The same green eyes stared at Damian, and the old man could hardly help laughing.

"You're not Damian Wayne, you're Damian Ogo."

"No, I am Wayne, the successor of Batman."

Damian never thought there was anything wrong with him. He received the most brutal education from the Assassin's League before he was seven years old, in order to become the most perfect and powerful leader. After he was seven years old, he met Batman again.

That man is soft-hearted and never kills criminals. He is so helpless when facing his first child. He is a somewhat clumsy Batman, and he needs Robin's help.

But they were both growing up and walking their own paths, until there were constant quarrels and conflicts, until he went back to inherit the League of Assassins, and the other party brought back a new boy from Wayne Manor, a new Robin.

Tim Drake.

The sharp blade penetrated the enemy's right arm, and the cold dagger cut open Damian's uniform and flesh.

The pain he had long been accustomed to was harmless, and he pursued his right fist straight into the enemy's face, knocking him into the Lazarus Pool.

Damianju stood on the shore and looked down at the old man who was gradually recovering. It didn't matter that the other man's injuries were healed, his body became stronger, and then he became more and more crazy. Leixiaogu stared at Damian closely and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"I thought you would be smarter and at least keep me out of this pool."


"No matter how many times you recover from your injuries, or how many times you escape from aging and death, you will only be knocked down by me."

"You will only be my defeated enemy and my stepping stone."

Damian looked indifferent. Lazarus Pool was like venom wrapped in honey. Every time you use it, you have to pay a price. Since this old guy likes it so much, he will keep soaking it until he dies.

He took out the batarang and threw it straight at the opponent's throat. He was then punched away by Lei Xiaogu's strong and swollen figure. The opponent quickly walked towards the shore in the pool, then jumped up, raised his fist and aimed at Dami. Fix the temples.

The battle between the two caused a mess in the underground cave, and the strictly prohibited restricted area was indeed kept secret. Damian had also destroyed the equipment and mechanisms that could communicate in advance. He would not let this old guy get Thalia. Opportunities to get involved.

The other party finally realized that the intruder posed a threat to him, and spoke gloomily.

"I thought they just made a pretty good clone, but it seems like there's more to you than that."

Mimi seems to have a sister in Injustice, but I'm not very familiar with her, so I didn't write about it.

Le, don’t forget, the system has overwritten Mimi’s identity in reverse order. Now in other people’s perception, Mimi is Mimi’s clone of Mimi’s isotopic clone Mimi copied by Lex.

As for why there is identity coverage, please look forward to the next plot.

And why can't we go to Gotham? If we go to Gotham, we will directly start the unjust boss battle. happy

In fact, bats all like to plan and act later, so do knights, and so does Mimi, and players are aware of this. First quietly collect information and equipment, and then cause trouble.

Reverse order Mimi (vs. player): Little Kitten

Reverse order Mimi (for peers): post-stay education

Reverse order Mimi (to Lei Xiaogu): Let’s talk first

In reverse order, Mimi didn't find Unjust Mimi first because he planned to stay for post-education, secondly because it would alarm Superman, and thirdly because Lex's plan needed time to be implemented.

Relatively speaking, Lei Xiaogu, who didn't have many follow-up troubles, was easier to deal with, and he could also directly raid Buyi Mimi's hometown.

Lok, Mimi’s unruly and want-to-tame-everything character, Reverse Bat tried to break it off, and then they both took anti-hypertensive pills together but they couldn’t make much of it (you know why they always have anti-hypertensive pills)

In reverse order, Mimi didn't kill anyone, but he expelled Lei Xiaogu cheerfully. No normal human being can live for hundreds of years, so he didn’t kill anyone, that’s right.

Le, this Mimi is not only reverse order, but also Ogumimi. He is actually very fierce.

Fierce and ruthless but responsible.

In the early days, the reverse bat was more of a sunny and cheerful ancient bat. As a result, he failed to suppress Mimi's character at the beginning, and became more and more unable to suppress it, Yun Bei.

Chapter 47 Ogu’s meal [Land mines and nutrient solution added]

The sharp knife penetrated the enemy's heart, and the green eyes in the shadow were even colder than the cold light. Damian pulled out the weapon again, then kicked the body into the Lazarus Pool again, watching the opponent sink slowly.

The more he is resurrected, the crazier he becomes, the crazier he becomes, and the more flaws he becomes.

This time, the old thing was finally decomposed by the Lazarus Pool and became a new nutrient for the water in the pool.

Damian wiped the blood flowing from the scratch on his face. His hands were shaking a little, not because he was very excited, or because he had no fluctuations in killing Lei Xiaogu, and he didn't care. It's just something that happens naturally.

The old lion either abdicates and leaves, or his neck is bitten off by the new lion king.

This is the law of the jungle they follow.

Turning his arm over, he could see the same hideous wound on the inside, which was about to cut off the tendons of his hand. Damian took out the test tube of Lazarus Pool water on his body, poured it on his arm, and then looked at the wounds on his body. is gradually recovering.

He was indeed the resurrected one who crawled out of the Lazarus Pool, but their situation was more complicated at the time.


Damian suddenly turned around, his eyes sharp, his whole body tensed, and he looked at the new guy on guard and ready to attack at any time.

A beautiful green-eyed woman, his mother from a parallel world.

Talia Aug

The other party had obviously watched the entire fight from the side. The equally cold mistress of the Assassin's League who trained Damian smiled.

She walked gracefully towards her son, who was also in a state of embarrassment but the final winner.

"You did better than I thought, Damian."

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