Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 147: Login

Yanbu is a city with a long history. The earliest record of the city began in 324 BC, when Alexander the Great sent a naval commander to investigate the Red Sea coast. The emperor was obviously not Come for peace, but just before the conquering king is ready to start on the Arabian Peninsula, he suddenly crashes in Babylon.

Yanbu means alluvial in the language of the locals. Every year, rainwater in the mountains flows into the Red Sea from the wadi between the mountains, and the carried mud accumulates in an oasis here, which stretches for more than 40 kilometers from the Hanzhi Mountains. Extending to the Red Sea coast, the ground also contains abundant freshwater sources.

Around the first century BC, this is an important sea supply station on the Arabian Spice Trade Road. A large number of frankincense and myrrh from the East are transported by sea to Yanbatai via Yanbu, then overland to Gaza, and finally shipped. Cross the Mediterranean.

At that time, the Arab businessman almost monopolized the gold line. Unfortunately, the opponent they met was the Roman Emperor Augustus. Octavian did not sit back and watch his gold loss. He sent Elius Garros. Leading the legion to invade the Red Sea coast, intending to share a slice of the spice business in India and Arabia. At that time, Yanbu was still under the rule of the Nabataeans, and the Roman troops stationed in Yanbu often looted Arab tribes nearby. It was not until the Aksumite Empire rose on both sides of the Red Sea that the forces of the Roman Empire were forced to evacuate the area.

This port city has always been the most important commodity transit port on the east coast of the Red Sea, and it is also the only estuary of the sacred medina. Yanbu just guards an important mountain pass in the Hijaz Mountains (also known as the Hanzhi Mountains). This mountain range lying in the west of the Arabian Peninsula has an elevation of more than three thousand meters. The internal rift mountain roads are densely and horizontally spread. However, only six mountain passes led to the Red Sea coast.

From the seventh century AD to the beginning of the twentieth century, Yanbu has been the landing place for pilgrims visiting the Medina in North Africa. Every year, they can get a lot of benefits from these believers. During the reign of the Ottoman Empire, Yanbu became a municipality directly under the empire. All the officials under management were appointed by the imperial government, and an armed force was also stationed to maintain the authority of these Turkish officials.

But in fact, this area has never escaped the control of the local Arab nomadic tribes. From the first century AD, this is the traditional control area of ​​the Zhuhaina and Banikeb tribes. During World War I, Ibn Saudi sent his fourth son, Prince Faisal. Saudi Arabia to Yanbu to recruit and train the Arab army. This army was the prototype of the regular army of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The 8,000 Arab soldiers recruited by Faisal Most of them are the people of the Zhuhaina tribe.

The reason why the Saudi family chose to train soldiers here is because the British used to import aid materials and weapons to Saudi Arabia through Yanbu port. This is the main reason why Britain knows this sea area so much. After the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yanbu is still a municipality directly under the Kingdom. The status of this port is very important, and it can also bring certain profits to the royal family through import and export trade every year.

However, after the independence of Saudi Arabia, because of problems with the British relationship, British merchant ships from India to Egypt no longer docked in the Saudi harbour, Yanbu port gradually fell into depression, a large number of residents lost their jobs, many people chose to go to Jiji, two hundred miles away Try your luck in Dagang, and more people will drag their families to the inland cities, where they can rely on planting and grazing to maintain their livelihoods.

It was just dawning at this time, and there was only one cargo ship for exporting date palms and two coast ferries in Yanbu Port docked at the berths of the pier. Abdul Harig was the night watchman at the port. Today he put on a blanket of worship on the rooftop of the duty room as usual, and then he began daily morning prayers in the direction of Mecca. On the tower, a loud ceremonial message sounded, representing the beginning of a new day.

But Harrieg never dreamed that while he was praying religiously, a small invasion was ongoing on a beach 20 kilometers away from Yanbu Port.


"Keep heading! Be sure to follow the course!" The landing captain wearing an M40 navy helmet shouted at the helmsman loudly.

