, on the third and fourth nights, the player continued to follow Batman to fly freely in Gotham at night, and then returned to the old Batman with lip prints on his face.

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