Even if staying up late makes people irritable, you have been up for a month and haven't slept recently! Aren't you tired? !

Are you human? ! !

The player wiped his sweat, he fled, he ran around everywhere, he wanted to go to heaven and earth, but for some reason Batman could always accurately search for his location and chase him.

It's especially hard to get rid of.

The player's order to the claws was just to entangle the opponent, not to kill, which made the claws a little restrained, and Batman was able to use this to directly lock them in an underground freezer.

But that's the claw? ? ! Not an ordinary gangster!

And Messiah couldn't really leave the group of claws alone, so the players running around had to rack their brains to find a way to rescue their subordinates.

In the end, he didn't ask the other claws to stop Batman, but only asked them to rescue those who were led to the freezer.

Ball, ball, ball, don't give it away anymore. Every time he gives away a claw for free, his heart hurts! (Accent)

He knew that he couldn't really blame them. Who could have thought that the recent Batman was so scary? They just happened to run into the muzzle of the other party's gun.

So, the player was even more afraid to let Batman catch him.

Although he was given another chance, he still wanted to kill the owl, but he must choose a time when Batman was in a better mood. He could learn to read the almanac, learn fortune-telling, and learn astrology. He would never do anything that was written as unsuitable in the future.

When being chased, Messiah still remembered the goodness of the Batman. It was so good, so good, so good that he missed him the next day after leaving him.

Dick also comforted the player, otherwise you go offline when you are beaten, and I will fight with Batman.

But Messiah still refused. He was not really afraid of pain. Well, he was a little afraid, but more because the opponent was Batman.

In fact, in the end, the player was also thinking, why not just give up and fight with Batman in real life.

Anyway, he has the Dionysus factor, so he can't die.

When swinging the grappling hook gun over the tall buildings, Messiah moved lightly and jumped away the moment he touched the ground, avoiding the bat darts from his blind spot.

The battle broke out unexpectedly. Even if the system small map refreshed Batman's position in real time and the cheats of various perspectives were fully turned on, he was still often caught up without anyone noticing.

Although you are a legend in Gotham, don't really act like a ghost! Are you really a human? ! !

Messiah screamed at Dick in the system channel with a sad voice. He really questioned whether this bat was a human, and he had been questioning it crazily tonight.

Dick was also helpless. He thought about the situation if he was chased by the night owl. Well, it was almost the same.

In the end, the kind-hearted and doting parents decided to comfort the players who had run a night of exciting bat escapes and were beaten if they were caught up.

"Think positively, why don't you try to shout for help?"

Night Owl is a male star, so is Claw the princess on the run from Gotham?JPG

Nightwing is also like Princess Blüdhaven.

Player: Help! Batman is beating people! He is so scary!!!

Sadly, the title means beating. If Ye Ye catches up, he will be beaten by the fierce bat. Let's see how sinister Batman isJPG


Chapter 100 Male Star Appears

Call for help? Shouting for help in Gotham will only attract bats, and now the one chasing after him is the real bat. What's the use of shouting for help!

When the player was too distracted, Batman had no martial ethics at all. He smashed Ren Jun's face with his fist as big as a casserole. The force was so fierce that if Dick hadn't dodged quickly, he would probably break his nose.

The player, who was still frightened, naturally didn't dare to be distracted again. He focused on the cold black figure in front of him and was nervous that the other party would suddenly attack again.

It's just that Batman obviously never follows other people's routines. He paused his attack and spoke in a cold tone through a voice changer.

"You are the reason for the change in the Court of Owls."

He was so sure that there was no room for the player to quibble. Even before the player could figure out how the other party knew, Batman spoke again.

"What do you want to do?"

But this sentence seemed to be questioning the player, and also seemed to be questioning himself, what kind of ending did Batman want.

Bruce Wayne AKA Batman, through tonight's fight and the clues obtained before, he couldn't help frowning, thinking that the other party was more like an idealist who didn't know the importance of the matter.

Is the disappearance of the Court of Owls a good thing? Yes, but the way the other party used made it difficult for Batman to agree. He was murdering and committing a crime for the lives that disappeared.

And this is his Gotham, he will not let an uncontrollable factor run around.

Players don't know how many twists and turns Batman has in his mind. His understanding of this matter is that he has gone beyond the territory owner and hunted the prey without authorization to grab the head.

But this is not the case. The players have already arrived and are in the owl's nest. It would be a shame to just leave without doing anything.

And it is obvious that the other party did not care about the group of owls at all, so what if he killed them.

So in Batman's eyes, the other party's attitude is justified and arrogant, completely ignoring his advice and provoking him crazily. The veins on his fingers holding the bat dart bulged, but he still resisted the urge to attack immediately.

"You can choose a gentler method."

"A waste of time." The player rolled his eyes at the other party. What a joke, the time he can stay in each universe is limited. If he waits to kill the owl slowly, will he still be able to do his work?

How can you ignore the limited-time main quest and spend all your time on side quests? Of course, you should cut the Gordian knot and hit it right away.

"So for you, the life and death of others is just a waste of your time."

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