Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 165: Kuhnberg's story (middle)

"I know you must know something about this organization, after all, your family! I am very sorry, my head of state." Weierle made a look of fear, and the emperor's head assumed that he was sincere, anyway, Stein The meaning of the German family to this dictator is limited to one identity.

"It doesn't matter, Weiler, an ancestor of the Stad family once joined the Illuminati, which is not a secret in the aristocracy." Xu Jun took the wine glass and took a sip of brandy.

Weierle said slightly, "I understand that my head, the Stadler family has paid a great price for this."

"I know that the light will die so easily, but I didn't expect them to continue to be active now. Is this organization still struggling for that illusory goal? Weierle." Xu Jun put down his glass and reached out to open the table Cigar box on the side.

"According to Kuhnberg, this is indeed the case. This organization is gradually weakening, but it still has tenacious vitality." Weierle took the glass and took a sip of brandy.

"Can I have another glass? My head." The chief of staff shook his empty glass.

"You are free." Xu Jun pointed his cigar at the crystal bottle on the table.

"Does the light affect the world government?" Xu Jun lit the match and lit the cigar.

The Illumination Society has also been translated into the Illuminati or Illuminati. There are many eye-catching legends surrounding this organization in later generations. Most of them are connected with conspiracy theories. In the eyes of the world, this is a mysterious society similar to Freemasonry. In fact, the difference between the two is indeed not much.

According to legend, this organization is the heir to the decayed Atlantis civilization. They use knowledge and technology beyond the time to secretly manipulate the operation of the entire world. They are historical forensics, civilization's supervisors, quietly Promote the progress of human civilization. In fact, as long as the IQ is on the line, you know that this rumor is not reliable at all. If the light will really have such a powerful force, then how can the history of Europe be like shit.

The real Illuminati does exist. They inherited not the Atlantis but the blood of the Byzantine Empire. Many of the founders were surviving priests of the Byzantine Empire. They pursued ideological emancipation and supported the European Cultural Enlightenment Movement. The power to worship knowledge and to oppose the darkness and ignorance of the Holy See are regarded as heresy by the Catholic Church.

The headquarters of the Illuminati was in Bavaria. At that time, the wave of religious reform in Europe created soil for the development of the Illuminati. They controlled part of the knowledge and cultural heritage left by the Byzantine Empire, many of which were strictly sealed by the Holy See. According to the teaching, these technologies are derived from Ottoman, Persian, ancient Egypt, India and even the distant Middle-earth Daming. Some of these extremely sensitive content, ordinary people may be punished by religious trials only if they hold it.

At that time, this organization absorbed a large number of famous European arts and scientists, such as Galileo, Copernicus, and Bruno, who are legendary members of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati not only attracted a group of emancipated scientists, but also a group of German aristocrats who were dissatisfied with the Holy See and the existing order. This organization began to introduce the power of German Freemasonry in the mid-16th century. As soon as the anti-guests dominated, the members of the Illuminati gained leadership in Freemasonry. A large number of Freemasonry Templars, among them the more famous are General Prussian von Brunswick Kleinburg and Prince Hessen’s Carl , Joined the Illuminati as a member of Freemasonry.

Relying on the power held by Freemasonry, the Illuminati quickly developed into an important political force that infiltrated all levels of society. The membership of the Illuminati and Freemasonry overlapped, but in terms of political ideas, the former was more purposeful.

The vigorous development of the Illuminati in the Germanic region has threatened the local interests of the Holy See. Although the dark Middle Ages have ended, the Holy See still nominally holds the power of most of the Christian world, under the coercion and temptation of Rome. The King of Prussia and the Marquis of Bavaria signed an agreement with the Holy See to eliminate all secret associations in Bavaria. In the second year, the Freemasonry and the Illuminati were branded as treason and heresy. In the third year, the government of Prussia and Bavaria All people who participated in the Illuminati openly were sentenced to death.

During the cleansing of the Illuminati, some nobles were deprived of their titles, including the ancestor of the Stade family. At that time, the branch of the Stade family was forced to leave the Kingdom of Prussia and migrated back to the main house in the sacred. The territories of the Roman Empire, and the interests of the Stade family in Prussia were plundered, it is not a loss.

After being severely attacked by the government, the Illuminati found silence on the Germanic land within a few years. Some people thought that the organization was disbanded, but more people believed that they had been transferred underground, and they were still going on. Secret activity.

In Xu Jun's view, the decisions of the German lords were correct and decisive. If they let the Guangming continue to operate in their own territory, the first one who is unlucky will be themselves. The Illuminati is not an underground society with a strong religious atmosphere, such as Freemasonry, but a political group with firm ideas and goals. Their goal is to subvert the existing centralized political system and world order, and establish a fascism that rules the world. Centralized government.

After gaining the ruling power, the light will strictly classify human beings. Some elite rulers will be above the other, while others will become middle managers and guards, while most of the rest will be reduced to production workers or even slave labor. The survival value of these people is to serve the ruler and fight for this system for life.

There may be a market for this idea in the sixteenth century, but in the early twentieth century, it will only make people shudder. Hitler may try to achieve some goals, but Xu Jun knows that this head of state is not a member of the Illuminati at all. It's just that I have come into contact with some documents of the Illuminati, and it has long been said that Hitler's so-called political ambitions are actually a pot of stew.

"Kunberg met a man who claimed to be the Earl of Hansen in a prisoner of war camp in Paris. The man claimed to be a Bavarian nobleman, but it was clear that he was serving the French." Weyler picked up the crystal bottle And poured himself half a glass of brandy.

"It's not surprising, Weierle, a traitor will appear in any country." Xu Jun spit out smoke and threw the matchstick into the ashtray.

"My head, as far as I know, this was a rare thing at the time, to know that the German Empire had not yet failed." Weyler reminded.

"Don't forget that the royal family of Hohenzollern never lacked enemies." Xu Jun lifted his glass with disdain. He did not directly explain the meaning behind this sentence out of courtesy.

In the history of the Hohenzollern family, many wise and courageous monarchs have indeed emerged, but for the last Caesar, it is really speechless.

"You're right, I didn't take this into consideration, my head of state." Since the Yuan capital said this, Weierle certainly would not refute it, and Xu Jun was indeed right when he said it. That William II seemed to add all his skill points to taunts, and no one in the world could find a better cauldron than him.

"Go on, tell us about the Earl of Hansen, Weiler." Xu Jun took a sip of the brandy and placed the glass on the table.

ps: The first chapter is served, and the second chapter may be a bit late. Bookworms who can’t wait can read it again tomorrow.

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