Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 256:

After entering Berlin in winter, the cooling rate is very fast. After two winter rains, people on the street are wearing thick winter clothes. The police on the street have put on grey woolen coats, and the mounts of the mounted police are also dressed in gray robes embroidered with green badges. These heroic cavalry on horseback have become a new urban landscape.

The evergreen plants planted in Tiergarten are still lush. If the weather is good on weekends, Berlin parents often bring their children to the lawn here for a picnic and enjoy the warm sunshine that is rare in winter.

Hitler liked the cold working environment. According to himself, this can keep people's heads awake. The new head of state expressed deep doubts about this statement. The temperature on the Eastern Front was cold enough to prevent the head of state from going crazy.

As mentioned in the previous article, the air conditioning system of the Imperial Prime Minister's Office is world-class, thanks to the design of the designer's genius and the company's technical level as always. In the winter, Jun Xu likes a warmer environment, which has little to do with his personal constitution, but simply continues the habits of the soul. The overall temperature in the building is controlled at about 26 degrees. Xu Jun also lights up the fireplace on the side of the office. Compared with the cold wind in the back garden, the head office can be said to be as warm as spring.

At this moment, the emperor's head stood with his back at the map table on the side of the office, and across the table stood the adjutant colonel Dougan. On the left hand side of the head of state was his chief of staff Wehrer, and on the other side of the chief of staff was the "eye of Odin "Kirsten."

"This is the latest deployment of the troops we obtained yesterday. The Soviet Red Army troops in the Baltic Naval Region began a series of troop movements in the three countries from the middle of this month. It is currently known to replace the new station, but is there any other hidden For the purpose, the headquarters cannot make a judgment for the time being." Weierle reported to Xu Jun.

Dougan held a stack of documents in his hand, and from time to time took out a colored paper flag from a small box at the desk, and marked it on a huge military map according to the location marked on the document.

"An additional six infantry divisions have been added, Weirler, what do you personally think of this." Xu Jun frowned as he looked at the red flags on the map. Each of the above flags represents an identified Soviet division unit.

"My head of state, I think that the transfer of these troops is still within the normal range. The current domestic situation in Russia is not very good. They have assembled a large number of troops in the winter in order to shorten the supply line between the units as much as possible. Length. You can clearly see that most of these troops are located near railway lines, which is more convenient for the concentration and distribution of logistics materials." Weierle replied.

"It is also very convenient for the troops to make strategic maneuvers along the railway line." Xu Jun pressed the map table with one hand, took the pencil at the table with one hand, and made a circle around Königsberg.

"The defense of East Prussia will continue to be strengthened. The combat troops of the First Military Region will not be mobilized by one division without my order until March next year. In addition, no matter what changes there are in Moscow, we have to " The "Winter Project" continues, and there needs to be some rhythm on the side of "The Eye of Odin." Annie, don't record this last sentence." Xu Jun turned to the stenographer by the wall.

"Yes, my head." Miss Stenographer answered with a blush and nod.

The meeting stenographer is one of the most important positions in the Prime Minister’s Office. It usually looks for ordinary German women who are innocent, and those who have no background and connections can effectively prevent the penetration of hostile intelligence services.

Xu Jun’s stenographers were introduced to each other by their staff. There are some connections, but after a rigorous investigation by the “eye of Odin”, there will be no problems with reliability. Xu Jun paid much attention to the screening of the staff around him. He did not want to be like a "leader". What he had just said at the combat meeting was recorded and put on the opponent's kang table the next day.

"I think the current conditions are ready, and the third phase of the plan can begin, my head of state." Kirsten bowed slightly and asked.

"The third stage? Are you sure?" Xu Jun turned to look at Kirsten, and the obnoxious Weierle quickly turned aside. Then the head of empire walked slowly in front of the colonel, lowering his head and staring at the opponent's blue eyes.

"Are you sure the conditions are really ripe? Colonel."

"Yes, my head, everything is ready." Kirsten looked back at the imperial head with a calm look.

"You should be very clear that once mistakes occur, causing the plan to fail, you will have to bear all the responsibilities." Xu Jun said with a serious expression.

"The eyes of Odin have full confidence, my head." The colonel replied loudly with a confident voice.

Xu Jun took a slight step back, and then a bright smile appeared on his face: "Then let go and do it, Colonel, I authorize you to start the third phase of the Winter Program." Xu Jun picked up a pen from the table, Then on a blank document paper, Longfeifengwuwu wrote a few lines of commands.

"I believe your judgment is correct, Colonel, and I also believe that you will never let me down. Don't forget to write a detailed report to me afterwards." After that, Xu Jun handed the document to Kers Teng.

"The Frozen Throne?" Kirsten stared at the words on the paper.

"Does this name serve as a codename for the next phase of action, don't you think it's appropriate?" The head of state raised his chin proudly, and came to praise me.

"Indeed, there is nothing more appropriate than this, my head of state." Kirsten leaned down gracefully to pay tribute to the head of the divine head.

"My head." Disenhofen pushed open the door and walked into the office.

"Your car is ready, the guard flag team is on standby." The adjutant reported to the head of state.

"Okay, I'm here today." Xu Jun dropped the pen and clapped his palm.

"When I go back, I will write a detailed report to you, my head." Kirsten sorted out her briefcase.

"Don't worry, just get it out before the weekend." The head of state said he was also very reasonable. Of course, this is limited to your cronies. If you switch to the group of guys in the headquarters, you will try to submit a report late, and the scene will definitely be very exciting. Red and blue pencils and glasses are ready-made, just waiting for the bad luck to hit the door.

"Does Marshal Brouchich leave?" The head of state took the cane and military cap from Disenhofen.

"His secretary called just half an hour ago. The Field Marshal had already set off. He should be on the way to Kummersdorf now." Disenhofen replied.

"Then we have to hurry, and we can't let the Marshal wait for too long." Xu Jun handed his cane to Weiller, and then put on a stiff woolen coat with the help of Disenhofen.

"And I just received a telegram from Shanghai, I already put it in your briefcase."

"Thank you, Eric, I can see it in the car." The head of state took the cane back from the chief of staff, and then pointed out the door and said aloud, "Go!"

"Yes, my head." The men echoed in unison.

PS: I went to the medical examination today, and the update was a little late, and I have to go next week. It is really a tedious thing,

There is a chapter later, thank you for your support.

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