Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 96: Equipment (Part 2)

Armored vehicles have generators and batteries, which can provide electricity for electrical appliances, and heating fast is just the easiest heating tool. The head of state also proposed the idea of ​​an electric kettle, not the shiny and streamlined small kitchen appliances of the later generations, but the simple shape of the lifting beam kettle, which is quite suitable for the aesthetic taste of the Germans at this time.

It only takes time to build the production line, and it is not yet possible to take out the finished products for the time being. I believe that not only the military will be popular, but even the civilian market will be very popular.

At this time, pipeline gas in German cities was not fully popularized. Some old buildings still used coal-fired stoves, but all buildings were powered by electricity. Compared with the unpleasant exhaust gas emitted by coal-fired stoves, citizens will definitely I like this clean and fast tool for boiling water.

If you are not worried about the early leakage of the cavity magnetron technology, Xu Jun is even preparing to come up with a microwave oven. This heating artifact is too convenient, but at present it seems that it can only wait another year or two.

The United States did not get the British cavity magnetron technology as it has in history, and because the British secret work was done well, the Americans did not even know that this technology existed at this time. Japanese scientists had touched a little bit, but they did In their internal technical battles, they were kept in the cabinet, and they never continued to develop.

The cavity magnetron (resonant cavity magnetron) is the core component of the centimeter wave radar. Germany and the United Kingdom are currently cooperating with each other to prepare for the development of a new generation of mobile radar stations, as well as air defense and fire control used on warships. The radar system has completed some technological breakthroughs and has produced some excellent results.

Of course, these projects are top secrets, and all participants are strictly monitored. The British are well aware of the great value of this technology. They have begun to warn relatives on the other side of the Atlantic and will not allow their high-end technology. Loss to the other side.

The newly developed mobile radar vehicle will be able to maneuver with the troops, and after deployment, it will be able to detect medium- and high-altitude flying objects within a range of 120 kilometers, and ultra-low-altitude targets flying at a height of 20 meters within a range of 50 kilometers. Basically put an end to the possibility of low-altitude raids by enemy bombers.

Several of these mobile radar stations can cooperate with various mobile anti-aircraft artillery equipped by the German army to build a complete anti-aircraft system and support a solid protective umbrella for ground troops.

As for the corresponding anti-aircraft artillery, Xu Jun has determined several design options, and currently only waits for Rhein Steel to develop the universal delivery platform he needs. Now Rheinland Steel is conducting comparative tests on several projects. The most outstanding performance is the improved crawler chassis based on "Fenris".

It is the chassis of the reduced version of the Carl 600 mortar gun mentioned in the previous article. Rheinmetall equipped it with a new engine, replaced with a new suspension system, and increased the width of the track to obtain better off-road capabilities. The unloaded chassis once ran out of the highest score of 57 kilometers per hour on the test track, and the model number was sd.kz170.

Xu Jun is interested in using sd.kz170 as a universal crawler chassis and then transforming it into various mobile firepower platforms. This kind of chassis can easily carry a complete 88mm anti-aircraft gun. At present, there is no German artillery that cannot be carried by it, except for the train gun.

Xu Jun needs to improve the versatility of German equipment as much as possible. This has great significance for manufacturing and logistics maintenance. Xu Jun’s goal is to ensure that any German self-propelled artillery can be damaged in the nearest repair station. Find a suitable replacement part.

In the future, the air defense firepower of the German armored forces will be divided into three layers: near mid-range and long-range. The short-range air defense fire will be dominated by four 20-mm anti-aircraft guns. It was handed over to the famous 88mm anti-aircraft gun, and it is important to know that air defense is what this artillery does.

As for the more powerful anti-aircraft systems, such as 105 and 128 mm anti-aircraft guns, they are only responsible for the air defense of the core vital areas. They are good at attacking high-altitude targets, while field mobile air defense often encounters high- and low-altitude high-speed targets, such as fighter bombers. Compared with ground attack aircraft, these large-caliber anti-aircraft guns are powerful, but they are not suitable for fighting these small flying flies.

