Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 148: go ahead

Because no obstacles were encountered, the landing became like an outing. With the full operation of the combat operations, the German army began to run like a machine at high speed. The operational timetable formulated by the Germans is quite detailed, and each unit is trying its best to follow the steps in the combat plan.

"After landing, I followed all the way behind the beach and ran to the road to stop." A sergeant platoon commanded the assistant gunner of the machine gun group while adjusting the strap of the gun frame. This is a six-person heavy machine gun group that carries one more laette tripod mount than conventional machine gun groups.

"For the time being, there will be no battle. Put the bayonet all away and don't accidentally injure yourself." The sergeant greeted, and several riflemen in the platoon began to remove the bayonet from the rifle.

These infantrymen were no longer riding on the cement products of the Battle of England, but a decent lcv (vehicle landing craft). The design was originally designed to carry a platoon of 36 fully armed US infantry platoons on the coast. However, in actual operations because landing troops carry additional equipment and ammunition, they usually do not cram so many people.

The number of German infantry platoons exceeds that of the US, so the German version of the lcv is larger than the blueprint, and the rated number has increased to 48. There are only thirty-seven soldiers in the landing craft now, because some space is needed to ship a trailer with a base ammunition, radio station batteries, and emergency medicine.

"Guys, we're almost there!" the helmsman shouted behind the armor shield.

"Everyone is ready." The sergeant ordered loudly, grabbing the handle on the bulkhead.

After a burst of impact, the landing craft stopped, a crew member pulled the release lever, and the springboard door slowly opened forward.

"Go ahead and run, pay attention to your feet!" the sergeant commanded loudly, holding the bulkhead.

"Good luck, guys." The landing captain raised his hand to salute and say goodbye to the sergeant.

"I also wish you good luck, this is a very smooth voyage, captain." The sergeant returned a salute to the captain, then patted the shoulders of the two soldiers next to him, and several people pulled the trailer and rushed down the lifeboat. .

"Everyone is running! Don't be stupid!" the platoon leader shouted loudly at the soldier who was running deep into the beach.

"Which one arrives last will wash the socks for the entire row of people tonight." The sergeant's order was just exited. The infantry were like a whip on the buttocks, and the wild dogs began to move forward. Galloping.

"Do you feel better? Lieutenant Colonel, you really shouldn't eat the last cake." Jurgen handed a military kettle to Randolph's hand.

"But the cake tastes so delicious." Randolph ate a bite for breakfast, and when he got on the landing boat and was shaken by the waves, the colonel's stomach began to feel uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, it will be better after going ashore." Horne was sitting on an ammunition box holding a cigarette.

"Yes, you don't have to worry about me. Don't forget to take a picture of the landing. I want to show it to the head of state." Randolph opened the kettle lid and poured two warm waters before feeling a little bit better in the stomach.

"This is not a combat operation, this is an armed parade." Captain Dieterz said to Merkel.

"But the scene is magnificent, isn't it." Sergeant Merkel ran up the strap of the Mauser sniper rifle.

"Hopefully I will encounter a real battle next, I heard that these Arabs are quite brave and good at fighting." Sergeant Daniel Sergei of the Grey Sword team told his comrades in arms.

"Your arm injury last time was not good, don't let those Bedouins cut your baby off." The companion did not give the sergeant a face, and they laughed and started to joke around Daniel.

"After landing, we followed the armored vehicles of the reconnaissance platoon. Major Wicom arranged the vehicles for us." Randolph screwed the lid of the kettle and handed it to Jurgen.

"Follow the vanguard? That's exactly what I want." Jurgen buckled the kettle on the food bag in the lower back.

Because of the actual combat, the SS officers on board were all armed, and all were equipped with y-type straps used by the infantry. There were triple submachine gun magazine bags, gas mask cans, food bags, and grenades bags hanging around their waists. , As many kettles. The officer has an mp40 submachine gun, and the rest of the non-commissioned officers carry their own weapons. The gray sword team also brought an extra mg40 light machine gun.

"Sir, what are the origins of those SSs?" On the mechanized landing craft behind Randolph's side, the captain asked curiously to a lieutenant beside him.

