Jason just turned his head to check the door to make sure it was not broken and there were no footprints, and then faced the old butler's disapproving eyes calmly.

"Okay, okay, Bruce, you win." Thomas raised his hands in surrender in front of his brother, hitting the bull's eye, he really fell for it.

"Then I won't continue the small talk, let's talk about the church's recent tricks."

The capital of the kingdom, in the restricted area under the cathedral.

The saint in a pure white robe walked through the secret passage with layers of scarlet lines, and in front of her was an old man holding a candlestick to illuminate the way ahead.

The gray hood covered most of the servant's face, but within the range of the weak candlelight, the wrinkled old skin was full of rotten sores, and wriggling maggots crawled under the skin.

The body covered by clothes exuded a foul odor, like a corpse, but the other party was a living person.

The dim space, the strange runes, the saint turned a blind eye to these anomalies, or she herself was part of the anomaly. The woman was beautiful, with delicate features, long golden hair that spread behind her like silk, fair and tender skin, and sexy figure. One could tell at a glance that she was God's perfect creation.

Except for her eyes, she looked inorganic and not human.

She folded her wings behind her. There was no space for the wings to stretch in this secret passage. No one spoke, no one asked. Angels don't need to breathe, and the old servant's breathing was almost non-existent. They walked through the narrow secret passage that seemed to be immersed in darkness forever. The two of them arrived at an underground cave, and then used the transmission device here to go to a more secret gathering place.

The scene in front of them changed, and the narrow area suddenly reached a wide enough underground auditorium. It was so bright and holy here. The saint stretched out her wings behind her and enjoyed the bathing of the divine light here.

The servant dressed in a gray cloak seemed to be baptized. His appearance began to change, from a piece of rotten meat with abscesses and stinking smell to an elegant gentleman with equally beautiful appearance.

"Saint, please." Other angels appeared beside the Saint. They took over the servants' work and led the woman deeper.

The servants saw the angels off, but he was not qualified to move forward. He was a devout believer and only needed to wait for the Saint to return.

But, in the past, he only needed to come here once a few months to bathe in the divine light, and he would be young, powerful, and have the money, power, and admiration of the superiors. But now, if he doesn't come here for more than a week, he will gradually rot and stink, and can only wait in the dark corner for the opportunity for the Saint to go to the auditorium.

The desire to take root in his heart, he didn't notice the eyes of the angels around him, just like looking at the meal that could be enjoyed, and he didn't think about why there were only angels in the auditorium, no other human figures, and the Saint only brought him here every time, even if he became more and more ugly and smelly.

Speaking of which, when did he start to lead the way for the Saint? I always feel that in the vague memory, he didn't seem to be as old and ugly as he is now.

Walking through the gorgeous and magnificent hall, stripping off the false appearance, the bloody altar, the saint looked up and saw the fallen angel nailed to the cross.

She opened her mouth and finally revealed her sharp fangs.

"God said, you are guilty."

The young man, who was also tortured by this so-called ritual and was bleeding, raised his eyes, stared at the human skin angel in front of him for a long time with his green eyes, and then laughed out loud.

"God? It's better to believe me than to believe what you say." Tim, who became a clown, laughed. He didn't think there was anything wrong with being nailed through the wings and palms, and shook his head with a disappointed attitude.

"Too boring, too boring, a group of cannibals pretending to be holy."

And they don't just eat flesh and blood, but also the "rations" that can suck the marrow from the bones, including the soul. They all want to eat. Under the beautiful skin, there is a group of things that are more greedy than hyenas.

The saint did not get angry because of the other party's shameless words. She stared at the fallen angel on the cross for a long time, and then seemed too lazy to continue pretending. Her delicate facial features twisted and opened countless eyes. The whites of the eyes and pupils were all crowded on her face, and even her mouth was full of eyes.

"The ceremony will start soon."

Tim seemed a little bored. He looked down at his dangling feet, and then at the wounds pierced by the nails, and still smiled as if the matter was not big enough.

"Why me, because you are afraid of me, right?"

"After all, not every human can eat you parasites. Speaking of it, the taste is really disgusting, like sour cheese pickled in a sauerkraut jar for five hundred years." Tim seemed to recall the disgusting taste and suddenly felt that he didn't want to eat anything in the future.

Angels in the church are not so easy to have, but need to wait for hatching after planting, and this process takes at least five years. Choosing children, not only are they highly receptive, but they are also particularly delicious, and when they are planted, they are just adults, which is the best time for the container.

Last time, the Joker plotted against him, but he also plotted against the church. No one got away with it, even the Joker himself was dismembered.

Tim's mouth never dropped. He couldn't help but smile. The sight of the pair of green eyes was like a venomous snake. The twisted angel in front of him couldn't make him feel any fear or nausea at all. The face full of eyes and wings full of eyes were really ugly. Isn't it uglier than a rotten person?

"Do you really think you can really start?"

"You don't really think you can solve me at this level."

As if he had no pain nerves at all, Tim used his arms indifferently, and his veins bulged. He pierced the long nails in his palm to gain free movement space, and then the other hand. As for the wings, it didn't matter if they were torn off. Anyway, they were not important things.

In this process, none of the angels stepped forward to stop them. They just watched indifferently as the prey escaped little by little. The whole altar exuded a stronger bloody smell because of the tearing of flesh and bones.

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