After the night patrol stopped a sudden robbery, he said goodbye to the lady who was thanking him. Nightwing's tone dropped to the freezing point when he spoke. Recently, one thing after another really made him anxious, and his temper did not need to be restrained when dealing with criminals.

He caught a figure from the darkness with his peripheral vision, and confirmed that the lady had indeed walked out of the danger range, and then turned to the direction where he noticed the movement.

"Come out."

His body muscles were straightened, and he held his weapon tightly. He was ready to enter the battle at any time.

"It's me."

The guy who slowly walked out of the darkness was wearing the too familiar claw uniform, and his face was exposed. Nightwing recognized him, it was William.

"What are you doing here." Facing the so-called great-grandfather of blood, Nightwing did not relax at all, but became more alert. He was wary of every move of this claw.

The moment he saw the other party, he also remembered the recent turmoil in the Court of Owls in Gotham. Dick frowned and continued to ask.

"What happened to you?"

The man opposite didn't care about Nightwing's attitude and questioning. He just stared at the mask. He knew what kind of face was underneath.

But since Dick Grayson was still Nightwing, who was the man who appeared in the Court of Owls?

William didn't think he was a fake. He had everything he was familiar with, his demeanor, fighting skills, and the body that had healed wounds quickly in the battle and had long been dead.

That young man was also Dick Grayson, and his descendant. He was even better and crazier than he had imagined.

The memory was red, with large amounts of blood and owls fleeing in panic. Their gorgeous clothes and money could not buy their own lives.

Exposing all kinds of ugly behaviors that they once regarded as fun.

Everything the other party did could be said to have subverted the three views and all imaginations of the claws. It was too crazy. The blue uniform seemed to have turned into a terrifying declaration. The image of crushing the white mask that fell to the ground with the sole of the shoe was deeply imprinted in his mind.

But for them, it was simply subversive and unbelievable, but for the intruder, it was as simple and ordinary as it could be.

To him, the owls were like garbage that should be swept away, and they would also complain that their blood had stained their uniforms.

The uniforms that were about to be dyed blood red were taken away by a female claw to be cleaned and repaired again. No claw had any objection to the change of the owner. They were just knives and weapons in the hands of the owls.

So even if he had doubts about the identity of the new owner, William had no intention of crossing the line. He just came to see Dick.

"None of this has anything to do with you." William saw Dick who was still alive and naturally prepared to leave.

"Stop." The kari stick with electric light blocked the way for the claws to leave. Nightwing could feel the frown through the mask.

"Does the recent incident in Blüdhaven have anything to do with you?"

Nightwing's tone had slowed down a lot. He tried to get some information, but the claws' movements did not stop at all. He seemed to be dissolved in the darkness and tried his best to escape. Nightwing could hardly stop him.

As for whether it is related or not, it is indeed related.

Because William received a new order before coming, asking him to find the new guy who appeared in Blüdhaven and tell him a word.

Richard will wait for him in the Court of Owls.

It is an invitation. As for who Richard is in the words, it is obviously the new owner of the court.

So William still went out to work overtime in the middle of the night, and he could also visit his great-grandson on the way.

In fact, compared with those owls, the control of the new owner is much easier. Even if some claws took this opportunity to escape secretly, the other party did not care. Even if some of the same kind proposed to hunt them down, they were rejected. This is a default attitude.

So more claws chose to leave, no longer subject to others, no longer enslaved, to pursue freedom, which is also a temptation.

The rest who are willing to stay are also some who are more loyal to the Court of Owls. Even if they leave, they don’t know where to go. William is one of them.

I just don’t know if this situation is what he has always wanted, to let Dick join the court.

It seems to have joined, but it seems not to have joined. Some claws even secretly speculated whether Nightwing was split into two pieces.

Although William had left, Nightwing also set his sights on the Court of Owls.

He felt that the previous deaths must be related to the Court of Owls.

So, what happened?

This feeling of being excluded from the Court of Owls can be said to be very bad. He had too few clues, and the source of everything was obviously in Gotham.

In the end, he decided to ignore Batman's opinion and started packing his bags and asking for leave after returning to the safe house.

On the other hand, inside Gotham, Messiah was playing hide-and-seek with Batman.

It's not that the player had to add workload to the other party and mess with his mentality. It's really that the other party's pursuit was too fierce, and the efficiency was really scary.

In the chaos, Messiah, who had changed into the traditional claw uniform and mixed in, was still chased around by the big black. It was a very ominous premonition. I always felt that this bat would beat a poor little cat like him.

How can something that is done from the heart be called making trouble? The other party was really pursuing me so fiercely.

There is a Dionysus factor in Dick's body, but it doesn't mean that it won't hurt when he hits him. What if the bat just thinks that as long as he can't kill him, he can beat him to death?

Messiah, who seems to be very calm on the surface, commands the claws to scare the bats away, but in his heart he is already screaming at Dick in the communication channel.

He saw how Batman beat up other claws through the system monitoring. Wow, how can he be so good at fighting when he fights a group of people alone?

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