Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 33 Bruce discovers the blind spot

Katum suddenly breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief.

"Thank you, my dear Bruce."

Katum said, "I am mentally prepared to wait for you to say that the third devil is me."

"Don't make trouble!"

Bruce walked towards the lounge while talking about his conjecture in his mind.

"Listen to my analysis. Since the prophecy has stated that a third Dark Lord will appear, then the other words in the prophecy must be pointing to the candidate for the third Dark Lord.

“In my opinion, the most crucial thing is actually the first sentence of the prophecy, from beginning to end!

"I have investigated Dumbledore's life. The starting point of his fame was defeating the first Dark Lord. This was the beginning and it was yesterday.

"Then he fought against the second Dark Lord Voldemort more than ten years ago. He always believed that Voldemort was not dead and would come back. This is now and today."

At this point, Katum suddenly interrupted Bruce.


Katum frowned and said, "You investigated Dumbledore's life? When did you investigate? Why didn't I know?"

It's less than a week since school started, and you, Bruce, have already investigated the principal thoroughly?

Why, the true nature of the Bat-weirdo was exposed so quickly?

You dare to investigate the principal today, what you dare to do tomorrow, Katum can't even think about it.

Bruce gave an explanation: "You investigated it when you ran to follow Hermione. Okay, just be quiet and listen to my analysis!"

He continued: "The most important thing is the end and the future. Let me ask you, Katum, what do you think is the end?"

"The end is..."Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", right?"

"What Deathly Hallows?"

Bruce frowned. He really didn't need to ask Katum this question, knowing that this guy didn't have a reliable word in his mouth.

"The end here is the destruction of Hogwarts!"

Bruce vowed, "Don't you find it strange? Since he is the Dark Lord, he should be the nightmare of the entire magical world. Why does the prophecy only mention Hogwarts?"

"Actually, the answer is already obvious, because the Dark Lord came out of Hogwarts, and he is the headmaster of Hogwarts himself.

"The end of Hogwarts is the beginning of the third generation of the Dark Lord!"

Bruce firmly believed in his suspicion, but Katum shook his head.

"It's a bit far-fetched."

The owl said, "Your reasoning is too old-fashioned, and it doesn't make me happy."

Bruce sneered: "That's because you have no brains. I felt it in the office just now. Dumbledore looked at me in a wrong way!"

"But we can't just say that Old Deng is the Dark Lord, right?"

Katum became interested. He was not siding with Dumbledore, but simply wanted to refute Bruce.

"Dumbledore has made so many contributions to the magical world in his life, but he has never done anything harmful to the world, right?"

"This is a disguise! An extremely clever disguise, he even deceived himself!"

Bruce said with great certainty, "Did you see the hand he used to take away my memory just now? I now have reason to suspect that he also used this method on himself.

"Dumbledore could have removed the memory of his bad deeds in normal times and only retained the memory of being a role model for wizards, so that no one would notice anything was wrong."

Katum felt a little speechless.

He felt that if he ignored Bruce and allowed him to continue his analysis, he could find countless evidence of Dumbledore's crimes.

This is Batman.

When he doubts you, he won't say that there is no doubt that the crime is innocent, but will first think of a way to beat the person up.

Even if it turns out that he hit the wrong person, Batman will only ask:

Why do you act so suspicious and make me doubt you?

It’s time to fight!

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking about it."

Katum finally didn't want to listen to Bruce anymore, "If you think Dumbledore is suspicious, then go investigate on your own. I feel that you and Rita Skeeter must have something in common."

Bruce asked, "Who is Rita Skeeter?"

"A female reporter."

Katum said casually, "Dedicate your life to discrediting Dumbledore. You two can become soul mates."

When Bruce heard that he was just a reporter, Bruce immediately lost interest.

He was almost at the break room.

"By the way, you said you were going to the principal's office to find something. Did you find it?"

"Found it."

"How did you find it so quickly? It only took so long."

"The Demon King has his own methods, don't ask."

Bruce soon discovered that Katum didn't bring anything out of the principal's office.

He just memorized a paragraph of text and has been studying it attentively since then.

After thinking for a long time, Bruce felt that Katum might have seen what he wanted when he looked at the Mirror of Erised.

There is no second explanation.

Time passed slowly, and life in Hogwarts College continued as usual.

During this period of time, Dumbledore did not reveal his true potential, and Bruce could not find out the other party's crimes for a while.

He handed the formula to Snape. When Snape got the formula, although he tried his best to hide it, Bruce still saw a hint of excitement at the corner of his mouth.

I don’t know what I’m excited about.

On the other side, Katum was still researching enthusiastically at first, but after a while, his enthusiasm began to fade.


Katum complained, "I didn't expect that even reversing the process of making a Horcrux would still cost a life."

Hearing this, Bruce's eyes suddenly turned bright: "You want to kill someone?!"

He does not allow this kind of behavior.

"You don't care whether I kill or not."

Katum first laughed at Bruce, and then sighed and said, "Actually, it doesn't have to be murder, as long as it is a life with high enough strength."

After hearing this, Bruce felt relieved.

Mr. Wei is kind-hearted and doesn't want others to kill people.

After Katum's enthusiasm for research dissipated, he turned his energy back to torturing Bruce.

Before you know it, it's Halloween.

On this day, the hall is already filled with colorful Halloween decorations.

A thousand bats fluttered on the walls and ceiling, and a thousand more circled like low dark clouds over the dining table, making the candle flames flicker in the pumpkin's belly.

Bruce is sitting in the hall, ready to start today's scientific eating.

He looked around and saw that Hermione was not there.

"Did you overdo your self-study again?"

Bruce shook his head helplessly. During this period, Hermione kept complaining in his ear about how unreliable Gryffindor boys were.

Wandering around late at night and getting into trouble everywhere are commonplace.

The most important thing is that he is still very stupid and cannot learn the simplest spells.

"Let's pack some food for Hermione later."

Just as Bruce was thinking this, Professor Quirrell suddenly rushed into the auditorium, his big scarf hanging crookedly on his head, his face full of horror.

"The troll—in the basement—thought you should know."

After saying that, he fell to the floor and passed out.

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