The saint's eyes looked at the man in front of her, and finally she spoke completely different words than before.

"I predicted that there will be new sacrifices. You two can bring the best opportunity."

The clown has no san value left to drop! So the clown can't drop it either.

Add some gram, stir it up and give it to the readers passing by.

But as I said at the beginning, this parallel universe is so different from other parallel universes in so many ways, the Messiah still took the ticket and went in directly through the back door.

And Bruce is really good at it. He is worthy of being a true heartthrob of DC. There will always be only Bat-Chef and twisted Bat-Chef in Gotham.

And the worried Princess Tim and the knight who saves the princess

Chapter 159 Irresponsible Extra: Wild Dad from Hell 7

Teleportation is a good skill for running maps, and it is also a good partner for players. After all, as a man as strong as the wind, how can he live without teleportation? The Bats can still beat up Kryptonians and even hybrid Kryptonians, but the Messiah has nothing.

Including the driver's license. He would not do such rebellious things as driving without a license, but if it was the Batmobile, it would be a different matter.

Looking at the Superman Messiah in front of me, I still have a little expectation. If the Bat Card comes out, will he be super?

He also wants a crow to fly on a plane, ahem, no, it’s a bat flying Superman, which doesn’t seem to be the case, but he can’t live without the best partner in the world.

Of course, Superman also noticed the child's particularly eager gaze. Although he didn't quite understand what it meant, as it was so enthusiastic that it seemed to poke holes in his uniform, he still waved hello to the boy in a friendly manner.

Although that is a guarantee, there seems to be no expectation of complete guarantee. Recently, players are considering the summoning of holy relics. Next time, try drawing cards next to the wild Robin. And not only does he want the bat card, but now the Messiah Ya is still lamenting, Superman, Superman, why didn't you get up?

He wants both of these dream cards! .jpg

Upon seeing the greeting, Messiah waved politely to the other party in response.

Clark was not here to participate in the battle. As the incident involved the church, magic, angels, etc., it was extremely easy for something to happen if his mental resistance was insufficient. Of course, he did not need transportation.

What Batman has to deal with is a mainstream belief that is quite popular on the surface. Superman will stay in the sky over the entire kingdom. As a means of field control, he can provide timely assistance before the impact affects innocent people. It can be regarded as allowing the bats to have no worries.

But the need for Superman to take action also means that the situation has deteriorated to the worst, and sacrifices will still occur. Batman does not want everything to go in the worst direction.

"Don't worry, b, everything will be fine." This small town boy scratched his cheek. He was similar to most of his peers in the universe. After Krypton was destroyed, he came to Earth and grew up under the love of his adoptive parents.

Batman nodded, accepting Superman's encouragement, but his eyes would still fall on Messiah, who seemed particularly carefree. At first, he didn't agree with taking a child on an adventure, but Night Owl was here. The aspect is particularly tough, and Messiah also finds it very interesting, like an adventure.

"Instead of worrying about him, it's better to worry about yourself. That kid has constant connections with those guys outside the dimension."

After Thomas said this, he left the team and acted alone, and left Superman. On the way to the church center in the capital of the kingdom, the priest was rarely with Batman. As a companion fighting side by side, Messiah was chasing the two heroes behind him. Han ran, and on his shoulders was Damian, who was agile but had short legs, so he became a pendant.

At first, Batman wanted to hold the Messiah or carry him on his back. Although it would hinder the movement, it was still better than leaving the child alone. However, after the player sat in Bruce's arms for a while, he was not happy and felt that it was not possible. After having fun, he got down to the ground and ran behind the two people.

But of course Messiah wouldn't say that I decided to follow because the cutscene was boring. Instead, he expressed concern to Bruce and Jason, and then expressed that he had enough self-preservation ability to be confident, and it didn't matter even if he was left behind. He can teleport to two people.

Bruce's disapproving looks increased!

It's a pity that Messiah may say he's obedient, but he's really rebellious when it comes to being willful. It's hard for Batman to deal with a boy who is unreasonable and acts like a spoiled brat.

Damien Cheng had a sullen face, and Jason was not too embarrassed to show off his anger. He seemed to be ready to fight among himself before encountering an enemy. However, due to the hedgehog's small size, it was impossible to fight. , but what makes Messiah find it incomprehensible is that the two brothers can communicate without any barriers despite the language barrier.

Messiah, who was noticed by Bruce from time to time, followed the bat steadily without difficulty at all. Only then did the bat finally let go and concentrate on the church.

And the church that sneaks into the night, this majestic and beautiful building in the daytime, looks particularly depressing when you look at it now. The players who have been following Bruce and Jason have unknowingly changed from following to being being followed. The priest was carried away in his arms.

Messiah looked up at Jason, who was looking inside the building. Damian was laughing at the priest who was now no different than a worried old mother. She looked normal on the surface, but was actually more anxious than Batman. .

Bruce pretended not to understand his youngest son's indiscriminate attacks.

The atmosphere between the four people was quite lively. Although no one actually spoke, it can only be said that everyone had a tacit understanding.

When entering the building, no one was seen. It was the middle of the night, which was a good time for murder and arson. As we continued to move deeper into the church, the sticky feeling became more and more obvious. It was a non-entity that could not be seen or touched, but the senses kept sending out alarms. After all, everyone was a strictly trained vigilante and was sharp enough.

Damian did not continue to mock Jason. He stood up and was highly alert to the surroundings. Messiah could feel the priest holding him tighter, but it did not cause pain. It could only be said that it was very stable.

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