"It's a green signal flare, sir." The antiaircraft machine gunner behind the cab shouted loudly. The signal bomb was launched by the amphibious reconnaissance team on the [Archangel]. The green signal bomb indicates that the target area is safe, and no enemy units have been found within a kilometer of the surrounding area.

"Stabilize, don't yaw." The captain reminded the helmsman again, then lifted the telescope in front of his chest.

"The engine is ready to start. When rushing down the springboard, be careful not to move too much." Sergeant Elma Snell lowered his head to the driver, and then stepped on the captain's seat to reach half of the body from the turret.

"Sword Tooth Tiger" and historical "Puma" have many differences in details. At that time, "Puma" used the turret of the German Type II "Lynx" investigation tank. It was found that after installing this turret, SD The .kz234/2 wheeled armored vehicle surpassed the Bobcat reconnaissance tank in terms of speed, protection and firepower. As a result, the counterforce forced the Bobcat tank to be eliminated by the German army early. Only one hundred vehicles were built before and after the production was stopped.

This is a scout armored vehicle that can break the wrist with a medium tank. Its 50mm gun can even threaten the T34 tank within 500 meters.

In fact, the appearance of sd.kz234 has been two years earlier than its true history. It was originally designed as a replacement product for the 231 eight-wheel armored vehicle. Now because of the flap of a God's apostle's wings, this armored vehicle designed for combat in the tropics appeared early in front of people.

Compared with 231, 234 enhances the thickness of the frontal armor and reduces the overall height of the vehicle. The chassis has increased in height due to the improved driving structure. Xu Jun equipped the armored vehicle with an improved version of the "Lynx" turret, retaining the original pig-nosed gun shield, lengthening the turret length, and installing a captain's command tower on top.

This armored vehicle, like its predecessors, is equipped with two front and rear driving systems, each with a steering wheel at both ends, and no need to turn around when retreating. There are four occupants in the car, the driver, the radio officer, the captain and the loader. If necessary, the radio officer works as the rear driver, and the captain also serves as the gunner.

"Last thirty meters!" Sergeant Snell bowed his head to the subordinate in the cabin. The crew members sat on their seats, grasping the surrounding parts that could fix the body, preparing to withstand the impact of the landing boat at the moment.

"Ten meters! Get ready!" Snar yelled.

After a few seconds, everyone heard the harsh sound of rubbing gravel on the bottom of the ship, the propeller of the landing craft had stopped rotating, and the steel boat carrying a huge potential of dozens of tons slowly climbed to the beach.

"Put down the springboard!" the captain of the landing boat commanded the mg40 machine gun, and the operator on the side pressed the lever hard. The heavy steel springboard door quickly moved forward in the sound of the bitter metal friction. Falling down, then hit the beach fiercely.

"Go forward!" Sergeant Snell leaned out of the tower, shaking his right hand.

The engine of the eight-wheeled armored car made a pleasant roar. The driver skillfully pushed up the gear lever and slightly stepped on the accelerator under the foot. The saber-toothed tiger began to advance slowly. The rubber tires rolled on the anti-skid reinforcement welded to the side of the springboard door.

"The second row is landing! Sir, everything is going well." Captain Wagner handed the high-power telescope and reported to the commander loudly.

"No resistance was encountered, as we had expected." Captain Cot looked down at the map on the table.

"Gentlemen, let's go too. Today at noon, we are going to celebrate the victory at Yanbu Port." Wicom straightened the hem of his uniform and picked up the helmet on the table.

ps: The first chapter is presented. The competition was fierce on the last day. Although it currently occupies a certain advantage, it can’t be taken lightly until the final victory is won. After all, anything can happen this year. Please continue to ask everyone for monthly ticket support Today is the last day of the month, and the success or failure is tonight.

After dinner, I will start the next chapter. The update time may be a little later than usual, I hope everyone understands.

Thank you for your support, I am still working hard.

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