It's hard for Damian to make a hedgehog's eyes look so fierce. If he couldn't speak, he would probably scold stupid Drake.

"What do you want me to do? And why should I help you? You don't look like a good person!" Messiah knew that the negotiation was a big failure when he said the first sentence, but fortunately he knew how to make up for it.

"I'm not a good person. I will eat children alive, especially tender little boys like you." The rebellious Night Owl was very bad, and he was in the mood to intimidate Messiah.

However, after receiving the disapproving look of the old housekeeper, he was a little annoyed and finally said business, "Tim is now imprisoned by the church. They are going to use him as a sacrifice to summon the evil god."

"?" Messiah slowly typed a question mark.

No, what's the situation? However, before the player could wake up from this blunt intelligence, he found that Batman had appeared in the living room at some point. Compared with Thomas, who was dressed casually, the fully armed Batman was obviously not just awake, but had been eavesdropping for a while.

"Tim is in the church, but why." Bruce looked at Night Owl, frowning more and more. What happened between Tim and Thomas, and why did these two people suddenly reach a consensus.

"Do you want to know? Bruce, what kind of connection do we have in private?"

"I know you too well, little control freak." Night Owl seemed to be interested. He changed from his lazy state of not sitting, straightened his back, raised his head and looked directly at his brother.

"In that case, if you want more information, you have to pay me. After all, I am not one of those easy-to-get-away cats and dogs under your command."

"What do you want, Thomas." Bruce frowned. He didn't understand what he wanted with Night Owl's ability. No, maybe there are more important things...

But the result was obviously the opposite of someone's pessimistic guess. Night Owl smiled very proudly.

"How about you call me brother first, and I will tell you all the inside stories you don't know."

Keep pushing new articles, UU.

Chapter 158 Irresponsible Extra: Wild Daddy in Hell 6

When you grow up, you will no longer need to be protected by him like in the past. You will become a knight who protects Gotham and a qualified lord.

This family has changed from five people to only Thomas and Alfred. The younger brother left Gotham for his ideals, traveled to more places in person, and constantly tempered himself. When he came back, Batman appeared in Gotham, and then gradually there were several more children. Bruce became a father with bumps and bumps.

Thomas felt that he knew Bruce well enough and had always understood that they were different. The other party was too naive. Even though Batman always had countless backup plans, he was always hurt. In this world where everything can exist, humans have their limits... but if they cross it, they are no longer human.

"So have you thought about it, Bruce? It's just a word." Thomas watched Batman's stiff performance with interest. He certainly knew that when he took off this uniform, Gotham's most lovable little prince would certainly not mind being spoiled. He could complain to his brother in a soft tone.

But that was not as interesting as it is now. It is fun to force Batman to do something difficult. The melon that is forced is the sweetest.

Messiah had finished his breakfast, but he looked at the scene with a fork and hesitated. He always felt that he and Damian should not be here, but should go under the Batmobile. The momentum between the brothers was too strong, as if they were oppressing each other to see who would show weakness first... Is it an illusion? Obviously, the two of them still look harmonious now.

Alfu took away the plate in front of the player and served him some cut fruits as a dessert after the meal. Messiah didn't feel that he couldn't eat. He ate quickly, although Damian next to him looked like he wanted to stab Thomas, who was smug and ugly, with his eyes.

But considering that Thomas is Bruce's brother, it may be the embodiment of the affection of the Wayne family. Messiah didn't know why he always felt that with the current atmosphere, a heroine should appear now, and then shouted, "Don't continue to quarrel for me."

Of course, the wind-like heroine didn't appear, but the demon priest who kicked the door of the restaurant room with a loud sound but little damage to the door made a brilliant appearance.

Because if it was really broken, he might have to stay and repair it, so he didn't dare to use force. Messiah showed a look that saw through everything, and Jason came to confirm that the kid was not kidnapped, and then he set his sights on Thomas.

"What's wrong with Tim? I don't believe he was so naive that he was taken away by someone."

Kidnapped Red Robin, but why did they focus on Messiah? And I heard the kid say that he saw him when he landed, so how did the church guys manage to accurately lock on the target?

Night Owl shrugged. In fact, he didn't really want to embarrass him. He was going to say it anyway.

When he saw someone coming, he was ready to speak, but Batman made a move first. The black figure leaned over and casually placed his palm on the table. The sunlight from the window in the morning slid a reflection on the nail. The two pairs of blue eyes looked at each other at a very close distance. Bruce looked at Thomas who was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed. He deliberately leaned close to the other's ear and smiled to answer.

"Do you really want to hear me call you, brother?"

We are brothers, so it's not that difficult to speak.

Moreover, he didn't need to be so anxious about the matter of the church. Since Thomas came here in person, it means that he had a need. From the beginning, Batman could refute the words of Night Owl from many angles, and he was silent for so long, but he was not prepared to refuse from the beginning.

Bruce and Thomas didn't get close for too long, and it can even be said that they were separated at a touch. From the perspective of Messiah, he saw Batman's cape shaking, and then Damian jumped up and down. He seemed to really hate this bad guy who made things difficult for his father for no reason.

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