Art is banned as it may harm the physical and mental health of others.

Tobacco, alcohol, and beverages are banned as they may harm human health. Now, there is only boiled water or pure bitter coffee left in the whole city.

Gathering will lead to conflict and gambling, so all gatherings except for family members and company work are considered illegal.

Crimes are most likely to occur at night, so there will be a curfew once it gets dark, and the army will patrol continuously to arrest everyone who appears at night.

And so on and so forth, similar laws and regulations are subdivided into every move of every person.

Players who are free by nature begin to feel suffocated after investigating the general situation of this world, and are greatly shocked by this super terrifying control desire. How many bats are there?

Damian now has a stack of newspapers in his hand. He finds that this city is too clean, both on the surface and on the dark side.

This world does not allow the existence of buildings containing lead, and lead and kryptonite are destroyed in large quantities.

Of course, it's not that they don't exist at all. There are always some villains who are like rats in the gutter and can never be cleaned up, and there are always some in Batman's hands, but they are not something that players who have just entered the map can find, and it is too troublesome and easy to expose themselves.

The content of the newspaper is also neat and tidy. There is a Superman's speech on it, which announces that Bruce Wayne is Batman and wants this man.

The industry of the Wayne Group was taken over by the Injustice League, and the apparent manager is Damian Wayne.

The player paused when flipping through the newspaper, and his eyes glanced at the time. This was a report from three years ago.

As far as he knows, Superman established a new regime five years ago, which is also the new Injustice League.

And now Damian Wayne AKA Nightwing, who is running back and forth between Gotham and Blüdhaven, is also one of his targets.

But it's not the time to confront the other party head-on.

This doesn't mean that nothing can be done and not to do it. Since the homologue is very busy, he decided to go to the Assassin's League first.

Middle East, Assassin's League headquarters.

Damian stepped into this familiar place, and it was not unexpected. Perhaps it was because of the isotope or other reasons, this place was the same as always, without any changes.

He could indeed walk in openly, but considering the existence of Talia and Reshgu, he chose to sneak in.

As the time spent together increased, Damian could indeed feel that the cooperation with the player was at least much better than at the beginning.

At least in the battle, the opponent was smart enough not to disturb his movements.

The black figure sank into the shadows, like a fish in water, until he stepped into the core area, no assassin noticed the arrival of the intruder.

At least, the Assassin's League must have recorded in detail the intelligence that was difficult to find on the surface. He came for intelligence and to deal with Reshgu.

In fact, in terms of danger, Reshgu is more dangerous than the isotope. This is an uncontrollable uncertainty bomb.

He will personally educate that idiot, but this old thing who should be buried should indeed lie back in the ground.

He is a tyrant and a leader, and the wolf pack, his Assassin's League also does not need two wolves.

Damian did not deny his arrogance. He did not put the counterpart of this world in the position of the opponent. The opponent was too stupid and cowardly.

He was afraid of Superman, Batman of this world, and Rexaogu.

After discovering the behavior of the Bat Family in this universe, the tyrant naturally regarded Gotham and the Assassin's League as his own territory.

He would defeat the guys who occupied his property and snatch everything. This was his way of taming the world and the law of the jungle that he followed.

Of course, it was not that Rexaogu was so easy to deal with. Stepping into the familiar building and getting closer and closer to Rexaogu's position, Damian skillfully took out his brass knuckles.

I don't know if Damian in this world has feelings for this old guy, but he definitely doesn't.

From the beginning, his relationship with Rexaogu was just the biggest obstacle to his becoming the leader with a useful body, and they would fight to the death.

After quickly confirming every location, Damian finally found the man near the Lazarus Pool. The other party turned his back to the exit and looked down at the green water.

Having arrived here, Damian did not continue to hide. The faint halo in the dark cave spread over the cold mask. The other left hand without brass knuckles pulled out the long knife.

The other party had obviously discovered the intruder in the bat windbreaker a long time ago. Lars turned around and looked at Damian with his sharp eyes, looking at the uniform, looking at the flesh and blood, and also looking at every move between his hands and feet.

Although facing a guy who came to take his life, the current leader of the Assassin's League suddenly smiled and praised.

"You are really good, at least much better than the other one."

"He really doesn't satisfy me, like a child who has not grown up."

"And you are better."

After the words fell, the two directly entered the most intense battle and fight without any attempts and temptations.

Damian's attitude was very clear, either give in and submit to him, or be defeated by him.

He was a male lion who had grown up long ago, and he was the most domineering.

And Lei Xiaogu also saw that, so he praised him with more satisfaction.

The long sword did not hold back at all, and went straight to the enemy's vital points. The other martial arts master was not far behind, holding a small sword that came out of nowhere and rushed straight into Damian's eyes.

In such a dangerous battle, even the player had to concentrate on cooperating with Damian, rolling to dodge, raising fists to attack, and stabbing with swords. Fortunately, with the knight's teachings, the player adapted very quickly, and even Damian's expected injuries due to errors and the prepared remedial measures were not used.

At least this made Damian more satisfied, and then he continued to concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

Lei Xiaogu was not surprised by Damian's cruelty and murderous intent. Compared with Wayne, this was a real Aug.

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