Xu Jun once wanted to install "Faffnir" on the land combat platform, but then found that the ammunition consumption rate was too fast, and a small amount of deployment did not have much effect. A large number of logistics units had to be rebelled. This thing was hit in a minute. The shells are enough to make an Erlikon sweep for a long time.

However, Xu Jun will not miss this excellent design. He has ordered Krupp to design a rapid-fire machine gun on the basis of "Favnier", using machine guns with a 12.7 mm caliber. Xu Jun is ready to take this The machine gun is installed on a heavy wheeled armored vehicle, and it is believed that it will become a nightmare in the cold night of the Soviet Red Army soldiers.

At the same time, Germany purchased m2 Browning's production license from the United States, and the US arms industry has not been very prosperous and urgently needs to obtain overseas orders. Faced with the Germans who wield cheques, chaebols don’t care whether you are a dictator fascist or not, as long as the price is right and the technology does not involve too much confidentiality, they are willing to take out anything.

Browning m2 machine guns left a deep impression on the German generals in the shooting performance of the weapons proving ground. Everyone unanimously requested that a large number of such large-caliber machine guns be equipped in the German troops to supplement the medium and long-range strike forces.

Xu Jun is also preparing to replace a part of the mg34 machine gun equipped with the lower armor with the m2 machine gun. This machine gun can be used as a general air defense weapon for the armor unit, and can also be used to attack enemy infantry and light armor units.

At that time, whether it is an 82-barrel truck or off-road beetle, or a semi-tracked troop carrier and heavy truck, it can carry an m2 as a self-defense weapon. The disadvantage of this machine gun is that it is too large and heavy, and the ammunition carrying capacity is limited, but after being installed on a motor vehicle, these disadvantages no longer exist.

Speaking of semi-tracked vehicles, an improved model of 251 is being developed. To this end, I specifically bought several American m3 semi-tracked personnel carriers as a reference. Xu Jun is waiting to see what can be done in the end.

The semi-tracked truck has a strong period characteristic and is a product of a special period. At that time, the roads in Europe and the Americas were not as developed as in later generations. Most of the rural areas were soil-based roads, and even many roads in towns in Eastern Europe are still It’s a dirt road, which becomes muddy as soon as the rainy season comes. This is not an exaggeration. This situation is common in Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union.

The semi-tracked vehicle is suitable for driving on conventional highways, and it is also suitable for this kind of pristine dirt road in the country. It has good passability and can maintain a considerable speed. Therefore, the semi-tracked vehicle has become the first choice for the fashion armor transportation vehicle. It was not that people at the time did not have knowledge, but the conditions at that time were no more.

The full-tracked troop carrier of the later generations is an equipment spawned by the infantry to assault with the tank troops in a large-scale armored warfare or even a nuclear war environment. Because of the lack of survivability in this kind of war environment, half-tracked vehicles with open bodywork were quickly eliminated by history.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the war model changed dramatically, so most European countries abandoned the cumbersome, expensive, fuel-intensive and complicated-structured all-track personnel carriers and replaced them with faster, more flexible and economical wheeled vehicles.

The topic went further, and back to the German half-track vehicle family, there were several new members in the German logistics convoy. The head of state came up with a modification plan for the semi-tracked truck. In fact, it is not complicated to open it. That is to replace the original rear wheel of the truck with a track action mechanism, so that an ordinary military truck has the off-road capability of the semi-tracked truck.

Not only the German trucks were accepted for modification, but some British and French trucks seized by the German army also had similar modifications, especially several of them. All the models of the all-wheel drive model were equipped with track-modified parts, and all of them showed amazing off-road capabilities.

It is foreseeable that these seemingly simple modifications will greatly improve the transport and supply capabilities of the German army under harsh terrain conditions.

ps: Thank you for your support, there is still a lot of content not mentioned, there will be a "continued" chapter tomorrow.

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