It is obvious that today's player is sunny and cheerful, and it is a night that everyone loves.

"Who is it today?"

On the fifth night of the night patrol, Bruce couldn't help asking Messiah who was sitting in the passenger seat on the way back to the Batcave.

The player thought about it and started counting on his fingers.

"Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman who passed by and praised me for being handsome and gave me a kiss on the cheek."

Batman: "..."

Batman looked at the player next to him with a complicated expression, and thought of Robin who was also very popular with women.

The player looked at the beautiful full moon in the sky tonight, and he could see his smiling blue eyes through the reflection of the car window.

"Don't worry about me, Bruce, I can't be deceived."

"You know that's not what I'm worried about." Batman's tone became more helpless.

"Don't worry, Bruce." Messiah was still smiling, and he avoided some more troublesome and dangerous topics, such as the Joker and the Deathstroke.

"I won't let tough guys like Scarecrow or Penguin take advantage of me."

Boys should protect themselves when they go out. Messiah nodded seriously when he thought of this.

Speaking of this, Batman was obviously upset. Arkham has been very festive recently, as lively as the Chinese New Year, just for Batman's new henchman.

Sometimes Messiah was busy beating criminals or defusing bombs, and didn't have time to wipe off the lipstick marks on his face, causing other criminals to get excited. That group of psychopaths actually opened a bet on which male villain would kiss Arkham Knight first.

The new plot is that the Joker has bought women's clothes and is ready to go into battle himself. When Batman received this message, his face was as ugly as it could be, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was green and black flashing repeatedly.

Messiah was fine, the Joker was only skilled, and he was very confident that he would dare to sharpen the blade if the opponent dared to come.

In the principle of not killing, the two bats, one black and one blue, are very flexible. Players do not kill unless necessary, but the Joker must die. No matter how you think about it, this thing must be killed as soon as possible.

As for why there are thousands of Jokers standing up after one Joker falls, in addition to the proliferation brought by the Joker virus, the myth of a human being itself is incomprehensible to Messiah.

There is no way, he is still a child, and he should wait until he grows up to understand such things.

So, the Joker has blood on his hands, is sophistry and vicious, a stupid and rational madman, he killed Robin, created the Arkham Knight, or a coffin.

He is an irredeemable human.

Messiah's killing intention for the Joker comes from selfishness and Jason. Arkham Knight hates Batman the most, and the player hates the Joker the most.

But it doesn't matter, he can be unjust, not abide by the law, and not be such a qualified superhero.

Messiah still looks at Batman with a sweet smile, and he thinks that Bruce is very powerful and hard-working. Is it because he discovered it because he was so close to the opponent this time?

"Why are you looking at me?" Batman obviously noticed his gaze, and turned his head with some confusion, looking at the young man with a silly smile.

"Speaking of which, Bruce, when you first debuted, did you really not have any bold and enthusiastic ladies kiss you?"

The player's eyes flashed with the desire to eat melons. He picked up the handkerchief that had been pinched in his palm since it was used up, and gestured left and right.

He raised his index finger to act as Batman, and the lady's skirt pinched out by the handkerchief was circling around, turning around and around, and finally kissing him on the face, and the gesture was quite vivid.

"Or Gotham Prince, has Bruce baby been kissed by a lady? I always feel that you should be the one with lipstick marks all over your face." Messiah was still mumbling happily.

He was really curious about the scene of the young Batman being surrounded by people. What was it, oh!

"A kitten like you will be kissed bald--"

Batman, who was called a kitten after a disagreement, had a question mark on his head. He pondered for three seconds, and then spoke with great earnestness.


"Hey, I'm here."

"Promise me not to watch any weird videos anymore."

"Hahahaha, is it weird? But it's very interesting. Because I thought of you, I watched it for a long time, and then the picture was, it was, repeated."

Messiah, a new generation of Internet surfing master, but he never reads serious intelligence, but loves to watch melodramas and all kinds of weird things.

Recently, he also likes to watch cats.

"Bruce, I can't keep a cat, so Cyber ​​keeping a cat is also keeping a cat."

At this point, his tone was a little lost, and he was so depressed that he was just short of giving him a pair of dog ears and a tail.

There is really no way to keep a cat. He himself is running around in various worlds, and five days have passed. He will go to the next world in two days. It is obviously impossible to take a cat through a parallel universe.

And this world is also very interesting. Everyone is very friendly. The talents of Arkham are all enthusiastic. Now when he goes out for night patrol, he can get kissed by beautiful women. He likes it here very much!

He has told Batman that he will leave in two days. He is a little regretful and silent. They are not the kind of people who will keep pets on a whim.

Batman himself can't even take care of himself. He relies on the omnipotent old butler Alfu.

It's just that the Batmobile tonight didn't go back to the Batcave directly, but turned halfway and drove to the door of a Batburger restaurant. Of course, Bruce put on his mask when he got off the car, so Messiah curiously looked at the dark figure leaving.

Then he opened the door and went out, catching up with Bruce who was about to walk to the door of the store.

"Hey, are you hungry?" Messiah asked

"Yeah, are you hungry? Let's eat secretly, otherwise Alfred will make me eat that tasteless cereal tomorrow." Batman sighed, looking a little distressed.

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