Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 95: Equipment (middle)

The new antifreeze lubricating oil plays a very good role in protecting the engine, even in the extremely low outdoor temperature, the engine can run normally. .

In the past, the Germans used conventional lubricants. Before starting the engine, they had to find a way to warm up the engine and let the solidified lubricating oil flow clear again, otherwise it would not only fail to start the engine, but also cause serious damage to moving parts such as cylinders.

On some extremely cold days on the Eastern Front, German tankers could only produce a bonfire under the tank to defrost the icy engine lines to ensure that the engine could start normally.

This is not a special invention by the Germans. The situation of the opposite Red Army is similar. Although the Red Army has special antifreeze lubricants, not every tank can be spread, especially the freezing point of diesel is relatively high, and it is easy to analyze wax at very low temperatures. Solidification requires external heating to start. Historically, the Soviet Union was disintegrated. The winter roast engine was the housekeeping skill of the Soviet northern cluster tankers.

Gasoline will not be solidified until minus 75 degrees, but it is easily ignited by an open flame. If you encounter some tanks with oil leakage problems, every time you heat up the fire, you will pass through the ghost gate.

Now that the German tank driver has new equipment, the technician has added a gasoline heater to the original water cooling system, and used the method of heating the water tank coolant to preheat the engine. Although it will consume part of the fuel for a long time, it will consume some fuel. Tankers no longer need to start the engine every few minutes on cold winter nights. The overall calculation not only saves a lot of fuel, but also reduces the loss of the engine and the starter.

The cooling water in the corresponding engine water tank was replaced with ethylene glycol antifreeze to avoid the failure of the cooling water and the expansion of the cooling water at low temperature, damage to the water tank and the engine block and piston cover. The Germans did not notice this problem in history, causing many tanks to lose their combat capabilities because of damaged engine cylinders.

Ethylene glycol antifreeze is not a new idea. Both Shell and French have mature products. However, antifreeze was not used in most parts of Europe at that time. People did not have this concept. Moreover, this thing is toxic, and people generally reject it. Therefore, there is not much market demand, and enterprises cannot increase production. But now Faben companies have begun to produce antifreeze with all their strength. This is a considerable order. Considering the number of motor vehicles owned by the National Defense Forces, the executives of the Fabian company are excited all night long.

An electric heater heater was installed in the No. 4 tank, and iron pipes were used to provide warm air to each battle position, especially the driver and the radio operation seat. When the engine was not started, it could be operated with on-board batteries.

This equipment was unanimously welcomed by tank drivers, especially when parked in the snow to stand by. This kind of fan is like a gift from angels, warming everyone's hearts, but because this thing consumes more electricity, Therefore, it can not be turned on for a long time when parking to avoid consuming photocells. But even if it takes a minute or two to drive halfway, it is an ultimate enjoyment for a tanker who has been frozen to death in an iron shell.

Like the infantry, the tank driver got a new type of gloves. The prototype came from the U.S. military in history. The fingerless windproof gloves that appeared only in four or two years because a certain apostolic fan's wings appeared in the hands of the German army two years earlier. .

This pair of gloves is made of woolen cloth, with a leather pad on the back of the hand. It looks no different from ordinary fingerless gloves, but if you turn it over, you will find that there is an extra finger sleeve on the inside of the glove. Just put an index finger in it.

This design can not only ensure the excellent insulation effect of fingerless gloves, but also prevent soldiers from using their index fingers to pull the trigger or take some small things.

Some minor improvements have also been made inside the tank. A layer of fireproof fabric is attached to the parts where some crew members are easily exposed to prevent the skin from freezing on the cold steel surface if it accidentally touches the cold steel surface.

Let's take a look at those semi-tracked troop transporters. Now they are all equipped with a quickly removable canvas roof. Although they can't be sealed, they can also shield the soldiers from the harsh snow and cold wind outside the car. A kerosene heating furnace, with an iron protection rack, soldiers can simmer boiling water and food, and also provide some additional temperature for the cabin.

The German kettle has a felt sheath, which has a certain thermal insulation effect, but in the face of the severe cold of the East Line, this layer of felt will not have much effect. On the battlefield in ice and snow, boiling water is simply the source of life. A cup of instant hot soup or coffee can allow soldiers to quickly dispel fatigue after the battle.

Instant coffee is not a new invention. The US military in World War I already distributed similar products, and Nestle’s instant coffee has been sold in the world for two years at this time, and it has also registered a patent in Germany.

The German Wehrmacht is not too bad at this point, so the German Headquarters placed an order with Nestlé for the first 500 tons of instant coffee to be tried in the army. At the same time, the German Ministry of Commerce is also negotiating with Nestlé to build a joint venture between the two companies in Germany, preparing to manufacture instant beverages suitable for German tastes in Germany.

Germany does not produce coffee beans, but the Germans like to drink coffee very much. The fragrant coffee may be the second favorite drink of Germans besides beer.

Due to the British blockade in history, Germany can only obtain the necessary supplies through third countries. Coffee beans are not a necessity, so it cannot be placed on the list of priority imports. The coffee stocks before the war were quickly sold out, most of which were used by the military. Collected by Fang for the enjoyment of Nazi officials and the army.

As a result, by the end of the war, even the military's coffee had gradually disappeared. The German folks came up with a lot of strange alternative formulas, such as roasted peas, to alleviate the suffering of having no coffee.

Germany lacks the conditions to make instant coffee. The army has always used the traditional brewing method. Small coffee mills have become an indispensable item in military officers’ carry-on luggage. Good South American coffee beans in a small bag are sometimes even more valuable than gold.

When the German soldiers are free, they will use a variety of simple utensils to make coffee in the battlefield, not only to satisfy their own tongue and mouth, a cup of aromatic coffee will remind them of the family atmosphere and make them feel alive. Taste.

After the lifting of the blockade, coffee is no longer a rare luxury in Germany. Coffee beans and cocoa produced in South America are pouring into Europe like a tide at the moment. The prices on the market are rapidly diving. I believe that it will soon be restored to the Second Empire. The level of the period.

Nestlé instant coffee can allow soldiers to taste the delicious flavor anytime, anywhere, the meaning of which can only be understood by those who have stayed on the front line.

Now with instant coffee, the German soldiers only need to find hot water for brewing. Under normal circumstances, the army will have a logistics department to supply hot water. The field cooking vehicle is designed with a special hot water stove, which can meet one row at a time. Demand for boiling water.

It's just that if the battle is stuck, the supply line is likely to be cut off by the enemy's artillery. At that time, let alone boiling water, even ordinary drinking water is difficult to guarantee.

Some people say that the snow is full of water. It is not enough to grab a handful of snow. The problem is that the east line is not only winter, but also the season when the sun is like fire drops and rain does not fall, and the snow is not melted for drinking. Yes, especially after the outbreak of fighting, a layer of gunpowder debris and frozen soil often fell on the snow. After melting, the water was filled with a brimstone, who would dare to pour it into his mouth.

German soldiers have a small bottle of alum water purification tablets in the distribution to purify drinking water, but this is only an expedient measure, and the safest treatment is to boil the water.

The infantry can use a small folding furnace to carry water between battles, but the tank driver does not have this condition, so the German head of state has made a small invention. A simple electric heating tube can be placed in various containers. Daimyo electric heater, nickname "heats quickly".

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