"I heard about the special investigation team. It is said that the lieutenant colonel who led the team came from Berlin."

"Don't bluff me, how could such a big man come here?" The captain of the landing was startled.

"I have seen a lot in Poland, all hung with the name of the special operations team, and it is said that it is also mixed with the Gestapo of the General Administration of Security." The lieutenant smiled at the captain with a strange look.

"What did you say they were a special investigation team? Is it?"

"Hush, I didn't say anything." The lieutenant patted the captain's shoulder gently.

"Sir, Captain Sleiman reported that the operation was proceeding smoothly, and the Second Company of Infantry has set up defense lines on both sides of the road south of the beach." Next to the barrel truck parked in the middle of the cabin, the communications staff reported to the commander with a microphone. .

"Order him to continue vigilance, intercept and detain all vehicles and personnel coming from the south. If they encounter resistance, they will be annihilated on the spot." Wicom looked down at the map on the front of the car and marked the time with a pencil.

"At this speed, we can complete the entire landing half an hour earlier than planned." Wicom raised his head and said to Cote.

"I think it is possible to advance the three companies to the attack of Yanbu Port, plus the motorized infantry of those two companies, and strive to win the city of Yanbu before noon." Captain Cote suggested.

"There are a lot of herdsmen along the coast here. Our landing could not hide the people in Yanbu City for too long. Perhaps a witness has gone to report it at this moment." Captain Grumma, the combat staff adviser.

"What you said is likely to happen, Grumma." Wicom thinks frowning.

"According to what you said, order the second row of the third company and the second row of the Mobu to search forward in the direction of Yanbu City. If you encounter an enemy interception, you can launch an attack." The battalion commander raised his wrist Looked at the time.

"It's 8:06, and the second phase of the battle begins. Has the battalion vehicle landed?" Wicom looked at the combat staff.

"Uninstalling is in progress." A staff officer reported.

"Contact [Archangel], we have to start the operation in advance." Wicom ordered to the signal soldier.


"Captain, Major Wicom sent a contact, and they began the second phase of operations." A naval communications soldier quickly ran up the bridge.

"How many troops are left?" Colonel Rudolph turned his head and asked the first officer.

"Almost three waves need to be transferred."

"Wicom is too anxious, but I can understand." Colonel Rudolph walked to the side of the bridge and looked up at the coast with his telescope.

"To release the shipborne reconnaissance aircraft, they need intelligence support. Accelerate the speed of troop transfers, and strive to complete the final transfer within fifteen minutes." Colonel Rudolph put down the telescope.

"Are you still acting according to the original combat plan? Captain." the first officer asked.

"After releasing the landing craft, stop the recovery operation and order the ships to stand by near the beach. We will come back to pick them up." Rudolph walked to the chart table.

"When the last landing boat is sent out, we pull out the anchor and set sail to the port of Yanbu as planned. These troops may need our artillery support." Colonel Rudolph pointed to the marked route on the chart.


"Gentlemen, time is running out, let's go first! Armor! Advance!" Just on the coast road 800 meters away from the [Archangel], Captain Snell waved his arms forward, six in three rows and two in a row Heavy armored vehicles began to advance along the highway towards Yanbu Port in the southwest.

"Go ahead, let's take that city, gentlemen!" Randolph stood on the front passenger seat of a bucket car, stepped on the dashboard with one foot, and pointed one finger forward.

"Hi! Reinhardt! For the heads of state!" The SS members shouted in slogans in unison, amid the roar of an engine, a special SS team composed of three barrel cars and six tricycles followed by three companies The second row of armored vehicles ran away.

"Damn it! Catch up with the guys in front! Can't let the SS run ahead of us." The eight four-wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicles in three rows and three rows are not far behind, and the drivers increased their horsepower to charge forward.

"Wait a minute, don't go, this group of bastards, come back! This group of **** scum!" The motorized infantry platoon jumped and cursed beside the road, and his men were still rushing towards the truck. Shipment of ammunition and equipment, the blink of an eye, the group of armored vehicles has run away.

ps: Chapter 2 is sent, a little late, please forgive me.

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