Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 257:

Because he was going to the shooting range in Kummersdorf, this time Xu Jun was riding a Mercedes-Benz g4 six-wheel off-road sedan, but it was not the convertible model Hitler loved, but a boxed version of the bulletproof armor.

Xu Jun’s g4 has been specially modified by Mercedes. He just joined the head of state team in early December. The total body weight has increased to five tons, which is almost a ton and a half more than the prototype. The 115-horsepower eight-cylinder four-stroke engine is equipped with a new type of turbocharger, and the highway speed has been increased to 90 kilometers per hour.

The paint of the whole car is silver gray with pearl luster, and it is equipped with bright black fenders. The surface of all external trim parts is plated with chrome. Except for the flag of the empire heads hanging on the flagpoles on both sides of the front of the car, there is no other redundant logo on the whole car, which increases the difficulty of identifying potential attackers. This model of off-road car is not unique to the head of state. Not uncommon, such as the few marshals who often come to the Prime Minister's House to rub their rice.

Stretching his body on the spacious leather back seat, the head of state opened the storage box in the middle of the seat, and in the silver-plated ashtray, he found that he had smoked half of his cigar last time. The head of state picked up the half of the cigar, hesitated for a moment, looked down at the sign above, and then pressed the electronic cigarette lighter inserted next to the ashtray.

"Send me the telegram from Shanghai, Eric." Xu Jun said to the adjutant sitting opposite him.

"Please wait." Disenhofen picked up the briefcase on the seat next to him and pulled a folder out of it.

"It's our earl." He looked up at the telegraph and turned to smile at Weierle.

"There should be results this time." Weierle also smiled.

After being promoted, Staufenberg became energetic. He sent Xu Jun a detailed report almost every week about the status quo he witnessed in Shanghai and the process of negotiating with Japanese diplomats. At least two-thirds of the content is this kind of information, and the remaining one-third is collected confidential information and requests for various questions.

Stauffenberg knew that although he was a special envoy, he was always paying attention to the situation in East Asia. He had no room and room to act on his own likes and dislikes. He is just a mid-level officer of the German Army. As the representative of the head of state, it does not mean that he has the power to do whatever he wants. This point Count Stauffenberg never dare to forget.

This is also Xu Jun’s greatest advantage for him. Until his death, the count has demanded himself with strict aristocratic standards. He has always adhered to the Bavarian aristocracy’s understanding and judgment of loyalty and honor. In history, he even persuaded himself to accept the idea of ​​Nazi persecution of Jews only because he believed that Hitler was a leader worthy of German allegiance.

This count is different from Beck’s conspirators. He is an idealist. He joined the anti-Hitler group halfway. What he wants is different from others. He really wants to save his people and motherland. The others in the gang, even those core members, are only for their own interests or want to ingest the power of the Nazi Party.

"Long live the sacred German Empire." is the earliest last word of the count in the world. He behaved so arrogantly that the officer responsible for execution did not dare to let him call the slogan.

Xu Jun didn’t even worry about the day when the count put a handbag at his feet, because as long as he could lead Germany to victory, the Wehrmacht would not betray himself, even the conspirators in Baker’s history. Only after the German main force suffered a defeat on the Eastern Front did they jump out of the chaos.

"The Japanese once again chose to give in, but they should also be close to their bottom line. If they continue to be forced, they may be strongly rebounded by the other party." Xu Jun turned to a page of documents and said to Weiller with a smile To.

"The information we have obtained shows that the pressure on the Japanese cabinet during this period of time was quite large," Weiler replied.

"The pressure on the cabinet is not only from their army, the Japanese chaebols should also intervene, go back and let the embassy in Japan pay attention to collect relevant information." Xu Jun held the half cigar in his mouth, and then picked up the bounced Cigar lighter, lit the cigar butts.

"Unfortunately still unable to open the Chinese market, my head." Weierle felt a little regret.

Japan did make concessions and opened the German caravan to the mainland, but in fact the entire South China and Central China market has been basically controlled by Japanese capital, and it is difficult for German commodities to gain a foothold in the Japanese occupation zone. Japan has now excluded almost all foreign capital from its sphere of influence, regarded China as its own pocket, and regarded its interests in China as its own ban.

Asia is the Asian of Asians. This slogan was finally shouted by the Japanese. Nationalism generally works in this situation. Except for China, which is being invaded, almost all the Western colonies in Asia are against the Japanese. The slogan resonated somewhat.

This is the main reason why these colonies in history will wave flags to welcome the Japanese invading army. Many people thought that the Japanese really came for the freedom of the Asians, but they did not expect to wait for more brutal killing and slavery than those of the European colonists.

The nationalist education in Japan has become popular, and it has evolved into Yamato's ethnically supreme racism. They discriminate against all countries and nations that are behind Japan, even to the point of anti-humanity. Inferior races serve noble Yamato nations. This is the blessing of these backward races. The Japanese’s duty is to “enlighten” the thoughts of these nations, so that they willingly surrender to the emperor’s feet and become subjects of the Japanese empire. Allegiance to the Japanese Empire.

It is with such arrogant ideas that the Japanese top management manages these areas occupied by Southeast Asia, and the result is that after the war, the Japanese have been infamous in these areas for a long time. However, because of the need of the Cold War after the war, Americans endeavored to endorse the Japanese, and the Japanese took the opportunity to erase the crimes they had committed, and even once claimed themselves as victims of the war.

"Do we have any commodities that need to be dumped in China? No, Weiler, we are not the United Kingdom, we don't need to compete with Japan for the market in the Yangtze River Basin, or the trade share of these areas in South China. We only need to maintain our relationship with Chongqing Trade is enough. Now you see, what we got, the power to directly trade with the hinterland of China, this has actually exceeded my previous expectations. Japan is by no means a willing nation to give up, they are now retreating, that is In order to make greater strides forward in the future. I can guess the Japanese Prime Minister’s thoughts when making this decision, and at the same time I can guess what he would like to get back from us."

"Same as before? The empire's recognition of Wang Puppet government?"

"No, Weiler, you are too underestimating the ambitions of the Japanese. What they want is Japan's recognition of Asian domination. Ribbentrop told me that Oshima had repeatedly asked during this time. In a separate interview with me, Japan obviously wanted to restart the Japan-Germany alliance negotiations, and then delineated the sphere of influence with us." Xu Jun brushed the ash of the cigar and turned the page again.

"Look at this paragraph, Weierle, Wang Pseudo's agent headquarters in Shanghai, no longer exist." Seeing the head of state couldn't help but rejuvenate.

"Completely razed to the ground? It seems that the count is having a good time in Shanghai." Weiler said with a smile.

ps: Thank you for your support.

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